Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows XP => Topic started by: samp on July 08, 2009, 05:08:38 AM

Title: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: samp on July 08, 2009, 05:08:38 AM

My desktop has crashed for the 3rd time and after getting some good advice from computerhope and getting the hard drive checked out, the problem seems to be with Windows.  So.....

I have XP and am going to reload the OS (which I have done every time before) but am wondering about partitioning the hard drive to put the OS on one partition and data on another.  Any help, advice or ideas about this would be much appreciated.  Are there other options that are better?  External hard drive for example?

thanks in advance,
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: jerryheavyarms on July 08, 2009, 11:38:59 AM
You could configure the partition during XP installation. Just specify the size you want for your partition during the setup. I think it is before you format the disk..
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: Rob Pomeroy on July 08, 2009, 12:33:31 PM
The best advice anyone can possibly give you: take regular backups!
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: soybean on July 08, 2009, 02:23:05 PM
am wondering about partitioning the hard drive to put the OS on one partition and data on another.  Any help, advice or ideas about this would be much appreciated.
As Rob implied, it should not be viewed as a substitute for regular backups.  But, even if you do regular backups on an external media, partitioning has some advantages.  For example, if you download music, download software, put digital photos on your computer, etc., why keep all of that on the same partition as your OS?  If you do so, defragmenting your hard drive requires your defragmentation program to defragment all those files.  By partitioning and selectively defragmenting the files that most need defragmenting, you'll save time when defragmenting.

Edit: to add "not" in first sentence.
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: fat_basterd21 on July 09, 2009, 06:19:22 AM
What I perfer is to make a backup partition and put everything on there that doesn't have to be installed. Then on the main partition put Windows.

Get a tool that makes a image of your windows partition. Then in about 10 minutes you can reformat and take it back to a clean install if needed.

An external HD is not needed although I have a small portable HD that I love. I have everything I need/want and can use it on any computer ^^
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: spaddack on July 09, 2009, 08:52:22 PM
Gparted (Gnome Partition Editor) is a Linux Live CD distro that i find very convenient for creating/resizing partitions.

You can find it here:

It has a nice GUI, no no worries if you are not familiar with Linux-- just download the image, burn it to a CD, boot to it, and the program starts automatically. You'll figure it out in no time. Like some others have suggested, separate your OS from your personal data in the beginning... the XP install CD can help you out with that, i believe. But, if, in the future, you devise some genius partitioning scheme, this free tool will let you edit them as you wish.

Backup your data before editing your partitions... these programs are nice but can not be trusted
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: JJ 3000 on July 09, 2009, 10:26:35 PM
If you just want to back up your data then I would just go with an external hard drive.

If you want a walkthrough on how to set up partitions, post back with some more info.

Tell us:
1.The capacity of your hard drive
2. How many partitions you want and how much space you want to devote to each one.
3. The version of XP that you are using
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: samp on July 10, 2009, 05:18:12 AM
First thanks to all for the input and advice.

My computer is about 7 or 8 years old and has a 20Gb hard drive with XP (no SP1 or SP2) as far as I can tell.
(This is from memory as I can't access the computer which crashed to ask it for properties.  My own memory function is more than 7 years old unfortunately)

I just want 2 partitions, one for the OS and 1 for backup for documents, photos, etc.  Maybe about 5 Gb. (I do backups but not often enough and I have been burning them to Cd's which is a hassle.)

Question:  Can the OS be separate from program files (Adobe, Corel, scanners, printers,etc).  Is it possible to just reinstall the OS after a crash and have data and programs on another partition? 

A run through on how to create a partition would be greatly appreciated. I am still digesting info on partitioning and plan to re-install Windows in a few days.

Muchas gracias amigos,
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: soybean on July 10, 2009, 08:20:33 AM
Question:  Can the OS be separate from program files (Adobe, Corel, scanners, printers,etc).  Is it possible to just reinstall the OS after a crash and have data and programs on another partition?
When installing programs on a partitioned drives, most software will allow you to install most of the program files on a partition other than the OS partition.  However, this would not preclude having to reinstall the programs if you later had to reformat your OS partition and resintall Windows.  The reason is that Windows registry usually gets updates with numerous entries when programs are installed.  So, programs would need to be reinstalled in order for the registry to updated.  Therefore, I usually install programs on the same partition as the OS and keep data files on another partition.

A run through on how to create a partition would be greatly appreciated. I am still digesting info on partitioning and plan to re-install Windows in a few days.
Here's a good reference on that:
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: fat_basterd21 on July 10, 2009, 08:21:13 AM
Well you can save any files you want to the extra partition and it wont effect you reinstalling windows. However, programs like adobe will still have to be reinstalled reguardless of where you placed the install files. Installed programs I would just leave in program files to keep it easy.

Creating a partition this way will delete everything!!!

Restart you computer with the windows cd choose an option to view partitions. Delete any partitions there. Then create a new partition, 14500mb is close to 15gb and then make another partition with the remaining space. 8mb will be saved back for your boot partition (automatic). You going to want to format the new partitioins with ntfs you sould see an option along the way. Then make sure you install windows onto the correct partition. I think it will default to the first partition you make. It doesn't matter just select the right one.

I hope that gets you there, been a while since I've done it :p
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: JJ 3000 on July 11, 2009, 12:38:55 AM
You have a seven year old computer with a twenty gig hard drive.

If you want to make a good backup of your data, then you should either install another "slave" hard drive, or get an external hard drive or flash drive. Your hard drive is getting old, and this would be the best protection for your data. Even if your  hard drive is partitioned, the drive itself could fail and all of the partitions on it could become corrupted. So partitioning does not protect against hardware failure.

If you still want to slice up that twenty gig drive, post back and I will walk you through the process.

By the way, why haven't you installed any service packs? You know that they are free right?
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: samp on July 11, 2009, 05:20:25 AM
Many thanks for the replies.

Yes, my computer is an old one, and like all my cars I try to run them them until they collapse in a heap of rust and weariness.

With the computer the story is this: Low budget for starters, and I am also on dialup which is a real hassle for downloading anything (like Service packs etc) and I won't be getting high speed anytime soon because we live in a rural area almost forgotten by high speed providers and anyone else (but the garbage truck makes an appearance every two weeks.)

The computer has crashed at least 4 times that I can remember and each time I reload XP.  I was thinking a partition would save some data but I just got a flash drive and will use that as well (and more often).

Plus I would like to know how to partition a drive so I can do it with a new computer (on the wish list).

And many thanks to all who generously give their time to help out folks like me.

Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: patio on July 11, 2009, 07:14:01 AM
Order SP2 CD (

Shipping fee applies.
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: JJ 3000 on July 12, 2009, 01:42:02 AM
Boot to the XP CD.

Let it load up and then press F8 to agree to the licence agreement. You want to install a fresh copy of windows so press enter at the next screen. You will then come to this screen


Your partition should be highlighted. Press D to delete it. Windows will complain and ask if you really want to do it and you will have to press L to delete it. You should now just have raw space on your hard drive. Press C to create a new partition in the raw space.

Windows will assume that you just want to make one big partition but you don't want to do that. So type in the space you want for your XP partition. I suggest splitting the drive in half and devoting ten gigs to each partition. Type in 10240 for your XP partition. If you don't want to split it in half just type in how many MBs you want for your XP partition ( if you type in a number windows will "round" this number to make it make sense to itself, so don't worry it's normal).

Now you should have your main partition setup so press enter to install windows on it. Choose the NTFS file system. Don't use the quick method.

The first thing you want to do after installing windows is make sure that all of your drivers loaded. Click Start then Run and type in: devmgmt.msc and press enter. This will take you to device manger. If you see any yellow question marks or exclamation points you will need a driver for that device.

Now that you have XP installed and all of your drivers loaded it's time to set up that new partition. Click Start then Run and type in diskmgmt.msc and press enter. This will take you to disk management. You can also get there by clicking Start and then right click on My Computer and select Manage and then choose disk management.

In disk management you will see the raw space on your hard drive that we left alone earlier. It will be listed as unallocated and the disk icon will be listed as unknown.  Right click the the disk icon and choose initialize. Now right click the unallocated pat of the drive and select New Partition. This will start the New Partition Wizard.

The New Partition Wizard will ask if you want to make a primary or an extended partition. Choose Primary. Then you will see a screen asking you for the size of the partition. If you just want those two partitions, pick the entire free space. Then you will be asked to assign your partition a drive letter. You can pick any letter you like other than C.

The last screen of the New Partition Wizard asks for the type of partition that you want to use. Again, you want to use the NTFS format and do not use the quick method. At this screen you can also assign the new drive a volume label. You can name it whatever you wish. something like "backup drive" would work. There should be no reason to change the Allocation unit size so just leave that alone.  You can also  enable file and folder compression if you wish. If you want to use compression you will be able to right click any folder or file in your new drive/partition and compress it. Compression is good for freeing up disk space on a drive that's filling up, but it slows down disk access, so use it only if you need to.

After this you will be back at the disk management screen and you should now see your new partition. To access it and start using it Click start then choose my computer and click on your new drive.
Congratulations you did it!

If you need any more help just post back
Good Luck!
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: soybean on July 12, 2009, 08:41:06 AM
Boot to the XP CD.

Let it load up and then press F8 to agree to the licence agreement. You want to install a fresh copy of windows so press enter at the next screen. You will then come to this screen ...
which was covered here:
Here's a good reference on that:
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: samp on July 12, 2009, 03:35:56 PM

Again, a big THANKS to everyone who helped me out.

I now have my hard drive partitioned as I had hoped and am back online blasting along at  24 Kbps on my dialup connection. 

I did read Eldergeek and indeed have turned to him on several occasions in time past.  Special thanks to JJ300 for a nice simple runthrough.  Worked without a hitch.

Last question regarding my reload of XP:  Should I order the SP2 CD and attempt to load SP2? I have heard conflicting advice on this issue.  Some folks say it can cause a host of headaches and problems.  Any advice greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: soybean on July 12, 2009, 05:56:47 PM
I highly recommend you get SP2 and install it.  Since you've just performed a fresh installation of Windows XP, now is the best time to install SP2.  Some of the people who complained of problems - a very small percentage of the total population of SP2 installations, by the way - probably had some malware or other unknown problems in their systems before installing SP2 and that may have caused the problems they encountered after installing SP2.  In other words, installing SP2 on a clean system is the ideal situation.
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: patio on July 12, 2009, 05:59:51 PM
SP2 is highly was touted as a security fix when in reality it was a major upgrade to the OS...
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: fat_basterd21 on July 12, 2009, 09:29:13 PM
Heh... XP has moved onto SP3'

Not sure what all it does. But I know if Explorer.exe crashes it restarts it automaticaly. I dont think that happens pre SP3.
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: BC_Programmer on July 13, 2009, 03:21:21 AM
Heh... XP has moved onto SP3'

Not sure what all it does. But I know if Explorer.exe crashes it restarts it automaticaly. I dont think that happens pre SP3.

errr.... that's happened since windows 98, actually....
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: patio on July 13, 2009, 04:46:11 AM
Heh... XP has moved onto SP3'

But he will need SP2 first to install SP3....
Title: Re: Advice wanted on partitioning a hard drive
Post by: fat_basterd21 on July 13, 2009, 10:38:09 AM
Just saying dont stop at SP3 unless someone have a better reason.

Also I know of several programs that will not run on your comp unless you have SP2 installed.