Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: malaizai on July 12, 2009, 04:55:58 AM

Title: labtop disconnect from wireless
Post by: malaizai on July 12, 2009, 04:55:58 AM
I have a laptop and desktop computer in my house.
My problem is if I switched laptop 1st, the wireless connection was made properly.
when my desktop computer switched on with cable connected to router.
My laptop will disconnected from wireless. And can't get access to the line even though i re-connect it. I need to restart my router to gain the access.

Any1 here met this before??? I need to diagnosis my router or laptop wireless device?? or just local area network setting problem??
Title: Re: labtop disconnect from wireless
Post by: truenorth on July 16, 2009, 04:51:20 PM
malaizai,Your post has remained unanswered for quite a while. "plagerized solution--from Hexus" (i hope it works) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

make sure the laptop is set to use DHCP to receive network addresses - i suspect it's hard-coded to the same address to the router, hence kicking it off the network

and  "Following on from previous post, is your DHCP server set to allow enough address to be allocated? Has a similar problem recently where one device kept pushing another off the network, had to set allocationg to a higher number. "