Computer Hope

Software => Computer games => Topic started by: Gate001 on July 12, 2009, 05:45:54 PM

Title: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Gate001 on July 12, 2009, 05:45:54 PM
My favorite was MegaRace. Looking at it nowadays, its not that good, but back then, I thought it was awesome.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: jimbo8098 on July 12, 2009, 06:11:11 PM
wasn't starwars a dos game? Apparently lucas arts used to make the dos  games and they were quite good... I don;t even know since DOS was well before my time  ;D

I have made dos programs if it counts for anything... :-\
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Gate001 on July 12, 2009, 06:12:57 PM
yeah, there were at least 3 star wars dos games  :D
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on July 12, 2009, 07:21:15 PM
Doom, Duke Nukem 3d, and Quake.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Gate001 on July 12, 2009, 11:11:57 PM
Doom, Duke Nukem 3d, and Quake.
Yeah, Doom is one of my favorites, But I have never played Quake... :-\
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: quaxo on July 13, 2009, 12:45:18 AM
Apparently lucas arts used to make the dos  games and they were quite good...

Full Throttle, The Dig, and Sam & Max Hit The Road are all classic DOS games from Lucas Arts. As for Star Wars, the original X-Wing and Tie Fighter games were also Lucas classics that were done on DOS.

The Wing Commander games were DOS based (I, II, III, and Privateer, not sure about IV & V). Great games in their time.

Doom, Doom II, Ultimate Doom, Dark Forces (another Star Wars game) and Quake were all DOS first-person shooters. I still like Duke Nukem 3D the most though. It was so much easier to customize and play with.

Sierra's Space Quest & Kings Quest series were really fun DOS games. Space Quest V has got to be one of my favorite games ever. Also, Sierra's Phantasmagoria and Gabriel Knight II were really good.

The 7th Guest (one of the first CD-ROM games) was a great puzzle game. The graphics were top-notch back in the day. Definitely worth checking out if you ever get the chance. There are files available to make it run in Windows XP, but it's a bit unstable so you have to save often or you end up losing your progress.

Crusader: No Remorse and Crusader: No Regret were great action games. I still can't get them to run properly in Windows XP (fail to start because of sound) and haven't got it to work properly with DOSBox either.

And finally, who didn't love Commander Keen?
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Gate001 on July 13, 2009, 01:32:12 PM
Full Throttle, The Dig, and Sam & Max Hit The Road are all classic DOS games from Lucas Arts. As for Star Wars, the original X-Wing and Tie Fighter games were also Lucas classics that were done on DOS.

The Wing Commander games were DOS based (I, II, III, and Privateer, not sure about IV & V). Great games in their time.

Doom, Doom II, Ultimate Doom, Dark Forces (another Star Wars game) and Quake were all DOS first-person shooters. I still like Duke Nukem 3D the most though. It was so much easier to customize and play with.

Sierra's Space Quest & Kings Quest series were really fun DOS games. Space Quest V has got to be one of my favorite games ever. Also, Sierra's Phantasmagoria and Gabriel Knight II were really good.

The 7th Guest (one of the first CD-ROM games) was a great puzzle game. The graphics were top-notch back in the day. Definitely worth checking out if you ever get the chance. There are files available to make it run in Windows XP, but it's a bit unstable so you have to save often or you end up losing your progress.

Crusader: No Remorse and Crusader: No Regret were great action games. I still can't get them to run properly in Windows XP (fail to start because of sound) and haven't got it to work properly with DOSBox either.

And finally, who didn't love Commander Keen?
Wow, you were sure know a lot!
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: quaxo on July 13, 2009, 05:31:13 PM
Wow, you were sure know a lot!

My first computer was a DOS machine.  ;D
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: mommaopps on July 23, 2009, 12:30:53 PM
Under a Killing Moon
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Mulreay on July 24, 2009, 01:07:48 PM
Love Dreamweb. But once it's done it's well... done you probably won't play it again. Elite 2 frontiers is brilliant but I have a backwards engineered copy of that so it's not technically DOS runs on all Win OS but should be, in 1998 I had a DOS version of that game... I think.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Quantos on July 24, 2009, 03:31:47 PM
MechWarrior was pretty damned cool.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on July 25, 2009, 09:24:50 AM
pac man  ;)
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: On40 on August 04, 2009, 12:24:56 PM
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Aegis on August 04, 2009, 01:13:59 PM
The best DOS game ever was the Star Trek game which had asterisks for stars, and >!< for ships and such!   ;D
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 04, 2009, 05:18:25 PM
The best DOS game ever was the Star Trek game which had asterisks for stars, and >!< for ships and such!   ;D

wasn't that called EGATrek? Well, that was one of them, anyway.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 05, 2009, 01:03:56 AM
I found one that I saved  that is sort of like the Zelda game for the NES
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 05, 2009, 01:28:43 AM
Hyrule Fantasy?
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 05, 2009, 01:31:44 AM
I dont recall since I wanted to put it on a floppy for my 486 that I havent been able to mess with.  Is that a knock off?  If so I'll look at it  :D
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 05, 2009, 01:34:35 AM
No, Hyrule Fantasy is the NES game. It's only translation of the japanese game title, I think.

Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 05, 2009, 01:38:43 AM
ummm  ::) No, I never  had a NES or was part of that time.  I had a SN an such.  Thought that it was like a dos ver or something.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 05, 2009, 01:51:56 AM
ummm  ::) No, I never  had a NES or was part of that time.  I had a SN an such.  Thought that it was like a dos ver or something.

Don't recall a DOS version... If there was one, it likely wasn't licensed.

there were some Java clones I saw.

P.S: I never owned a NES either  ;)
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 05, 2009, 01:53:29 AM
I was meaning a dos ver that is like it.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Mulreay on August 05, 2009, 09:16:25 AM
The NES was brilliant. Ahh the big cartridges you could throw at your brother when he annoyed you. May have to have a look around on ebay see if I can get a cheap one.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 05, 2009, 03:17:14 PM
The NES was brilliant. Ahh the big cartridges you could throw at your brother when he annoyed you. May have to have a look around on ebay see if I can get a cheap one.

probably not cheap... their about the same as SNES systems, which are around 200$ (although the one I got had several games)... now the cheapo dual catridge third party systems, on the other hand...
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 05, 2009, 05:48:54 PM
I may be able to find one myself in due time though.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Mulreay on August 05, 2009, 06:28:30 PM
Not to bad
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Ryder17z on August 07, 2009, 06:38:49 AM
Ignition ( and GTA (

Also, I had one game, dunno it's name, it worked on DOS/Win9x/WinXP and it was like those snake games, but you had a train to use instead of a snake.
Your goal was to pick up things like diamonds, trees, sheep's, ice creams, computers, cakes, cars and so on

When you cleaned a room, you would proceed to the next room

Does anyone have a clue about what the game is called and where I can get it?
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 11, 2009, 03:00:59 AM
I hate those, also those are rather easy to find.  I just dont know the name of it though.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on August 11, 2009, 04:21:46 AM
I hate those, also those are rather easy to find.  I just dont know the name of it though.

Hate what?
What is easy to find?
Name of what?

Argh the confusion!
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 11, 2009, 04:24:27 AM
Hate what?
the number 7
What is easy to find?
bad grammer's.
Name of what?
said grammer's. "hilda?" "agnes?" who knows?!
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 11, 2009, 04:15:41 PM
I think one is called doublelink, not too sure since I cant stand those kind.  Do I need to start reporting you?  Read.  This is not a complete windows world.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 11, 2009, 04:16:35 PM
what are you talking about?
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Mulreay on August 11, 2009, 08:25:23 PM
 ??? ??? ??? That's the best I can do?
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 13, 2009, 03:48:30 PM
You guys were trailing off, when you knew what I was meaning.  The game that he wanted to know about. 
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Sin311 on August 19, 2009, 06:20:19 PM
played  castle wolfenstien on dos alot
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: smeezekitty on August 19, 2009, 06:24:05 PM
alley cat  was good
mainly because the good cga graphics
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: smeezekitty on August 19, 2009, 07:10:53 PM
you can get a NES emulator for dos
one issue is how do you get the games in there?
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 20, 2009, 04:51:22 AM
I would use the one that is made for windows  ;)
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Mulreay on August 20, 2009, 06:00:30 AM
I would use the one that is made for windows  ;)

Me too. I have a snes one with about 200 games.  ;)
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 20, 2009, 08:43:34 AM
Me too. I have a snes one with about 200 games.  ;)

4081 here. heh.  :P
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 29, 2009, 08:33:52 AM
I'm finding that the wii is good to play some of the older games.  I have the old zelda one for it though, if I had more time I would try an find some but I like the tech apps better.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: smeezekitty on August 29, 2009, 11:12:46 AM
Ignition ( and GTA (

Also, I had one game, dunno it's name, it worked on DOS/Win9x/WinXP and it was like those snake games, but you had a train to use instead of a snake.
Your goal was to pick up things like diamonds, trees, sheep's, ice creams, computers, cakes, cars and so on

When you cleaned a room, you would proceed to the next room

Does anyone have a clue about what the game is called and where I can get it?
i have that game somwhere in my deep black hole of the 160gb harddisk
i rember the game was made in the czech republic
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 29, 2009, 11:16:07 AM
probably be gone then ;)
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: smeezekitty on August 29, 2009, 11:22:12 AM
probably be gone then ;)
squall_01 you are making no sense
this is the 3rd thread where your post's make very little sense
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: kpac on August 29, 2009, 11:24:46 AM
Well, this is not one the best examples where he makes no sense. ;D

probably be gone then ;)
was in response to
i have that game somwhere in my deep black hole of the 160gb harddisk
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on August 29, 2009, 11:26:20 AM
exatly, it being a black hole it be gone.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Quantos on September 09, 2009, 11:32:02 AM
It just dawned on me that nobody has mentioned Doom yet.  That is a classic franchise.

Cudos on the Wolfenstein though.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: smeezekitty on September 09, 2009, 11:33:43 AM
It just dawned on me that nobody has mentioned Doom yet.  That is a classic franchise.

Cudos on the Wolfenstein though.
hey Quantos
it seems you are here only once a week
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on September 09, 2009, 01:32:53 PM
wish I could find some good ones for my 486 :-\
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: smeezekitty on September 09, 2009, 01:35:43 PM
wish I could find some good ones for my 486 :-\
all dos games work on 486s
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on September 09, 2009, 02:03:53 PM
I dont think so  :( ;)
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: smeezekitty on September 09, 2009, 02:05:45 PM
I dont think so  :( ;)
name one
btw i dont really have time to post right now
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on September 09, 2009, 02:07:23 PM
I'm sure that there could be, but I was never around that stuff when it was new or anything so its all second hand too me.  But I was meanig finding some good ones for it.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Quantos on September 09, 2009, 02:45:13 PM
name one
btw i dont really have time to post right now

There were 486 machines that were made with the SX rather than DX chipsets(it has to do with the math co-pro), and some games just don't run well on the SX machines.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: squall_01 on September 09, 2009, 03:07:09 PM
thing is that I read it wrong an was covering it up some what.  :-\
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: lcb on September 15, 2009, 09:36:20 PM
Castle Master, it has good 3D and a VERY large map.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Fraze on October 28, 2009, 07:59:44 AM
Another World ( was a great game, not alot of replay value and sadly no sequel.   Scorched Earth, Death Rally, Wolf 3D, Spear of Destiny, all bring back some great memories too.  What a glorious time ... when games fit on a single floppy disk :)
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Juice217 on November 02, 2009, 08:16:12 AM
Mechwarrior and Kings Quest were my favorites
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Gremlin on November 30, 2009, 06:04:33 PM
NUMBER 1 -------  XCOM series especially and only up to Apocolypse. All the XCOM games beyond Apocolypse are pants.

-Pacific Commander and Strike Commander, of the Wing Commander fame. Great graphics and gameplay for the day, i486 era!

Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Doubleringer on December 02, 2009, 04:50:22 PM
The original Dos Command & Conquer game, come out in 1996, plus Mercenary, and Damocles
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: TadasJA on January 08, 2010, 02:47:47 PM
Dukem nukem (classic), TES 2 : DaggerFall ;)
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: Accessless on January 10, 2010, 04:36:12 AM
Why has no one mentioned Master of Orion? I can still get people hooked into playing this game to this day. I would say C&C as well but it has a windows version so it's disqualified.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: BC_Programmer on January 10, 2010, 09:10:29 AM
Why has no one mentioned Master of Orion? I can still get people hooked into playing this game to this day. I would say C&C as well but it has a windows version so it's disqualified.

Having a windows version doesn't disqualify C&C, since if that was the case, Duke nukem 3d, Quake, Doom, Doom 2, Wolfenstein, and countless other games will have to be as well.
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: the_mad_joker on January 12, 2010, 08:00:41 AM

ZOOL Was The Best Game I think
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: pcjoseph1974 on April 11, 2010, 12:25:02 PM
How about the Eye of the Beholder series???
And all the flight sims, 1942, SWOTL, Aces over Europe, Aces of the Pacific
Terminator 2042... or something like that
Heroes of the Lance
Police Quest
I could go on and on.....
Title: Re: Whats the best DOS game you can think of?
Post by: tsarles on April 12, 2010, 11:04:40 AM
Betrayal at Krondor