Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Rapid_Dissent on July 21, 2009, 10:23:12 PM

Title: Proc overheating?
Post by: Rapid_Dissent on July 21, 2009, 10:23:12 PM
Hi guys- I just installed a new power supply, however to swap the units I had to remove the heat sink / fan combo. Had a tricky time reinstalling the fan, but made sure it was *censored* secure before closing the box up.

Quick info-
Core 2 duo E6600 @ 2.4gHz
MSi P965 Platinum
Antec 750W supply (new yay! ^_^)

Long story short, I'm nervous about my proc running too hot. Maybe the thermal smear stuff is old and shouldn't be reused (didn't touch it, but y'know), etc... just jitters mostly, but I don't know anything about this area.

So I installed Real Temp 3.00 to monitor CPU temps. 1% load averages 48C, as I write this, it's creeping up to 49-50C.

When I ran a semi-rudimentary shooter, load went to 55% and temp went to 92C and held there (was quick to quit once it was apparent the proc wasn't going to get hotter).

Seems hot, no? Should I clean off the processor of the old thermal goo and reapply a new batch? I know it's probably good form anyways, but I didn't foresee having to remove the heat sink =-/

What are normal numbers for my processor? The chart here at computerhope didn't mention Core2's, but I've read elsewhere that critical temp for them is 61.2C which seems preposterous.

Thanks in advance, guys!
Title: Re: Proc overheating?
Post by: lectrocrew on July 22, 2009, 12:54:14 AM
Should I clean off the processor of the old thermal goo and reapply a new batch? I know it's probably good form anyways, but I didn't foresee having to remove the heat sink =-/
Thermal transfer paste is good for 1 application. Be sure to clean all the old paste off before applying the new (no hard cleaner required). It will come off with your finger nail but a soft wipe with electrical contact cleaner on both surfaces before applying a thin layer is best for max performance.. You get credit for answering your own question though. Have fun!  :) and post your results.

Thermal paste is available online everywhere or if you have a Radio Shack close by they likely have it.
Title: Re: Proc overheating?
Post by: computeruler on July 22, 2009, 11:17:24 AM
Actually, I would clean it with something like brasso or maybe even rubbing alcohol.  Anyways, your not going to get acurate tempurater readings below 50c.  It could be off by as much as 30c!  But, I would recommend using realtemp, then click on settings, then put 70c, if you have a b2, b3, or l2, and 80c if you have a b0 or m0.  To find out what type you have get cpuz and it will tell you under revision.  This is just for more accurate temps.  But you should also reinstall the thermal paste too
Title: Re: Proc overheating?
Post by: Rapid_Dissent on July 22, 2009, 03:46:35 PM
lectrocrew- exactly what I needed to hear; thanks!

Went out and bought some Antec Formula 5, wiped the old stuff off with isopropyl alcohol and applied a "very thin" layer of the new stuff. and ran similar tests to the ones performed yesterday.

Yesterday the BIOS (apparently the CPU has considerable load in the BIOS) indicated a 60C load temp, after the new stuff, it hovered around 42C.  :o

In Windows running Real Temp 3.00, idle temp is indicated at about 47 (46 as I write this; 2-4C difference), but when I ran the first-person shooter again, the temp wouldn't go past 58C, a 34C difference!!

I don't know how inaccurate Real Temp's indications are, but even if they are off by 50%, it's a huge difference by just repasting the CPU. I figured I'd just leave Real Temp on the same settings I was running yesterday for semi-valuable comparisons.

Thanks for the replies, guys! It was great advise; <3  :D
Title: Re: Proc overheating?
Post by: patio on July 22, 2009, 06:44:14 PM
Add another case fan if you can...they don't cost much and help greatly with temps...
Title: Re: Proc overheating?
Post by: computeruler on July 22, 2009, 08:13:10 PM
Did you make sure to do the thing with the tj max?  That makes the temps go down even more