Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows 3.x/9x/ME => Topic started by: kdtl61 on August 10, 2009, 11:35:28 AM

Title: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: kdtl61 on August 10, 2009, 11:35:28 AM
Hello Everyone,
This might seem like a odd request but here it goes.  First I have a 2 year old gate way that just came back from service and now will not turn on.  Next I have a 35 day old Dell I purchased from best buy and it also one morning last week would not boot up just black screen. 

So, in my desperation to get to the internet I went back to my attic where my old HP computer sets.  Set it up last night and thought hey dial up sucks but I have online commitments to meet.  I blew off the dust and fire it up.  Low and behold it seem good as new to me.  Back in the day I was using this AOL was my only way to the internet.  So, their screen pops up and says "aol does not have FREE dial up any longer".  I could still get to the browser and was searching a few free dial up providers and when I was about to down load one I was dumped.  AOL comes back on and says I need to sign back on through another internet connection then reset up an account with them.

MY PROBLEM is: I have ATT wireless internet connection in my home.  It's my understanding my 56k modem can't be connect through wireless.  Is that true?  If so how can I get back AOL seeming having complete control now over this old computer?

Help if you have suggestions.

I like what I see on this site.  I'm going to search around to see if I can speed this old HP up.  My goal here is to have this old machine as a back up to my laptops.  Funny I realized I had this hP for 10 plus years.  Never needed repaired.  Never crashed.  Why do I struggle with lap tops??

Thanks for taking the time to reply,
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 10, 2009, 12:20:11 PM
you can install a NIC or wireless NIC into the HP to connect it to your router/modem.

Their are USB devices you can buy as well that can add wireless functionality.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: kdtl61 on August 10, 2009, 02:22:08 PM
O really even to a unit as old as this?  Ok, I will get all my machine specs and go to best buy and see if they can help me.

I'll let you know if it works.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 10, 2009, 03:08:32 PM
yep, all you need is a open PCI slot.

I was using a PC from around 1999 until recently- probably newer then your HP (?).

"PCI" has been the connection interface since around 1994, so you should be alright. Just make sure you have a free slot. worst case scenario you remove the Modem, which is possibly consuming a PCI slot, and replace it directly with a network card.

What OS is your HP running?
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: Cityscape on August 10, 2009, 03:26:33 PM
What OS is your HP running?
I'd take a guess that it's running 98 or 98SE.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: kdtl61 on August 11, 2009, 02:09:28 PM
Thanks for the reply.
I don't know what a PCI slot is.  I have two spots where the usb ports can plug in.  Are we talking about the small narrow slots? 
Lastly I don't know what OS means.  Windows 98 is the best I can do.  I need to start it up and look at my control panel to get these details?

Sorry to still be in the dark ages.  At my age I'm going kicking and screaming into this world (48).  After two lap tops going black. I have a real concern with doing business online.

Thanks again,
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: Cityscape on August 11, 2009, 02:19:06 PM
A PCI slot is a slot located to the lower rear of your motherboard. There should be 2-6 of them. They are about 2.5 inches long and look like their designed for a card of some type. Your PC probably has a least 1 PCI card plugged in (a modem maybe). The PCI will have a plug for whatever it is one the rear of your case when plugged in.
Thanks for the reply.
I don't know what a PCI slot is.  I have two spots where the usb ports can plug in. 
The PCI are at the bottom of the motherboard while USB will be near the middle or top.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: kdtl61 on August 12, 2009, 07:08:03 AM
Thank you all again for your advise.  Last night I went home and dug into my paperwork on this machine.  Here are all the specs of this 1999 HP pc

intel celeron 366 MHZ
64 MB memory
6.4 gigabyte hard drive
32x max ce-rom drive
56K Flex V.90 modem
128K level 2 cache
ATI rage IIC graphics 4mb video memory

Side note I got into the control panel and clicked on Modem:  It list the 56k but it also listed the following:
Modem RockwellHCF 56k speaker phone PCI modem
I bring this up since CITYSCAPE from above suggest I can hook up my add on wireless through this port.

Now that you all can see what I'm working with what suggestion for up grades do you see are possible for this machine? 
My goals are to be able to work with my AT&T wireless.  To have a bit more speed ..just because why not?  My usage is for one thing only that is to be able to get to the internet, get to the Googles Doc site and do the work I have to do there with templates.  Lastly I want a pc that will turn on when needed when my lap tops fail.  A good old back up.

Any suggestion?
Thanks for your time once again,
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 12, 2009, 07:15:02 AM
OK, it's Operating System is almost assuredly windows 98 or 98SE.

The problem there... is that I cannot think of a wireless card that will install in windows 98. If you look for one, make sure that it supports it.

Another issue: Installing a wireless card entails taking the PC case off and plugging the card into the Guts. If your not comfortable with that, we'll need to find a way to get  your Modem to communicate with your router or ADSL modem... Which I have no experience with.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: Cityscape on August 12, 2009, 11:40:28 AM
Now that you all can see what I'm working with what suggestion for up grades do you see are possible for this machine? 
My goals are to be able to work with my AT&T wireless.  To have a bit more speed ..just because why not?  My usage is for one thing only that is to be able to get to the internet, get to the Googles Doc site and do the work I have to do there with templates.  Lastly I want a pc that will turn on when needed when my lap tops fail.  A good old back up.
Please let use know the model of your motherboard.
Most upgrades are largely affected by your motherboard.

If you can't find you motherboard model use a small program called Belarc Advisor (get here: It will tell you everything about your PC. You find motherboard info under the "Main Circuit Board" section.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: kdtl61 on August 12, 2009, 01:15:41 PM
Would I have to down load that program into the HP computer?  If so thats my first problem I can't get to the internet.   If I open the unit will it have a marking on the mother board?  Sounds like finding the mother board model is my last hope.  I'll look for more info tonight.  Thanks

I might have to take to a local computer guy to see if the Wireless is possible.  I have said all along it's Running Window 98.  I'm not sure what the 98SE is.  *SPAM* can you tell I'm hopeless?  Yet, I still believe anything is possible:)
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: Cityscape on August 12, 2009, 05:04:19 PM
I might have to take to a local computer guy to see if the Wireless is possible.  I have said all along it's Running Window 98.  I'm not sure what the 98SE is.
That's why I want to know the motherboard model. If it's good enough you could upgrade to OS, you computer already meets bear minimum XP requirements.
Would I have to down load that program into the HP computer?  If so thats my first problem I can't get to the internet.
no, you could download the program on any computer and move it to your 98 PC by means of a USB flash drive and then install on that PC.
If I open the unit will it have a marking on the mother board?  Sounds like finding the mother board model is my last hope.  I'll look for more info tonight.  Thanks
Maybe, but is unlikely.

I recommend using Belarc Advisor or let me know the exact HP model and I can maybe find the motherboard info.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 12, 2009, 07:36:31 PM
I have said all along it's Running Window 98.  I'm not sure what the 98SE is.
Windows 98 came in two editions- plain old windows 98, and 98SE (second edition).

Most stuff out there these days that will work with windows 98 only works with 98SE. In fact most USB devices don't work with the first edition- this makes the USB flash option a bit difficult, as well.

If you've successfully used any USB devices then You probably do have windows 98SE.

Want to find out? Right Click my computer and select properties- the windows version number should appear on the dialog that pops up. the version for the first edition was 4.10.1998 (I think) and SE was 4.10.2222.


That's why I want to know the motherboard model. If it's good enough you could upgrade to OS, you computer already meets bear minimum XP requirements.

NO. that is all i have to say about that. The way it is configured right now is about average, maybe even on the higher side for PCs that came with windows 98. If any upgrade occurs it should me to 98SE... XP is definitely out of the question, without major upgrades to video, RAM, and HD space. Not to mention a copy of XP, which won't be cheap. That type of money would be better spent upgrading their main machines... assuming they are willing to spend it at all.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: Cityscape on August 12, 2009, 10:56:22 PM
NO. that is all i have to say about that. The way it is configured right now is about average, maybe even on the higher side for PCs that came with windows 98. If any upgrade occurs it should me to 98SE... XP is definitely out of the question, without major upgrades to video, RAM, and HD space. Not to mention a copy of XP, which won't be cheap. That type of money would be better spent upgrading their main machines... assuming they are willing to spend it at all.
I didn't say anything about upgrading to XP. I just stated that the PC does meet XP requirements. I would actually suggest him/her to get 98 SE, ME or maybe 2000 but never XP.
Title: Re: windows 98 trying to set back up dial up
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 12, 2009, 10:59:24 PM
OK :) those make more sense.