Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows XP => Topic started by: RDP on September 01, 2009, 06:51:58 AM

Title: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 01, 2009, 06:51:58 AM
I have a situation that I could use some help and advice:

This past weekend my system basically crashed. I turned on my PC and as it was loading Windows, then it suddenly froze. The system had gotten to the point where the my desktop was displayed with all the icons, but as it was loading my startup programs down on the bottom right of the desktop screen, it froze.

I then manually turned off the computer, waited for about 10 seconds, and then turned it back on. Upon startup, I received a message that said Windows is having a problem loading and that I had some options. The options were to load Windows normally, go back to last known good configuration, start in safe mode, etc.

I have tried all these options and nothing seems to work and I am not sure what to try next, other than getting a new computer.

I should mention that I have a 4 year old HP computer, running XP. Also, I can't find my recovery disks, so reloading Windows is not an option. In an ideal world I would somehow be able to get the system up and running so I can at least get some information (documents) off of it. I believe I could contact HP and pay for recovery disks, but I think that would wipe out all my data.

Does anyone have any thoughts of what can be done here ? Thank you in advance.

Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 01, 2009, 07:16:47 AM
Borrow an XP CD, boot to it, choose the first repair option (that will take you to the Recovery Console) and run chkdsk /r - let's see if that helps. If not, we can talk about a repair install (again, with a borrowed XP CD - it's both legal and effective).
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: patio on September 01, 2009, 07:20:53 AM
Note the space between chkdsk and /r..... ;)
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 01, 2009, 07:22:12 AM
Note the space between chkdsk and /r..... ;)
Yeah, good morning to you too :)
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: patio on September 01, 2009, 08:05:30 AM
Couldn't resist... 8)
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 01, 2009, 05:09:35 PM
I have arranged to get the CD's and will try the suggestion I have been given and will keep you posted.

Thank you for the help.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 02, 2009, 12:33:17 PM
Well, I have a copy of an HP XP system start up CD and tried to use it to run the chkdsk /r program. I was not able to even get to the first repair option. When I tried to boot from the CD, all that appeared was a blue screen. After a few minutes, a cursor appeared, and then nothing happens.

Any thoughts or ideas  from ADG or anyone else. I am not sure what a repair install is or how to do this.

Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 02, 2009, 12:36:02 PM
I don't know what an HP XP system start up CD is, but I suggested you borrow an XP CD to perform the checkdisk.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 02, 2009, 12:59:12 PM
Sorry about the specifics, what I have is an HP system recovery CD.

Is this the correct CD ?
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 02, 2009, 01:13:54 PM
I don't think so, no. I'd like you to borrow an actual XP CD.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 02, 2009, 01:36:47 PM
I am not sure what that that disks that you would get when you purchase a system ?
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 02, 2009, 01:53:19 PM
In some instances, yes -  it's a retail version of XP - that you would purchase in a store. I'm not suggesting you go out and buy one, just borrow an actual XP CD from a friend (or even an enemy - don't mean to get involved in your personal life ;) ). I'm just not familiar with restore disks so I'm not sure if you can get to the recovery console from one.

However, what you can do is download this Recovery Console .iso file and burn it to disc and then boot to it. It will look like a Windows Boot but it will take you to the Recovery Console:
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 02, 2009, 01:55:49 PM
Thank you. I will give that a shot and keep you posted.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 02, 2009, 02:23:03 PM
OK, here's what happened. I went to the link provided and copied the file to a CD. I checked the CD to see if a file was there and it was. It is rc.iso and it's 7.35 MB. I then went to the computer with the problem and tried to boot to the drive and it took me to the screen which I was originally getting (start windows normally, go to the last good configuration, safe mode, etc.)

I have a question...maybe I'm not booting correctly...I've never done this before.

When I turn on my PC, I load the CD with the rc.iso file on it in the CD reader and then a screen comes up while the system is trying to start and one option is "Esc - to reboot" along with F1 - setup, F10 - System recovery, etc. I hit the ESC key. It then takes me to a screen where I can choose where to boot from. I chose the device which contained the CD I just burned (rc.iso file).  The system then continues and then takes me to the screen where it asks if I want to start windows normally etc.

Any thoughts ?
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 02, 2009, 02:29:57 PM
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 03, 2009, 07:27:24 AM
OK, here is what happened. I downloaded the CD burner program, loaded the rc.iso file to a CD, checked the CD to see if it worked, and it seemed to (had multiple files on the CD).

I then took the burned CD and booted to it on the bad computer. It seemed to work. When I booted to it, it asked me to choose 1 of 2 options. 1 was H:/I386 and 2 was something else. I chose 1, then it gave me a H: and seemed to be waiting for my input (this reminded me of the olden days when DOS commands were  used, which I believe is what I was doing). I then typed in chkdsk /r and it started doing the system recovery. It ran thru 3 cycles where it was checking the disk and was giving me a % updated message. After completion, it dispalyed some info like total Kilobytes available and then went back to the H: prompt.

I typed in Exit and then it tried to start Windows up again. It then gave me the same message I have been getting, which is choose to start Windows manually, go to last good configuration, etc. I tried the manual start, last good configuration, safe mode, and none of them worked. It always took me back to the message to choose a start up option for Windows.

So, please let me know if you think the chkdsk / r was run correctly, and if so, what are the next options that could be completed. Thank you for all the help.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: patio on September 03, 2009, 08:35:20 AM
It's taking you to the Recovery partition which isn't the drive that you need to run chkdsk on...
Repeat the procedure and at the H: prompt type in C: and hit Enter...
If it stays at the C: prompt then type in chkdsk /r and hit Enter...
Let it run to completion and re-boot...

BTW you are doing better than most at the command prompt so hang in there and don't get frustrated...
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 03, 2009, 09:15:19 AM
Well, here is more feedback. BTW - Thank you for the kind words and encouragement.

I went and tried to reboot from the CD (rc.iso) on the bad computer. The system said it was loading windows files and then took me to the screen where I have 2 options. They are 1) H:\I386 and 2) H:\386.
I tried keying in C: and 2 things happened. 1, it only allows me to key in 1 character, and 2, when I type in
C and hit enter, it says that the command is not recognized. I'm thinking at this point, how do I get to the C drive. It looks like I can only choose either option 1 or 2. So I key in option 1 and then it gives me a list of commands. I see chkdsk on the list and I also see "dir". I'm thinking I can change to the C drive here. I key in C and that doesn't work. Do I need to key in dir C: ?

Bottom line, I need help or an idea of how to get to the C drive to run chkdsk /r I'm guessing.

Your thoughts ?
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 03, 2009, 09:17:29 AM
Just go back to the recovery console and type: chkdsk c: /r and press ENTER
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 03, 2009, 10:23:25 AM
I was able to get chkdsk c: /r to run. It has been running for about 45 minutes. It gives a % completed and it initially got to 50% pretty quick, then slowed down alot. I can hear the hard drive going so I was not to worried, actually I was excited because we are farther than ever in trying to resove the problem. It slowly went to 51%, 52%, to where it got up to 72% completed. It then jumped down to 50% completed. I can still hear the hard drive working and now it is creeping back up. Last check it was at 54% completed and the hard drive was still working.

Unless you tell me differently, I will let it continue to try and recover and keep you posted.

Your thoughts ?
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 03, 2009, 10:32:04 AM
Leave it alone - you'll know when it's done.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: patio on September 03, 2009, 10:32:47 AM
Be Patient...

Let it run to completion.
The fact it is re-setting itself means this is moving in the right direction...

Go mow the lawn.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 03, 2009, 10:34:43 AM
When it is finished you will see a message saying that checkdisk found and repaired one or more errors. That will be the final message and at that point you may type: EXIT (of course you should first remove the cd otherwise you'll just boot right back to the RC).
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 03, 2009, 10:36:30 AM
Update - After I did my last post, I went to check on the PC. It was at 75% completed, so I sat there waiting for it to continue. A message then came up, The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems. It then lists out some system information regarding availble space and things like that. I can get that information if needed.

at the bottom, it has the prompt H:\I386>

I am guessing it is looking for my input. What should I do next ?
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 03, 2009, 10:38:22 AM
You can type EXIT (first remove the CD). You can also get a new hd.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 03, 2009, 10:41:49 AM
Am I to assume that hd is harddrive. Does this mean that I have lost all my data on this computer ?

Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 03, 2009, 10:46:12 AM
Checkdisk tells you there are unrecoverable errors so yes, there is a problem with your hd. As for recovering the data, patio has a link that will walk you through slaving the drive.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: patio on September 03, 2009, 10:52:31 AM
Slave Drive Tutorial (

NOTE: The drive does not need to be able to boot properly for this method to can swap it in to any working Desktop machine that has a CD/DVD burner to copy/burn your data...

Best of Luck !
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 03, 2009, 01:52:09 PM
ADG and Patio - Thank you so much for your help on this. At least I now know what the problem is and I learned a lot by going thru this process, one of which is how much I don't know, but learning is good...right ?
Anyway, looks like I have a few decisions to make. Do I want to try and save the data from my old hard drive, do I want to replace the hard drive on my PC or do I buy a new system. If I replace the hard drive, what type do I buy.

I think the most cost effective way right now is to buy a hard drive and replace the bad one and not really worry about the lost data, just get the system up and running. I have an HP tower that is almost 4 years old, but everything I have works (for now) except the hard drive.  If this is what I want to do, what are the next steps and what should I be aware of.

I'm thinking that I go buy a hard drive from a Best Buy or somewhere, take out the old one, replace it with the new one, load the operating system from the CD drive, load my email program and anti-cvirus, etc.

What are your thoughts on this. Remember, I am not a PC tech and this is a big step for me.

Thanks again for all your help.

Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Buzzintx on September 03, 2009, 02:15:10 PM
Not trying to but in here but I would go somewhere else besides Best Buy as they will have a very limited selection of harddrives available. Is there a Fry's or MicroCenter close to where you live?
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Allan on September 03, 2009, 02:19:51 PM
Whether or not you retrieve the data is your call. You've got the rest right. Buy a new hd, install it, install the OS and your apps and you're good to go.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: RDP on September 03, 2009, 02:33:25 PM
No, neither one.
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: patio on September 03, 2009, 05:25:43 PM
No, neither one.

What does this mean ? ?

Sorry but i was Golfing earlier and i may have missed something...
Title: Re: System Crash
Post by: Buzzintx on September 03, 2009, 06:19:44 PM
No, neither one.

That's to bad maybe somebody else has suggestions where to get a new HD for a good price and maybe?