Computer Hope

Other => Other => Off topic => Topic started by: BC_Programmer on September 10, 2009, 10:37:54 PM

Title: History of User Interfaces
Post by: BC_Programmer on September 10, 2009, 10:37:54 PM
All this talk of windows 7 Versus leopard, windows versus mac, who stole what from whom, is very annoying, especially coming from people without a clue.

therefore I present to you the real history.


       Thousands of years ago, back in Paleolithic times, user interfaces
 were very primitive.  They essentially consisted of a thick, wooden club
 that was used to "access" your enemy's brains.  Simple but effective, this
 interface has since been adopted by the famed BLAZEMONGER "Customer
 Service" Department.

       At first, there was little or no standardization; users had to
 learn entirely new methods of "access" for human enemies, mammoths,
 mastodons, Saber-C tigers, etc.  But as time went on, people settled on two
 basic modes of use:

       (A)     Run as fast as you can in a straight line, bashing everything
               in sight.

       (B)     Stand in one place, swinging the club wildly in all

 These 2 modes became so popular that they were given names that have
 survived to this day:  "sequential access" and "random access."

       This went on for centuries, with users happily "accessing" each
 others' bodily parts with bigger and bigger clubs, until the 20th century,
 when the COMPUTER was invented.  Tired of crushing each other's skulls,
 users flocked to the new invention, eager to put their talents to new uses,
 like playing video games and building "Star Wars" missile systems.

       The first computer user interface consisted of a large button on
 the front panel, labeled "0".  By pressing this button repeatedly, users
 could "program" the computer to do all kinds of tasks.  Sadly, none of
 these programs worked, and the scientists could not figure out why.
 Then, in 1962, some dweeb finally had the idea to add a "l" button,
 and the Computer Age officially began.

       But pressing "0" and "1" buttons was not anybody's favorite
 pastime, so some other dweeb invented the computer terminal.  Thanks to
 this clever device, with over 50 different keys, users were able to
 create bugs and cause crashes dozens of times faster than before.
 But at least the hardware was now in place, so it was time to address the
 software issues of user interfaces.

       First, there was the command-line interface.  This allowed users
 to type a line of text representing a "command", press the RETURN key, and
 receive a response like "0x38754: ERROR NOTEXT PETUNIA".  Thanks to this
 handy software tool, the suicide rate rose almost overnight.

       But in the mid 1970's, the clever folks at AT&T invented the UNIX
 "shell".  This was a SIGNIFICANT advance over ordinary command-line
 interfaces, as the following example shows:


               type myfile
               0x9852: ERROR_FILE_LACTOSE_ANAL

       UNIX SHELL:

               $ cat myfile
               Segmentation fault - core dumped

       For many years, command-line interfaces dominated the computer market.
 Smart computer buyers began to compare the power of different operating
 systems by how much they let you tailor the command-line prompt.  For
 example, my friend John would only use computers that let him set the
 prompt to:


 Nobody knew why.  Eventually, John was given a job in the Federal Government.

       But these years of happy command-lining were fated to end.  Behind
 the scenes, those clever folks at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto useR interfaCes)
 were creating a completely graphic user interface.  We modern computer users
 are familiar with windows, icons, and clicking, but the first attempts at
 Xerox PARC were quite different from this.  For example, the early version
 of the "mouse" was shaped more like a semi-automatic machine gun.  To select
 an icon, users would point it at the screen, click the button, and blast the
 icon to pieces.  This was great fun, and kept the Xerox programmers amused
 for months.  Eventually, the Xerox hardware engineers developed a device
 more like the modern mouse, and the programmers used that instead -- point,
 click, and the icon blows up.  Alternatively, you could drag the icon around
 the screen, smearing blood and guts all over the place.

       After a few years of fun and games, some dweeb at Xerox PARC finally
 had the idea that the icons could be used to represent FILES.  WOW!!!  The
 world had many responses to the Xerox breakthrough.  Computer users
 congratulated Xerox for this brilliant manuever.  The President of the
 United Nations pinned a medal right on the Xerox building!  And Apple
 Computer stole the idea outright and created the Macintosh.

       The "Mac" truly brought computing power to the common people.  Even
 the most naive, ignorant Mac user was able, with a simple mouseclick, to
 cause a spectacular crash.  This same philosophy has stayed with the machine
 through the years.  The most recent operating system version is called
 "System 7", which to me sounds like a bad science-fiction TV show, and it
 has many new and exciting features.  One of the most novel features is the
 "Help Balloon" mode, which allows the user to see what anything on the
 screen is thinking to itself.  Unfortunately, most computer icons and menu
 items are very boring thinkers, so the balloons usually say things like "I
 wonder when the user will click on me" or "Will you PLEASE move me away from
 the 'HyperMoose' icon -- it smells really bad!"
       In 1985, two new machines with GUI's appeared on the market:
 the Atari ST and the Commodore Amiga.  The ST's graphic user interface
 is called "GEM", which stands for "Graphic User Interface".  Although
 initially popular, the ST has died a slow death, partly due to operating
 system bugs, such as the infamous "40 folder limit".  If the user tried
 to create more than 40 subdirectories inside a directory, Jack Tramiel
 would come to his house and whack him on the head with a thick, wooden
 club.  This caused permanent braindamage in many ST users, and they can
 still be found to this day saying things on the Net like "Tramiel is God"
 and ''Amigas can't multitask".

       The Commodore Amiga was introduced with version 1.0 of its
 system software.  This combined a great CLI, a great GUI, and the
 awesome ability to crash 12 times per hour.  Following this success,
 versions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 were released rapidly over a short period of
 only 25 years.

       But the real Amiga breakthrough came with the introduction of
 Amiga OS 2.04.  Originally, this was available only on Amiga 3000's
 sold in Albania to certified developers who knew the secret password and
 Marc Barrett's social security number; but after a mere 400 years, it was
 made available to the public.

       OS 2.04 was the first version to make the GUI "Workbench" truly
 usable.  In previous versions, dragging an icon with the mouse required the
 user to hold down seven or eight different keys simultaneously while dancing
 the "Funky Chicken".  In addition, not all files had icons, meaning that the
 Workbench could not access them.  But thanks to version 2.04, every file
 now has over FOUR HUNDRED different icons, for a totally streamlined
 and efficient interface.


       With both shells and GUI's now in existence, each has its fans and
 enemies.  Proponents of GUI's say they can do ANYTHING as well as shells can.
 In fact, street corners in major cities are often occupied by these people,
 stopping random folks as they pass by, and saying things like "I can do that
 in FEWER than THREE mouse-clicks!!"  Currently, there is legislation pending
 that will make such comments punishable by heavy fines and/or death.

       On the other hand, proponents of shells say that GUI's are a waste
 of time.  They commonly cite examples like the "delete wildcard" problem.
 From birth, all shell users are able to type ridiculously complicated
 "delete" commands like the following:

               1>  delete #?.(a|A?)*&-2^5%%*.*vavoom!

 which says, of course, to delete all files named #?.(a|A?)*&-2^5%%*.*vavoom!
 "Let's see you do THAT with a GUI!" they cry.  The GUI users are silent
 about this, mainly because they are all out doing useful work instead,
 like blowing up icons with a mouse.

       In any event, most people today admit that the ease-of-use of a shell
 FAR exceeds the "thick wooden club" interface of Paleolithic times.  But
 designers haven't stopped working on the problem of friendlier and more
 useful interfaces.  So we now have...


       Extended keyboards.  Touch screens.  5-button joysticks.  Virtual
 reality.  MIDI synthesizers.  Light pens.  Cardboard boxes.  Hand grenades.
 Canned tuna.  Genital warts.  All of these concepts have affected the way
 people use computers.  Thanks to modern research, many new and "hybrid"
 interfaces have been developed.  The following is a brief description
 of some of the more interesting ones.

 (1)   Point 'n hit-return

               Clicking on the icon inserts text into the command line,
               which can then be edited.  Press RETURN when done.

 (2)   Type 'n click

               The user types a command.  Every key pressed on the keyboard
               causes an icon to be displayed on the screen. When finished
               typing, drag select or double-click the entire set of icons.
               Or just drag them into the trashcan... whichever is more

 (3)   Point 'n spit

               Instead of a mouse, the user chews a large wad of tobacco
               or a small, dead animal.  To activate an icon, merely
               spit at the screen.

 (4)   The pepperoni pizza interface

               The screen contains an image of a large pizza. The crust
               represents the operating system, the cheese is the windowing
               system, and the toppings are the individual files. Using
               a digital pizza cutter, the user hacks off a piece of the
               pizza and deposits it into an onscreen "mouth" which
               then digests the information. A resounding belch comes
               from the internal disk drive, and it is ready for the
               next command.

 (5)   The BLAZEMONGER interface

               This is, of course, the ULTIMATE interface. It consists of
               a hunk of raw meat that is hurled with high velocity at a
               "touch screen". If it hits the right icon, the user is
               rewarded by NOT having his/her *censored* torn off with


       That ends our little tour of user interface history.  This should
 clear up all the .advocacy arguments from the past 3 or 4 months.

       If you are interested in learning more about user interface history
 and comparisons, I suggest that you check out some of the following

       o       "The History of User Interface Design", by Harold Dweeb,
               Linda Dweeb, and the Dweeb-ettes.

       o       "Shell Design", by Ima Clam.

       o       "I'm a User...I'm a Loser....I'm a Mac Plus Chooser", by
               The Steve Miller/Steve Jobs Band.

       o       "Deleting Files: It's Not Just For Shells Anymore",
               by Peter Norton and Oliver North.

       o       "Really, Really, REALLY Graphic User Interfaces", by Adolf
               Hitler and BLAZEMONGER INCORPORATED.

       o       "UI's for U and I", by the cast of Sesame Street.

Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Dusty on September 11, 2009, 03:26:46 AM
There must be a copyright infringement somewhere in that ramble so I've downloaded it before BC_P is carried off, screaming.


ps:  Whatever you're on I want some.
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: mroilfield on September 11, 2009, 03:45:34 AM
Extended keyboards.  Touch screens.  5-button joysticks.  Virtual
 reality.  MIDI synthesizers.  Light pens.  Cardboard boxes.  Hand grenades.
 Canned tuna.  Genital warts.  All of these concepts have affected the way
 people use computers
That worries me.

"I'm a User...I'm a Loser....I'm a Mac Plus Chooser", by
               The Steve Miller/Steve Jobs Band.
That just hilarious.

I would also have to add that a certain some one (BC_Programmer) has way too much free time on his hands.

It was a really good read and should be stickied
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: computeruler on September 12, 2009, 06:41:41 PM
You wrote all that?!?!?!?!?!??! WOW!!!!!
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: patio on September 12, 2009, 06:55:41 PM
You wrote all that?!?!?!?!?!??! WOW!!!!!

Not sure why you would be suprised by that...
He's one of our most articulate Contributors.

PS. I'm his Agent,
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: computeruler on September 12, 2009, 06:58:52 PM
Still, thats around 10x more than usual
its pretty funny too
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: BC_Programmer on September 12, 2009, 08:15:31 PM
I found it on my old HD :)

I'm not sure, if I was the one that wrote it or not, actually. I did make it around the time I was learning about Mac OS system 7, which would explain that reference, and the fact that it was created with Edit on a DOS machine explains the line lengths.

I remember parts of it but I'm not sure if it was because I wrote it or read it before.

Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Mulreay on September 12, 2009, 08:18:44 PM
Very good BC hehe...  ;D
Loved the bit about the Amiga and ST very cool... brings it all back heh
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: computeruler on September 12, 2009, 09:44:23 PM
By reading just little parts of it, I would have to say that you wrote it
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Geek-9pm on September 12, 2009, 10:03:36 PM
Not sure why you would be suprised by that...
He's one of our most articulate Contributors.

PS. I'm his Agent,

Answer you cell phone, Patio. Mel Gibson wants it for a movie.
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: patio on September 13, 2009, 12:02:10 AM
I'm ignoring him....he's not right for the BC role.
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Aegis on September 13, 2009, 12:19:51 AM
Mel's gonna direct.
BC's gonna have a Messiah complex. 
No, wait == that's been done...   ;D
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: BC_Programmer on September 13, 2009, 09:16:27 AM
"Passion of the UI"

Directed by Mel Brooks. Starring "Logitech Mouse".
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Mulreay on September 13, 2009, 09:56:46 AM
"Passion of the UI"

I'm sure I read about that... Does the programme get whipped in the end and hung up on a piece of wood?
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Aegis on September 13, 2009, 10:48:37 AM
No, but the programmer does...   ;)
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: BC_Programmer on September 13, 2009, 10:52:34 AM
and a crown of windows keychains is placed on their head...
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Mulreay on September 13, 2009, 11:08:17 AM
No, but the programmer does...   ;)

Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Helpmeh on September 13, 2009, 02:40:27 PM
and a crown of windows keychains is placed on their head...
Don't you mean USB flashdrives?
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: BC_Programmer on September 13, 2009, 06:29:23 PM
no. keychains from the windows 95 launch.
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Helpmeh on September 13, 2009, 06:31:36 PM
no. keychains from the windows 95 launch.
What? I WANT ONE! jk lol
Title: Re: History of User Interfaces
Post by: Geek-9pm on September 13, 2009, 08:05:46 PM
No key chain for me! I want that Timex Wrist Watch that you could load a phone list from windows with no tangible interface.