Computer Hope

Software => Computer games => Topic started by: james202428 on October 25, 2009, 07:47:18 PM

Title: Your favorite games
Post by: james202428 on October 25, 2009, 07:47:18 PM
I'm sure a thread like this has being done before but i was curious to see what are some of your favorite games of all time computer games new and old nintendo games new and old don't even have to be electronic scrabble checkers etc.

Here are my favorites

super mario 64 when we got this for christmas with mario i remember waken up and instantly thinking about it and had to go play it for hours on end

glover nintendo 64

star fox nintendo 64 I must have beating this game well over 100 times and it never gets boring

Mario kirby teenage mutantninja turtles 3 the manhattan project.    Arkisia king all on the original nintendo

super mario world super mario allstars donkey kong all on super nintendo

computer games stunts origon trail atroids mr matt tetris 

And i can't quit remember one game i remember playing alot i think it was on an old mac computer it wasn't like pong you had these bricks you chipped away at with a padel you moved side to side i remember trying to chip away at just one side so i could break though all the bricks so the ball could skip across the top of the bricks with the mac computer there was a 2d motorcyle game to i remember playing  Lately i have being playing wii sports tennis and bowling.
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: BC_Programmer on October 25, 2009, 11:38:46 PM
heh, I'm going through Super Mario 64 once again myself :)

Star Fox 64 is a great game too, I was thinking of getting one of the gamecube installments of the series.


NES: Super Mario Brothers 1-3,Zelda, and Zelda II, Megaman (1-6) and a few others, like Journey to Silius, Solar jetman, Zanac, Terra Cresta, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Vindicators, and quite a few others.

SNES: Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Mario Kart, Zelda,Chrono Trigger (one of my favourites of all),F-Zero, Kirby (dream land 3 and Super star), Donkey Kong Country 1 through 3, Star Fox is alright on the SNES, too. Never was fond of fighting games like Killer Instinct, but it's an OK game too.

N64: Super Mario 64 is great, Just wish there were as many level hacks available as there are for Super Mario World. Super Smash Brothers (probably my favourite console game series), Star Fox, F-Zero X, Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask, too. (MM took a bit of getting used too, but I've come to like it at least as much as I like Ocarina of Time). San Francisco Rush and Rush 2 are good games as well; Mario kart 64 and Diddy kong racing are excellent games as well.

Gamecube: Don't have as many games for this one as my other systems, I have Smash Brothers Melee, Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Mario Kart, and a few others. But it seems like some other good games I want are The twilight princess (not 100% on that one, looks and sounds good, seems fair to find out for myself), Super Mario Sunshine is a good game (controls are similar to N64 mario but I find myself far too used to the N64 physics. And I don't like how they made wall-kicks really easy, or removing the long jump and a few other things. I've only been able to play it on an emulator so far, I think it suffers from a bit of slowdown. Probably going to buy it on ebay, like I did the other games :P

Metroid Prime seems alright, but I've hardly even started the game. Double-Dash is hard to rate; they tried something new with the whole two characters per cart idea and added a bit of dimension to choosing different carts and characters, but I think they lost it with the immensely ridiculous elastic banding, even more so the mario kart 64. F-zero GX will be in my next batch I get off ebay.

PC games I play are diverse, AOE 1 through 3, (just getting used to AOE3, since AOE2 doesn't work properly in Vista :() Command & Conquer, the earlier ones, such as Covert Operations and Red Alert, as well as a sampling of newer ones, like generals. (well, newer, but not new, I suppose). Quake, Duke Nukem 3d and Doom, as well as crysis, and a LOT of other games.

Sometimes, when I feel like doom I use a very cool random level generator, a modified version of "Oblige" called "Obhack". I usually use it in combination with a modification called "ScoreDoom". the levels the generator makes are HUGE, with 800 or so enemies, and there are over 50 or so different kinds of enemies, too. I recommend it, it's great practice, and it adds a lot of replay value. on Average a run through one of the levels can sometimes take over 40 minutes or even an hour if you are the type who likes hunting down enemies :P
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: james202428 on November 02, 2009, 02:42:35 AM
Has anyone else gotten the 120 stars on mario i think the hardest star to get that took the longest and was the most difficult was the level with the lochnest monster looking thingy to get the 100 coins and i think the second bowser was harder to beat than the last. 
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: BC_Programmer on November 02, 2009, 02:52:10 AM
Has anyone else gotten the 120 on mario i think the hardest star to get that took the longest and was the most difficult was the level with the lochnest monster looking thingy to get the 100 coins and i think the second bowser was harder to beat than the last. 

Mario 64?

That would be Hazy maze cave; I wouldn't really class any of that game as "hard" (well, for me anymore), but Dire, Dire, Docks is bloody annoying to get both the red coins ("Pole jumping for red coins") as well as 100 coins.

Hazy maze cave has around 140 or so coins, maybe more; the blue coin block within the toxic maze portion has a good number. When I am going for 100 coins I usually end up getting the star from the coins on the overhang one has to cling to to get the "A-Maze-ing emergency exit" star. An interesting source of coins if your careful are the eyeballs in the red coin elevator room; it's tough to circle around them without touching them or falling off, though.

Speaking of which, the last star I got on the entire game was the "navigating the toxic maze" star. Had no idea there were two exits from the toxic maze.

The second bowser's obstacle course is likely my favourite of the three; namely the portion with the elevator going up a small tunnel of wires. I don't bother with the elevator and wall kick all the wya up because it looks cool, and it sets me up to triple jump over the first gap without using the bridge thing.
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: james202428 on November 02, 2009, 01:32:20 PM
I din't find dire dire docks that difficult just switching camera views for the angel you want to jump he will jump the opposite dirrection if you go a little bit down then start climbing the timing to jump from one pole to another i don't find that difficult the lova level were you really can't switch camera angels to jump to another pole i think is more difficult the camera seems to go 180 degrees every time you press the button to switch camera angels.    ''Angels i know that's not right''

here's a video looks fake but most of it looks possible the trick to go into the last door were you need 70 stars looks fake

Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: BC_Programmer on November 02, 2009, 01:39:06 PM
Not difficult at all, just annoying.

Also, the long jump jumping backwards trick can take you through the 50-star door as well as skip over the endless stairs; if you know what your doing it's even possible to do in the first bowser room, using the small set of stairs and propelling oneself into the right wall, it's possible to clip right through. if you use the right angle you'll pop out right behind the dire-dire docks level- with the entry to the second bowser. I've done the 50 star door and endless stairs trick but never managed to pull off the trick in the first bowser room.
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: 125384ajw on November 02, 2009, 02:08:08 PM
i am obsesed with WOW
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: inapaler on November 04, 2009, 06:09:19 AM
super Mario bros for me.
I havent tried any other mario version. I guess i can live with it
btw I have check for its high resolution this time :)
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: Mulreay on November 05, 2009, 11:11:27 AM
CoD W at W for me... can't wait for CoD Modern warfare II on the 11th Nov.
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: 2x3i5x on November 06, 2009, 04:16:50 PM
anybody still playing Command and Conquer 3? They're coming out with Command and Conquer 4 in 2010.

I still like AOE3 'cuz it's different every match so that makes things fun.
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: Vikram Varaprasad on November 07, 2009, 05:40:42 AM
My alltime favourites is all Age of Empires collection. I played entire collection and they are fantastic.

The next best are Need for speed (Mostwanted, Hotpursuit, Underground2, undercover)
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: BC_Programmer on November 07, 2009, 09:04:18 AM
anybody still playing Command and Conquer 3? They're coming out with Command and Conquer 4 in 2010.

I still like AOE3 'cuz it's different every match so that makes things fun.

still like aoe3.... I consider that a new game :P

I've been playing AOE1 lately, It's fun to play a game normally, but it can be funny as well- for example I forced the population limit to 250  and enabled the "steroids" cheat, and gave myself a lot of resources, and 7 other players... basically I upgrade and use my civ's best units by building the proper buildings near the enemy base and then training a good lot of them and sending them in. Also it's interesting to send a villager around the map building storage pits right next to stone and gold mines and then depleting the mine in mere seconds, especially taking another players local gold and stone and stuff to the point where the CPU ends up attacking with villagers, so I just slaughter then like sheep with my legion or centurions or whatever unit I'm using

One interesting hobby is to kill everything but let them keep their town center- then build a wall around it. Then tribute then a wackload of food, and they will make villagers that I can slaughter with archery units :P
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: Vikram Varaprasad on November 07, 2009, 10:45:31 PM
I played AOE1 in a different manner. I built a temple and created one or more priests (depending on situation) and converted the enemies to ours..... I converted all the enemies and no enemy in the map...... At last I only need to destroy their town center only.... but took a lot of time.
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: Juice217 on November 13, 2009, 07:56:36 AM
anybody played Aoe's cousin? Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds?
Very fun and created on the genie engine.
BTW, i know of an online community that posts mods and other game goodies online, i think it's heaven games or something like that... i don't remember google "SWGB"
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: nadav224 on November 22, 2009, 07:41:57 PM
Mario party (the first one). And packman.

Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: 2x3i5x on November 22, 2009, 10:27:01 PM
anybody played Aoe's cousin? Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds?
Very fun and created on the genie engine.

Yeah, I played SWGB once. It's nice. Controlling the storm troopers LOL
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: TadasJA on January 08, 2010, 02:51:37 PM
my personal bests :
1. Oblivion (played it through about 40 times with 11 fps XD)
1.1 almost any rpg game (or atleast game with rpg elements)
2. Gta series (played 4th only 6 hours, so dunno about that one)
3. Mafia (best GTA clone)
4. almost any mmorpg...
Title: Re: Your favorite games
Post by: the_mad_joker on January 12, 2010, 08:29:07 AM
Ninja gaiden the nxt best game