Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft DOS => Topic started by: newuserlh on November 28, 2009, 10:46:20 AM

Title: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 28, 2009, 10:46:20 AM
Hi all

Thanks for all your help so far.
I am looking to force user to re-enter the yyyymmdd.txt file if  input is wrong:

Set objFS=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

WScript.Echo "Enter log file date (YYYYMMDD.txt):"
   Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfLine
      strFile = strFile & WScript.StdIn.Read(1)
s = Split(strFile,".")
yr = Mid(s(0),1,4)
mth = Mid(s(0),5,2)
dy = Mid(s(0),7,2)

If  (IsDate(yr&"/"&mth&"/"&dy) <> 0) AND s(UBound(s)) = "txt" Then
   WScript.Echo "Valid date and file extension"
   WScript.Echo yr&"/"&mth&"/"&dy&".txt"


   WScript.Echo "Invalid date and/or file extension"     
    WScript.Echo "Enter log file date (YYYYMMDD.txt):"
   Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfLine
      strFile = strFile & WScript.StdIn.Read(1)

End if

Is it a Do until loop? I'm not sure how to go about this one. I haven't programmed in this for a while!
Also, when I want to pass this variable out to another batch program, is it just something like: "C:\test.bat " yr&"/"&mth&"/"&dy&".txt"  ??


Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 28, 2009, 12:09:27 PM
Code: [Select]
Do While Valid=False
        Wscript.StdOut.Write "Filename (YYYYMMDD.txt) ? "
        strFile = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
        s = Split(strFile,".")
        yr = Mid(s(0),1,4)
        mth = Mid(s(0),5,2)
        dy = Mid(s(0),7,2)
        If  (IsDate(yr&"/"&mth&"/"&dy) <> 0) AND s(UBound(s)) = "txt" Then
                Wscript.Echo "Incorrect input data"
        End If 
Wscript.Echo yr&mth&dy&".txt"


I prefer to use

wscript.StdOut.Write "Prompt"

because then the user can type the answer on the same line as the question

Note that you cannot have a filenames with slashes so I removed them.

You can use FOR with single quotes like this to get the console output of the vbs (or any command or program) into a batch variable

for /f "delims=" %%A in ( ' cscript //nologo scriptname.vbs ' ) do set inputfilename=%%A

Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Geek-9pm on November 28, 2009, 12:25:24 PM
If you Google:
how to validate a date
You will find there a re java scripts that do this.
But, if you want it it batch...
there are experts here who will help you.
Just wait a bit. They took the weekend off.  ;D
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 28, 2009, 01:28:32 PM
Hi Salmon trout,

Thanks for your useful response.
I have tried your code and I'm getting an error back on one of the lines of code saying: Dates .vbs (7,1) ms runtime error:Subscript out of range [number:0]'
Would this have anything to do with removing the "/" ?

Also, for:
for /f "delims=" %%A in ( ' cscript //nologo scriptname.vbs ' ) do set inputfilename=%%A
I have set the variable to "variable" in my batch program.
So Am I passing Wscript.Echo yr&mth&dy&".txt" here?

Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 28, 2009, 02:10:36 PM

Code: [Select]
s = Split(strFile,".")
yr = Mid(s(0),1,4)
mth = Mid(s(0),5,2)
dy = Mid(s(0),7,2)
If  (IsDate(yr&"/"&mth&"/"&dy) <> 0) AND s(UBound(s)) = "txt" Then
End If 
Wscript.Echo  Outstring

batch code

Code: [Select]
@echo off
set /p inputfilename="Please input filename (YYYYMMDD.txt) ?"
for /f "delims=" %%A in ( ' cscript //nologo valdate.vbs "%inputfilename%" ' ) do set result=%%A
echo Filename format %result%
if not "%result%"=="correct" goto getname
REM code to run if filename is valid format goes here
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 28, 2009, 03:02:38 PM
I do not understand why you ask the user to input the .txt extension and then go to the trouble of validating it. I think it is adding unnecessary complication and inviting avoidable errors, as well as being sloppy programming, to ask the user for something which you know already. Why not just ask for the YYYYMMDD part, validate that, and then add the .txt part yourself?

In fact you can make the batch write the vbs as well

Code: [Select]
@echo off
Echo Outstring="incorrect">dval.vbs
Echo StrDate=Wscript.arguments(0)>>dval.vbs
Echo y = Mid(StrDate,1,4)>>dval.vbs
Echo m = Mid(StrDate,5,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo d = Mid(StrDate,7,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo If (IsDate(y^&"/"^&m^&"/"^&d) ^<^> 0) Then Outstring="correct">>dval.vbs
Echo Wscript.Echo  Outstring>>dval.vbs

Set /p UserInputDate="Date in format YYYYMMDD ? "
For /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'dval.vbs "%UserInputDate%"' ) do set result=%%A
del dval.vbs
Echo Date format %result%
If /i not "%result%"=="correct" goto loop
Rem code to run if filename is valid format goes here
Set filename=%UserInputDate%.txt
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: gh0std0g74 on November 29, 2009, 07:08:42 AM
In fact you can make the batch write the vbs as well
i don't understand why anyone would want to write this way. Its ugly and not easy to maintain. And do you need to create the script on the fly each time ? Just $0.02
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 29, 2009, 07:40:59 AM
i don't understand why anyone would want to write this way. Its ugly and not easy to maintain. And do you need to create the script on the fly each time ? Just $0.02

I agree, it is ugly and I don't generally do things this way myself, but there are people around seem to prefer that way of doing this sort of job, who see a vbscript as a kind of black box which extends batch capabilities.
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 29, 2009, 04:02:23 PM
Hi guys,
I understand what you mean about this. To be honest, this is a script that may be run on a ad-hoc basis, and will not require to be automated at all.
The is parsing through a daily security log (20090930.txt for example), and I'm looking to get various meaningful reports out of them.. e.g Log on, log off information, special priviledges etc.
I never even knew you could write in vbs with batch until now, so I guess I got a little carried away with it.

You're great on this forum, thanks alot for your help.
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: gh0std0g74 on November 29, 2009, 05:40:13 PM
Hi guys,
I understand what you mean about this. To be honest, this is a script that may be run on a ad-hoc basis, and will not require to be automated at all.
The is parsing through a daily security log (20090930.txt for example), and I'm looking to get various meaningful reports out of them.. e.g Log on, log off information, special priviledges etc.
I never even knew you could write in vbs with batch until now, so I guess I got a little carried away with it.

You're great on this forum, thanks alot for your help.
if you are going to be parsing a lot, then please do go and learn vbscript. It will make your parsing job easier. You can ditch batch for parsing tasks. Even better, if you have the privilege to do this, learn a better programming language, eg Perl/Python. they are good tools for sysadmin tasks...
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Geek-9pm on November 29, 2009, 09:41:04 PM
i don't understand why anyone would want to write this way. Its ugly and not easy to maintain. And do you need to create the script on the fly each time ? Just $0.02
Because people like me can understand it. It is all in one place, no need to maintain two or more separate files. MS-DOS does not have an effective way to tie files together as pairs or triplets. So you need to put it all into one file.
I hate it when a process has a bunch of files that are not bound together as a package.
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: gh0std0g74 on November 29, 2009, 10:00:43 PM
Because people like me can understand it. It is all in one place, no need to maintain two or more separate files.
Not logical. If you want to talk about all in one place, why not all do in one language. Its cleaner and easier to troubleshoot/debug. Also, there are special steps you need to take in order to do hybrids of batch and vbs. Eg, taking care of escaping special characters used in vbscript. This makes your code even uglier. Putting batch and vbs together like that is cause for future trouble.

MS-DOS does not have an effective way to tie files together as pairs or triplets. So you need to put it all into one file.
I hate it when a process has a bunch of files that are not bound together as a package.
that's why there's a thing called "a better language"
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: BC_Programmer on November 30, 2009, 03:09:34 AM
besides; even writing a VBS with batch, your still maintaining two files anyway; you just have to deduce for yourself what parts of the batch are really batch and which aren't.

Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 30, 2009, 05:19:48 AM
I do not understand why you ask the user to input the .txt extension and then go to the trouble of validating it. I think it is adding unnecessary complication and inviting avoidable errors, as well as being sloppy programming, to ask the user for something which you know already. Why not just ask for the YYYYMMDD part, validate that, and then add the .txt part yourself?

In fact you can make the batch write the vbs as well

Code: [Select]
@echo off
Echo Outstring="incorrect">dval.vbs
Echo StrDate=Wscript.arguments(0)>>dval.vbs
Echo y = Mid(StrDate,1,4)>>dval.vbs
Echo m = Mid(StrDate,5,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo d = Mid(StrDate,7,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo If (IsDate(y^&"/"^&m^&"/"^&d) ^<^> 0) Then Outstring="correct">>dval.vbs
Echo Wscript.Echo  Outstring>>dval.vbs

Set /p UserInputDate="Date in format YYYYMMDD ? "
For /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'dval.vbs "%UserInputDate%"' ) do set result=%%A
del dval.vbs
Echo Date format %result%
If /i not "%result%"=="correct" goto loop
Rem code to run if filename is valid format goes here
Set filename=%UserInputDate%.txt

Hi there, Just on the 'Echo Date format %result%' line, it doesn't get printed on the screen for some reason, making the validation not correctly work.  The %result% does not get displayed on the screen for some reason.
Is there some reason for this?
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 30, 2009, 05:25:25 AM
Fixed an error which may or may not cause your problem - please try

Code: [Select]
@echo off
Echo Outstring="incorrect">dval.vbs
Echo StrDate=Wscript.arguments(0)>>dval.vbs
Echo y = Mid(StrDate,1,4)>>dval.vbs
Echo m = Mid(StrDate,5,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo d = Mid(StrDate,7,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo If (IsDate(y^&"/"^&m^&"/"^&d) ^<^> 0) Then Outstring="correct">>dval.vbs
Echo Wscript.Echo  Outstring>>dval.vbs

Set /p UserInputDate="Date in format YYYYMMDD ? "
For /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'dval.vbs "%UserInputDate%"' ) do set result=%%A
Echo Date format %result%
If /i not "%result%"=="correct" goto loop
del dval.vbs
Rem code to run if filename is valid format goes here
Set filename=%UserInputDate%.txt

Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 30, 2009, 05:39:53 AM
I dont think so. It's not printing the %result% and keeps going back to '
set /p variable="Please input filename (YYYYMMDD.txt) ?"' because "%result%" has an empty value.

Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 30, 2009, 05:46:59 AM
Are you using the code inside a larger batch file, possibly in a loop?

Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 30, 2009, 05:59:14 AM
No its not in a loop at all. I've tried it by itself also, and the same happens, I can't get the result variable to display.

Here is the whole of my code below:
@echo off

SET /p variable2=[Enter directory that Security Log reports are stored in] (e.g C:\seclogs):

IF EXIST "%variable2%" echo This Directory has been Found.
IF EXIST "%variable2%" GOTO FileBegin

IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%" echo You are required to re-enter a directory name that exists:
IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%" goto Begin


Echo Outstring="incorrect">dval.vbs
Echo StrDate=Wscript.arguments(0)>>dval.vbs
Echo y = Mid(StrDate,1,4)>>dval.vbs
Echo m = Mid(StrDate,5,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo d = Mid(StrDate,7,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo If (IsDate(y^&"/"^&m^&"/"^&d) ^<^> 0) Then Outstring="correct">>dval.vbs
Echo Wscript.Echo  Outstring>>dval.vbs


set /p variable="Please input filename (YYYYMMDD.txt) ?"
For /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'dval.vbs "%variable%"' ) do set result=%%A
Echo Date format %result%
If /i not "%result%"=="correct" goto loop
del c:\dval.vbs

Set variable="%variable3%".txt
IF EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" echo This file has been Found.
IF EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" GOTO START

IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" echo You are required to re-enter a file name that exists:
IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" goto loop


ECHO 1. Generate Report for list of user logoffs
ECHO 2. Generate Report for list of network logons
ECHO 3. Generate Report for list of users who logged in and logged out
ECHO 4. Generate Report for Special permissions assigned to new logon

set choice=
set /p choice=Type the number to print text:
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='1' goto loggedout
if '%choice%'=='2' goto networklogon
if '%choice%'=='3' goto nwlogin_loggedout_users
if '%choice%'=='4' goto specialprivs

ECHO "%choice%" is not valid please try again
goto choice

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
find /n ",538," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\userlogout_%Variable%
SET /p dummy=%variable2%\userlogout_%variable% file has now been generated.. Press return to exit
echo Goodbye.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
findstr /n ",540," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\networklogon_%Variable%
echo %variable2%\networklogon_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
mkdir "%variable2%\tmp"
find /n ",540," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp
find /n ",538," %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp > %variable2%\logonlogout_%Variable%
del /f %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp
echo C:\logonlogout_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
find /n ",576," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\specialprivs_%Variable%
echo %variable2%\specialprivs_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 30, 2009, 06:06:07 AM
@echo off

I ran your code & it showed me the %result% variable. I had to press a key twice though.

Take the 2 red pause statements out

SET /p variable2=[Enter directory that Security Log reports are stored in] (e.g C:\seclogs):

IF EXIST "%variable2%" echo This Directory has been Found.
IF EXIST "%variable2%" GOTO FileBegin

IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%" echo You are required to re-enter a directory name that exists:
IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%" goto Begin


Echo Outstring="incorrect">dval.vbs
Echo StrDate=Wscript.arguments(0)>>dval.vbs
Echo y = Mid(StrDate,1,4)>>dval.vbs
Echo m = Mid(StrDate,5,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo d = Mid(StrDate,7,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo If (IsDate(y^&"/"^&m^&"/"^&d) ^<^> 0) Then Outstring="correct">>dval.vbs
Echo Wscript.Echo  Outstring>>dval.vbs


set /p variable="Please input filename (YYYYMMDD.txt) ?"
For /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'dval.vbs "%variable%"' ) do set result=%%A
Echo Date format %result%
If /i not "%result%"=="correct" goto loop
del c:\dval.vbs

Set variable="%variable3%".txt
IF EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" echo This file has been Found.
IF EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" GOTO START

IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" echo You are required to re-enter a file name that exists:
IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" goto loop


ECHO 1. Generate Report for list of user logoffs
ECHO 2. Generate Report for list of network logons
ECHO 3. Generate Report for list of users who logged in and logged out
ECHO 4. Generate Report for Special permissions assigned to new logon

set choice=
set /p choice=Type the number to print text:
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='1' goto loggedout
if '%choice%'=='2' goto networklogon
if '%choice%'=='3' goto nwlogin_loggedout_users
if '%choice%'=='4' goto specialprivs

ECHO "%choice%" is not valid please try again
goto choice

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
find /n ",538," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\userlogout_%Variable%
SET /p dummy=%variable2%\userlogout_%variable% file has now been generated.. Press return to exit
echo Goodbye.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
findstr /n ",540," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\networklogon_%Variable%
echo %variable2%\networklogon_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
mkdir "%variable2%\tmp"
find /n ",540," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp
find /n ",538," %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp > %variable2%\logonlogout_%Variable%
del /f %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp
echo C:\logonlogout_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
find /n ",576," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\specialprivs_%Variable%
echo %variable2%\specialprivs_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 30, 2009, 06:11:48 AM
Still not working on my end for some reason  ???
Cannot get the variable to show at all  >:(
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 30, 2009, 06:14:48 AM
Code: [Select]
Set variable="%variable3%".txt
What does this line do?
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 30, 2009, 06:39:28 AM
Code: [Select]
@echo off

SET /p variable2=[Enter directory that Security Log reports are stored in] (e.g C:\seclogs):

IF EXIST "%variable2%" echo This Directory has been Found.
IF EXIST "%variable2%" GOTO FileBegin

IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%" echo You are required to re-enter a directory name that exists:
IF NOT EXIST "%variable2%" goto Begin


Echo Outstring="incorrect">dval.vbs
Echo StrDate=Wscript.arguments(0)>>dval.vbs
Echo y = Mid(StrDate,1,4)>>dval.vbs
Echo m = Mid(StrDate,5,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo d = Mid(StrDate,7,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo If (IsDate(y^&"/"^&m^&"/"^&d) ^<^> 0) Then Outstring="correct">>dval.vbs
Echo Wscript.Echo  Outstring>>dval.vbs


set /p variable="Please input filename (YYYYMMDD.txt) ?"
For /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'dval.vbs "%variable%"' ) do set result=%%A
Echo Date format %result%
If /i not "%result%"=="correct" goto loop

IF EXIST "%variable2%\%variable%" (
    echo This file has been Found
    goto start

echo File "%variable2%\%variable%" not found
echo You are required to re-enter a file name that exists:
goto loop


ECHO 1. Generate Report for list of user logoffs
ECHO 2. Generate Report for list of network logons
ECHO 3. Generate Report for list of users who logged in and logged out
ECHO 4. Generate Report for Special permissions assigned to new logon

set choice=
set /p choice=Type the number to print text:
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='1' goto loggedout
if '%choice%'=='2' goto networklogon
if '%choice%'=='3' goto nwlogin_loggedout_users
if '%choice%'=='4' goto specialprivs

ECHO "%choice%" is not valid please try again
goto choice

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
find /n ",538," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\userlogout_%Variable%
SET /p dummy=%variable2%\userlogout_%variable% file has now been generated.. Press return to exit
echo Goodbye.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
findstr /n ",540," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\networklogon_%Variable%
echo %variable2%\networklogon_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
mkdir "%variable2%\tmp"
find /n ",540," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp
find /n ",538," %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp > %variable2%\logonlogout_%Variable%
del /f %variable2%\tmp\logonlogout_%Variable%.tmp
echo C:\logonlogout_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1

echo Please wait while the report gets created..
find /n ",576," %variable2%\%variable% > %variable2%\specialprivs_%Variable%
echo %variable2%\specialprivs_%variable% has been generated.
goto end1
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 30, 2009, 06:48:52 AM
Ah I'm still confused. I'm not sure why the variable is still not displaying.
Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 30, 2009, 06:52:32 AM
Code: [Select]
[Enter directory that Security Log reports are stored in] (e.g C:\seclogs):s:\test
This Directory has been Found.
Please input filename (YYYYMMDD.txt) ?20091130.txt
Date format correct
This file has been Found

1. Generate Report for list of user logoffs
2. Generate Report for list of network logons
3. Generate Report for list of users who logged in and logged out
4. Generate Report for Special permissions assigned to new logon
Type the number to print text:

Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on November 30, 2009, 07:34:22 AM

Alright, I've got it working apart from an error on this line:
for /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'cscript c:\dval.vbs "%variable%"' ) do set result=%%A

It says that 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect'.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on November 30, 2009, 07:46:36 AM
The vbs script is not being found. The batch is writing it to dval.vbs i.e. in the current directory (the same directory that the batch is in) but you have coded the calling line to look for c:\dval.vbs

EITHER: change all these dval.vbs to c:\dval.vbs

Code: [Select]
Echo Outstring="incorrect">dval.vbs
Echo StrDate=Wscript.arguments(0)>>dval.vbs
Echo y = Mid(StrDate,1,4)>>dval.vbs
Echo m = Mid(StrDate,5,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo d = Mid(StrDate,7,2)>>dval.vbs
Echo If (IsDate(y^&"/"^&m^&"/"^&d) ^<^> 0) Then Outstring="correct">>dval.vbs
Echo Wscript.Echo  Outstring>>dval.vbs

OR: change c:\dval.vbs to dval.vbs

Code: [Select]
for /f "delims=" %%A in ( 'cscript c:\dval.vbs "%variable%"' ) do set result=%%A
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on December 01, 2009, 05:41:55 AM
Hi ya,
Thanks for all the information.
I got it working anyway and it seems to be fine now. I disregarded the cb script popup boxes that displayed "incorrect" and "correct" and printed it out within the batch program.

I may have to do more complex things with these reports, like strip off certain information from the actual log text files.
Is Perl the best to generate these kind of reports?
Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: Salmon Trout on December 01, 2009, 06:05:23 AM
I disregarded the cb script popup boxes that displayed "incorrect" and "correct" and printed it out within the batch program.

That is a clue that you are running the script with wscript.exe and not cscript.exe which explains the lack of output you were experiencing.

You are using the command

cscript.exe //nologo before the vbs script name?

Title: Re: Force user to enter correct file format [YYYYMMDD.txt]
Post by: newuserlh on December 01, 2009, 06:34:10 AM
Yeah it's running cscript now.  I had issues with the output there and changed the delim line.
It's sorted out now thankfully.