Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows XP => Topic started by: TimeRunner83 on December 01, 2009, 03:06:06 AM

Title: Computer shuts off randomly and runs for only 10 minutes
Post by: TimeRunner83 on December 01, 2009, 03:06:06 AM
Excuse my noobish language, but i am a rookie in regards to comp tech.

I have an XPLIO brand PC that I bought about 2 years ago. Now, about 6 months ago, my computer started restarting randomly almost daily. Some days it would restart after 30 minutes of activity, and sometimes after hours. Also, my CD drive has not been working for some time now, every time I put in a CD, any CD, my computer will read it, then restart all of sudden.

Now, a couple days ago, my computer is now shutting down. This is scary.
What happens exactly, is I will start my computer up, everything will seem A-Okay, then about 10-15 minutes in, you hear a progressively louder and louder high pitched noise. Almost like the sound of the laser, when you put in a CD and laser is active, except the high pitched noise gets extremely loud, then at the climax of this noise, the computer just shuts off. And then, I cannot restart it again until after about 10-15 minutes. If I do attempt before hand, it will turn on, then shut off right away.

Please can someone relate of advise? I really don't want to buy another computer, but if this problem is financially more pressing than a new PC, then I will have no choice.

Thank You
Title: Re: Computer shuts off randomly and runs for only 10 minutes
Post by: mroilfield on December 01, 2009, 03:15:03 AM
It sound to me like you might have a problem with the fans and heat.

Try taking the side off and then turning the computer on to see if the fans are running. Be sure not to touch anything in side the comp while it is running.

While the comp is running watch to see if you can identify where the sound is coming from.
Title: Re: Computer shuts off randomly and runs for only 10 minutes
Post by: TimeRunner83 on December 01, 2009, 08:52:29 AM
Do you reccommend I should check the fans, even though it is really apparent they are running.?The sound of the fans almost takes over the TV volume. It goes crazy fast.

Thanks for that response bro
Title: Re: Computer shuts off randomly and runs for only 10 minutes
Post by: Spoiler on December 01, 2009, 10:16:31 AM
Here you go....

Read this over. After I think you will find that your machine was having problems with over heating. Cleaning it should help.

Welcome to Computer Hope!

Title: Re: Computer shuts off randomly and runs for only 10 minutes
Post by: Broni on December 01, 2009, 08:13:53 PM
my computer is now shutting down
The sound of the fans almost takes over the TV volume
It surely siunds like overheating.
Get a can of compressed air and clean inside the case.