Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: gWrOeLyF on December 18, 2009, 06:19:26 AM

Title: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 18, 2009, 06:19:26 AM
I am trying to put my old hard drive into my other computer for extra memory.

my computer reads both hard drives and says names at start up and also in bios.

PROBLEM---> after load up screen it stays black and there is nothing going on. It goes black when the screen you should  pick your user or your password.

1.starts ups.. 2.reads both hard drives.    (3). screen goes black where windows xp user names are..
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: patio on December 18, 2009, 06:42:11 AM
Did you set the jumpers properly on both drives when you swapped it in there ? ?
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 18, 2009, 06:44:28 AM
i am not use i am going to check now.

thank you ahead of time in case.
Title: Old Hard Drive in other computer.
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 18, 2009, 06:05:33 PM
I am trying to put my old hard drive into my other computer for extra memory.

*** all jumpers are set to where they have to be and all parts are where they have to be ***

in bios when i go to IDE settings and click auto it comes up as none, but when i go to the last page before the exit one it shows both hard drive names on computer...

*what happens*
1. computer loads.
2. gateway screen comes up showing its loading
3. shows  D0 ibm harddrive
                 D1 Fireball harddrive

4 <problum> you hear a beep and screen stays black then...
------       ---------
please help with this its fustrating me...  Thank you advanced
Title: Re: Old Hard Drive in other computer.
Post by: Geek-9pm on December 18, 2009, 06:43:37 PM
To start with, let's make sure the two hard drives are not causing problems with each other. Although the BeOS recognizes both drives, there still may be some kind of conflict. This is based on practical experience, not on any theoretical ideas.
Now if both of these drives are IDE drives, and you have two IDE cables in the computer, we can try the following. Remove the cable from the CD-ROM drive. And while you're at it remove the power connector. not going to use the CD-ROM.
Now plug one drive into the first cable and plug the other drive into the second cable. The idea here is to have the cable for each drive, but we have no need to worry about the jumpers on the drives at this point. Now plug the machine back in to the wall plug and that turn on the power as usual. You should see a report that shows old has-been recognized. If not, given to the BIOS and try to select the drives manually. On most systems that means you have to set the options to auto.
at this point save the changes and exit. Notice what happens. If you still have problems, turn off the machine again, turn it back on and look in the BIOS.with each drive on its own cable BBI OS will have to find the drives. If it cannot find the drives even after two reboots, you've got something wrong.
But if the BeOS now recognizes both drives, yet the system will not boot, then we can go from there. I have a hunch that the drive jumpers were not configured properly for those two drives. Some older drives had strange jumper configurations that would make them not work well with the newer drives.
But trying to salvage a very old hard drive is not always a good idea. They don't perform very well, they may draw more power than they should, and they are not reliable. When you say old, I think you mean older than five years.
You can buy very good IDE drives today at bargain prices. So there is not too much reason to try to salvage a very old drive.
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 18, 2009, 06:44:07 PM
i made sure everything is pluged in correctly and jumpers are in right. still wont work..
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: patio on December 18, 2009, 06:54:06 PM
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 18, 2009, 07:16:03 PM
ok i took the cd rom cble and pluged it into the hd i want to make my slave and this is what happens...

computer goes on starts bios does not even pick it up in hardwear. and does not show any signs of the hard drive on the computer AS i know of....

Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: patio on December 18, 2009, 07:35:55 PM
Drive may be confirm this hook it up as a slave in another machine...
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 18, 2009, 07:37:00 PM
ok thank you.

just incase it isint is there any other possibilty?
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: patio on December 18, 2009, 07:38:53 PM
But report back with your results first...
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 19, 2009, 02:13:02 PM
sorry it took so long to me to get back....

my hard drive does work in another computer, so its not broken
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: Computer_Commando on December 19, 2009, 02:38:15 PM
Check Boot Order in BIOS.  BTW, hard drives are not memory.
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 19, 2009, 02:42:38 PM
i did it goes    cd-flopy-hd.. i try them in all diffrent orders to see if that was it but it wasint.

hard drive cant be used for memory? how am i to get more memory then D=
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: Computer_Commando on December 19, 2009, 02:45:34 PM
i did it goes    cd-flopy-hd.. i try them in all diffrent orders to see if that was it but it wasint.

hard drive cant be used for memory? how am i to get more memory then D=
Which hd?  Maybe it's the wrong one.  RAM is memory, HDD is storage.
Title: Re: old computer hard drive in new computer
Post by: gWrOeLyF on December 19, 2009, 02:57:00 PM
only my master first then slave..

yeah sotrage i need i cant download anything no memory =\