Computer Hope

Software => Apple => Topic started by: agillett on January 16, 2010, 12:58:23 PM

Title: Itunes store hangs
Post by: agillett on January 16, 2010, 12:58:23 PM

I hope somebody out there can help! Since I updated to itunes 9.0 I've not been able to access the itunes store through the itunes program. The usual store page doesn't open.

My laptop on the same network is fine running itunes 9

I can get partial access to parts of the itunes site but not by clicking "itunes store" under the "store" menu on the far left.

But, if I click on the "my account" button under the "store" on the top line I can access and alter my details.

If I then click e.g. "staff favourites" from the drop down "Podcasts" menu from the menu line above "Apple Account Information" it appears. I can download the podcasts available. In fact all of the drop down submenus take me to the relevant page!? (Except most of the TV, Films and Music menus)

Also although I can see the pages I can't click on them or download them.

During testing I did get a "network timed out" error for one of the other menu links.

Didn't work with the MSCONFIG test which turned off the startup programs.

My questions are:

1)   I use windows and itunes diagnostics says that I am connecting ok and windows firewall is configured OK, so assume it isn't that. My router has it's firewall OFF, and I have uninstalled Spybot.
2)   If this was a port issue, would I be able to get account info and partial functionality, wouldn't it just hang for all of it?
3)   Same question but relating to blocking an itune site, although I have done the "host" file fix and it didn't work, but I assume all functions wouldn't be available like in (2)?
4)   As the previous version worked, if there was a port/firewall issue surely that would have shown up in version 8.2?

Excuse the description above, I've lifted it from an e-mail to Apple support. I think they feel, probably correctly itis an issuewith my PC, although there do seem to be others with the same problem. I used to have Zonelaarm firewall, and later Comodo, but i've long since removed them and now use Windows firewall and AVG 9 Free. Ihad spybot on but took it off in case it was causing the issue. It wouldn't make sense really as as I said itunes 8.2 worked fine.

I've tried all of the suggesrions on the apple support pages!

My question is can I run something to show me what itunes is waiting for and so hanging. A bit of me is thinking of a full reinstall if Vista!!

Title: Re: Itunes store hangs
Post by: Allan on January 16, 2010, 01:01:02 PM
I'd suggest posting in the apple support forum.
Title: Re: Itunes store hangs
Post by: agillett on January 16, 2010, 03:33:40 PM
I tried support but as they seemed to think the problem lay outside of itunes I'm trying an alternative route.
Title: Re: Itunes store hangs
Post by: Allan on January 16, 2010, 03:35:57 PM
I didn't say Apple Support - I said their support forum. It's worth a shot.
Title: Re: Itunes store hangs
Post by: agillett on January 17, 2010, 03:27:09 AM
The support forum already has the question raised but with no answer that helps my problem. As their upper level technical can't help I assume it isn't itunes but something external hence my request for help.
Title: Re: Itunes store hangs
Post by: skipschaeffer on February 12, 2011, 11:04:32 PM
This problem happened to me, well, actually my daughter.  IT was the parental controls.  I turned it off for my daughter, and PRESTO! - no more problem.  As soon as the parental controls were turned off for her, she could access itunes store instantly, and iTunes never hung up again!  I hope this works for you.  It was very frustrating until I figured it out!  Pass the word on in other foums!  NOTE:  once you turn off the parental controls, you need to log out and back in for that user before the changes take effect.

Good luck!