Computer Hope

Software => Internet browsers => Topic started by: AmyR7 on January 26, 2010, 11:32:59 PM

Title: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 26, 2010, 11:32:59 PM
Trying to figure out what is suppose to be checked when I right click on IE and then click on Properties and Advanced.
It has the Settings
like for Accessibility, Browsing, Underline Links, Http 1.1 Settings, International, Microsoft VM, Multimedia, Printing, Security, and so on.

Especially with all the viruses, hacking etc.. just want to make sure we have everything set correct.
Also, one of the weird things we keep having problems with on both computers whenever using IE is that we keep losing the taskbar. Not sure what is causing that either. Seems to mostly happen when we click the login button it brings up another window and then that is when we lose everything. So, like is there some settings someplace to tell it to do the width and height or something? I seem to also see a page thing and tools buttons, zoom, not sure if that is something we need to change?
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: Allan on January 27, 2010, 05:44:11 AM
Okay, your post is a little confusing. First, in Internet Options - Privacy - Advanced - Settings - I'd suggest you accept first party & session cookies but should block 3rd party cookies. Other than that any changes are pretty much up to you. More important is your AV and Malware software. As for the other problems you are having, I don't really follow.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 27, 2010, 12:29:34 PM
We are trying to find a list of the correct settings for Internet Explorer.
We do not have what you are talking about.
When we right click on Internet Explorer, and then choose Properties, and then go to Advanced.
There is a big long list of categories, and we are trying to find out what is suppose to be checked under each of the categories.
Here are the categories we keep seeing.
Underline Links
Http 1.1 settings
Microsoft VM
Search from the address bar

We don't understand what all needs to be checked and not checked. Don't understand what alot of it means.
Under browsing section some of the things we have checked is Disable script debugging(IE),
Disable script debugging(other), Enable FTP Folder View, Enable Page transitions,
Theres others checked too, but hopefully this will help to understand what we are talking about.

With all the problems we have had from the viruses and spyware and people hacking us.
We just want to make sure the settings are all correct and we don't know what they are suppose to even be.

Sorry about any confusion.

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: Allan on January 27, 2010, 12:31:50 PM
Tools - Internet Options  - Advanced - Reset
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: kpac on January 27, 2010, 12:33:11 PM
Under browsing section some of the things we have checked is Disable script debugging(IE),
Disable script debugging(other), Enable FTP Folder View, Enable Page transitions,
Theres others checked too, but hopefully this will help to understand what we are talking about.
You don't need to worry about these.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: BC_Programmer on January 27, 2010, 03:20:22 PM
there are no "Correct" and "incorrect" settings. If that was the case they wouldn't be user-changable to begin with.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 27, 2010, 08:52:01 PM
We have no idea what half of this stuff even means.
Whenever we try things on our own, we always mess it up worse.
This is why we are trying to find out, is there a site or somewhere that shows the setup instructions of what needs to be marked and not marked?
Or can we just go through and check everything?
One of the settings in here it says:
Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)
What will happen if we do or don't have this marked?
Also, this one here we don't understand either.
Http 1.1 settings:
Use http 1.1
Use http 1.1 through proxy connections

So, many others too we don't understand. If this isn't the correct place to go for this kind of help, is ok. Please let us know though so we can try and find someone who can help with this.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: BC_Programmer on January 27, 2010, 09:48:54 PM
We have no idea what half of this stuff even means.
Whenever we try things on our own, we always mess it up worse.
This is why we are trying to find out, is there a site or somewhere that shows the setup instructions of what needs to be marked and not marked?
Or can we just go through and check everything?
One of the settings in here it says:
Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)
What will happen if we do or don't have this marked?
Also, this one here we don't understand either.
Http 1.1 settings:
Use http 1.1
Use http 1.1 through proxy connections

So, many others too we don't understand. If this isn't the correct place to go for this kind of help, is ok. Please let us know though so we can try and find someone who can help with this.

leave them all alone.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 27, 2010, 11:22:06 PM
Sorry, what exactly do you mean when you say leave them all alone?
Do you mean to uncheck them?
or is there a setting somewhere that is suppose to say leave them all alone?

I use to understand this stuff better, but don't anymore since my health isn't doing good anymore. Caused me to forget so much in life.
My mom doesn't understand any of it.

So, we are guessing there is no sites to go to that will just list all the things that are suppose to have checks by them?
Since we keep getting hacked. Maybe this is why we keep getting hacked, because the hacker has changed some of these settings.
We don't even know the password to our router anymore. They changed that.
That is why we would just like to go to a site and look at what the settings are suppose to be. It would be easier for us to understand and do it this way.
It just seems for everything out there- software, and other devices there are certain settings that need to be correct for things to work properly.
At least some things come with a manual on how to set things up. But if you don't have or missing certain things or a site that tells these things it seems now a days too. For our Internet Settings we have to go to a website to do them. But then if something goes wrong and you can't get online, if you mess something up by screwing with the settings, and then can't get online anymore to figure out what you messed up.

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: cruisin702 on January 27, 2010, 11:32:03 PM
You can choose Reset at the bottom as Allan already suggested. (A good thing to do if you have been messing with the check marks.)
Choose medium or higher setting on your privacy tab.
Keep an updated antivirus and firewall running.
Run Superantispyware and Malwarebytes weekly or bi-weekly.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: t_blake07 on January 27, 2010, 11:54:17 PM

You seem to have very bad luck, with all the viruses and hacking, don't you? When you obtained possession of this laptop, was it used, or did you buy it brand new?
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: kpac on January 28, 2010, 10:26:44 AM
Sorry, what exactly do you mean when you say leave them all alone?
Do you mean to uncheck them?
or is there a setting somewhere that is suppose to say leave them all alone?
It means don't check them and don't uncheck them. Leave them the way they are now.

Reset Internet Explorer (
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 28, 2010, 12:24:08 PM
After reading this, maybe this is what is causing our passwords to not work anymore.
If we hit reset, one of the things we see on that page that it resets is Passwords.
We just got alot of this straightened out with sites we use that got messed up.
Couldn't log into things, and also my mom's information got into my accounts too.
One of the sites I use, it had the wrong email address in for my account, and it almost caused me to have to get a totally new email address too(which would be just another account to keep up with the information for), because of when I was trying to put in the correct one, it kept telling me it was invalid even though it is not invalid.
That is a big reason we do not want to hit reset, unless absolutely necessary. The last time we did this, we ended up having to call a repairman out, because of being locked out of the computer. And he broke other things such as the scanner and printer, and we don't want to have to have this happen again.

Both mine and mom's computers are desktops, Dell, and both brand new. The very first time my computer got hacked was years ago when having to get AIM for an online computer class that I had just signed up for. Something called an 'MBKWBar toolbar' came through and put itself in IE and broke it. On my mom's computer with her IE, hers has been broken for awhile too, everytime we opened it, we would get taken to sites automatically.
My computer had Mozilla, but had to get rid of it due to problems of it being hacked and everytime we open it, it would cause everything to become distorted. My mom's computer still has Mozilla, but is now seeming to fail.  Certain websites we use do not work properly with Mozilla.

Just got the newest version of IE on both computers, and seems to maybe be working except for a few things, such as things not displaying properly, and looking at these things, looks like maybe that is something checked wrong that is causing it. But we don't understand what some of these things mean.
Some of the things talks about Zooming, text, all that stuff. Sounds like something there, but we don't understand all that stuff. We have the same problems not just with our computer but with this stuff on all electronics we have(if you remember about all that DVD stuff) and things not displaying properly when we try and watch tv. 
So, with all the problems we have been through and looks like we are getting closer to things working better.
Yes, we are going to just leave things the way they are now, but are scared to since people have been hacking us. They may have marked something that they know would cause worse problems.
Is why we just are looking for a list of the things that they recommend to have checked.

Also, yes, both computers are loaded with protection. All the things that cruisin702 mentioned we have. Plus a bunch of other things too my brother-in-law who knows more on computers than we do, put on our computers. Since my brother-in-law lives a good bit away and of course due to work and all, not sure when he would be able to come over again. Which yeah, we could email him and ask for a site that has what needs to be checked if you all don't know of a site?

Just trying to understand how to use everything.
The other day though not sure if we got hit or what. Maybe the stuff helped, because yes, we did get taken to another site automatically while logged into account on this one site we use, that everyone else who uses the site was taken to other sites too, and some people had even worse things happening to them. Which with us, the only thing that happened was this message that was on the screen is making us think maybe all this protection we have is helping because it said something about the site was blocked.
Here is the exact message:
"Reported Attack Site!
This web site at has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Attack sites try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.
Some attack sites intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners."

So, does that sound like the protection is working?

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: t_blake07 on January 28, 2010, 05:37:11 PM
It sounds like it protected you from that one website.

The reason I asked if the PC's were new or used, is because if they were new, which they are, the list of settings should be the way you would want them to be. From the sound of it, you've already been infected before though, and it resulted in those settings being changed.

I would reset the settings back to default, run your virus/spyware/malware programs, and leave it all alone. If any threats are brought to your attention, then you should take the appropriate actions.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 28, 2010, 06:37:31 PM
From the sound of it, you've already been infected before though, and it resulted in those settings being changed.
Half correct. 
So, then after we had hit reset, we have messed all this stuff up.
We are having problems getting the settings back to what they should be.
It reset all our accounts doing this. We are still having problems getting them straightened out. So, then we lose them, or they charge us again for a new account and can't close the old one because of things getting all messed up and getting the wrong information in, such as for some of my accounts seem to have my mom's details in them or other ways around. Classmates charged us again due to this.
So, don't want to hit it again and then have to get them fixed again.
So, that is why we are looking for a list of what is suppose to be marked and not marked.

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 28, 2010, 07:30:53 PM
Hope it's ok to post again.
Just thought of something to add to the previous post, but don't want to confuse anything more either.
One of the accounts that was messed up when we hit reset is the information for our router.
Things such as the default password is no longer what it should be and the stuff we had changed it to doesn't work either.
So, don't know what to do about that.

Also, what is a referrer id?
That is one of the things that one of our accounts asked for when trying to get it reset.
Then the people who run the site had to get the account working again from their end because we couldn't do it because of not knowing what a referrer id is.

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: t_blake07 on January 28, 2010, 07:33:14 PM
Ok well it sounds like the settings that you are inquiring about are settings that are very important. Maybe you should have a professional take a look at these in person, before things become more messed up than they already are. Just my opinion.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 28, 2010, 07:59:44 PM
Maybe you should have a professional take a look at these in person, before things become more messed up than they already are.
Is a repairman not a professional?
Already tried that several times. Thought we mentioned that in one of the previous posts about the last couple of repairmen we have had over the years. They broke the scanner and printer.
They also didn't know what a referrer id is either. The last guy we had out didn't know this, and that is one of the accounts we just had to get straightened back out, and just got it fixed by the people who run the site having to do it somehow from their end.
He also didn't know where to find the bookmarks either. Which we can find with no problems. Don't know why he couldn't find them.
Someone else we know from Geeks to go(is one of the accounts that got messed up), when we told him about the repairman not knowing where to find the bookmarks, said to have him leave immediately. Which in our case, we didn't know this until after he brought the computer back.

Still don't know what we need to do for our router/internet settings anymore. Since that was so hard for us to get setup in the beginning, and the repairman who set it up for us, not our ISP, because they kept having a debate whether it was a problem with the computer or the equipment, even though we had proved it wasn't a hardware problem, but keep giving us the run around saying that Linksys has to help because of it being a Linksys router. Then they want to try and sell us a different router than we already have and other stuff too that we didn't want or need. But turned out it was due to wiring in the walls. These clips not holding together properly.

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: t_blake07 on January 28, 2010, 08:14:44 PM
Is a repairman not a professional?
Already tried that several times. Thought we mentioned that in one of the previous posts about the last couple of repairmen we have had over the years. They broke the scanner and printer.
They also didn't know what a referrer id is either.

Then no, the repairmen you had look at you computers were not professionals.

I'm sure you will continue to get feedback from people who are willing to help here at Computer Hope, but some things need to be evaluated in person, and it's hard to tell what exactly is going on in your unfortunate situation. Even though it wasn't much, I tried to help. Good luck, and I hope you get it all sorted out.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 28, 2010, 08:19:27 PM
How do we tell if they are professionals or not?
We looked in the phone book, and it says in their ad that they are Microsoft Certified. 

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: t_blake07 on January 28, 2010, 08:27:10 PM
How do we tell if they are professionals or not?
We looked in the phone book, and it says in their ad that they are Microsoft Certified.

Certified means that they have taken courses based on Microsoft's software/programs. It doesn't mean they are professional. I would look for a repairman that has many years of experience, and has the credentials to back it up.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: patio on January 28, 2010, 08:50:34 PM
Or check with the local College/Graduate schools...see if there is a local PC users group/club...great source of Help/info and referrals for competent techs.
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 28, 2010, 11:42:48 PM
Do you all also notice that half the time that when you call techs now a days, it seems they are just reading out of some manual?
Which makes us wonder, how did they manage to pass the tests and get their degrees from college and stuff? Only other thing, I guess if they could be a C or D student, and not all A's and B's.

But the other big things we keep running into is people who are able to help and not help on the problems. Since the product we have is Microsoft Windows XP, and Dell computers, and also Bellsouth/At&t is our ISP. So, for example, we can't call someone who doesn't work on Dell computers. Dell only sends out techs who work on their brand computers.
One of the companies we were working with for awhile there and who got our internet setup the rest of way and stuff, have been around since the 90's.
Another example, we also have Mediacom. If a problem, you can't call someone who works at Cox or some other company just because you don't like the repair people they send out.

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: t_blake07 on January 29, 2010, 12:16:18 AM
Unfortunately, most companies are all about getting the customer rather than supporting them with technical issues. This problem could go on for as long as you let it go on. Try looking online for local PC repair shops. Most should have a website that you can visit and navigate to determine whether or not you would like to give them a shot. I prefer doing that over looking in the phone book. It's so hard to explain things in text form, when the problem could very well be solved or at least diagnosed if someone were there, on your PC, in person. I wish I could help, as does everyone else here i'm sure. You should also think about doing what patio suggested. It could be the cheap route, and still solve your problem.  ;)
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 29, 2010, 11:40:59 AM
Try looking online for local PC repair shops. Most should have a website that you can visit and navigate to determine whether or not you would like to give them a shot.
Because, when the things are under warranty, you have to call the company that sold you the electronics. They deal with all repairs.
Or at least here they do.
Yes, they give you a list of companies in your area that deal with repairs on that type of product.
So, yes, that is who we called, local people in our area.
We don't have anyone else to call.
But then if the problem is not with the electronics, but with your ISP/cable companies stuff you are trying to get back working right. Then you have to deal with them too. So, you need someone who can go through the attic and do all the wiring and stuff like that.

At the moment, the only thing we are still looking for is the webpage with the different settings.
Hang on, here is sort of what I'm talking about, an example (
We know how to go through and do so many things on our own with so many things, just need the correct information of what you need to mark and stuff. Is not hard for us to do, but if you don't have the list of what you need to check and not check. Like I said, my brother-in-law, he knows all these things about computers and takes care of the repairs in their house and whenever he can get over here he helps out too. My dad also worked as a computer programmer so would take care of all the stuff too and we learned alot of things. We setup so many things on our own over the years, but like I said, need to have instructions on what to mark and not mark. Just setup our new DVD/VCR Combo Unit we got. Had to put in the settings. Seems like now a days alot of the instructions seem to be online instead of in books/manual.

Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: namdeo_tarun on January 29, 2010, 10:32:56 PM
hey u can change the settings to default
Title: Re: Is there a way to check what the correct browser settings are suppose to be?
Post by: AmyR7 on January 30, 2010, 12:11:38 AM
Just found one of the things we were trying to explain that has happend to us after trying the reset. As you can see, it talks about sites that rely on the previously stored cookies, etc.. may not work anymore. Which is what has happend to us. And we are still trying to get our accounts all straightened back out. That is what we need help with. What do we do now that it says our passwords are not correct anymore? One of the stuff we can't get into anymore is our Router Interface. It says what the default should be, but that does not work anymore either. Some of the accounts we had to get new ones and got charged again because of losing the old ones because of this. One of the other things too that is hard for people to understand is that alot of things that are done automatically by doing this reset stuff, like detecting where you are calling from and stuff when you try to get back into your accounts, does not work right because of the way everything is hooked up. That is why we can't do stuff like that. It's way more complicated, but we do know more what to do since did get it all setup on our own in the beginning and all. My dad was a computer programmer.
This is what it says:
"By resetting Internet Explorer settings, you return it to the state it was in when it was first installed on your computer. This is useful for troubleshooting problems that might be caused by settings that were changed after installation. When you restore Internet Explorer's default settings, some webpages that rely on previously stored cookies, form data, passwords, or previously installed browser add-ons might not work correctly. Resetting Internet Explorer to its default settings does not delete your favorites, feeds, and a few other personalized settings. See the table below for a complete list of all settings and information about whether they are reset or maintained."