Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft DOS => Topic started by: radema on February 05, 2018, 07:57:08 PM

Title: prefix folder name to the new created file
Post by: radema on February 05, 2018, 07:57:08 PM
I wanted to have a batch file to help me manage my files without installing additional software.

This is an example of my file naming convention or the final file after renaming ACO-DP-MA-2018-001_01_Proposed_Doc_v1
ACO-DP-MA-2018-001 = the folder the file resides
01 = auto number increment by 1
Proposed_Doc_v1 = file name created by user

I wan't to automatically add the folder name as prefix to the newly created file in that folder followed with an auto number with the exemption of the files which were already prefixed. It should also have auto monitoring for newly created file.

For example when I create a new file inside ACO-DP-MA-2018-001 folder with a file name of Proposed_Doc_v1, my file will be auto renamed into ACO-DP-MA-2018-001_01_Proposed_Doc_v1. Or if I create another file with a file name Report_Doc_v1 in the same folder the final file name will now be ACO-DP-MA-2018-001_02_Report_Doc_v1 and so on and so forth. Else, renaming is skipped if the file name prefix match the folder name.

I don't have any clue or even a starting point to create the script in scratch. What I did was I do research regarding my problem hoping for a solution but I can only find codes in fragments. I don't know how to combine these codes into one.

Script with exemption:

@echo off
rem filter all files not starting with the prefix 'dat'
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /R ReplaceWithDirectory %%F IN (*.*) DO (
set fname=%%~nF
set subfname=!fname:~0,3!
IF NOT "!subfname!" == "dat" echo "%%F"
Prefixed file name with folder name:

@echo off
pushd "Replace with Directory"
for /d %%P in (*) do for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /s /a-d "%%P"') do
rename "%%F" "%%P_%%~nxF"
To monitor the folder:

@Echo OFF
REM By Elektro H@cker
PUSHD "Replace with Directory"
:: Recycle past session logs
Del /Q "%TEMP%\FileList.tmp","%TEMP%\FileListNew.tmp"
If Exist "%TEMP%\FileList.tmp" (
Dir /B /A-D > "%TEMP%\FileListNew.tmp"
Echo N | Comp "%TEMP%\FileList.tmp" "%TEMP%\FileListNew.tmp" 1>NUL 2>&1 || (
    Echo File changes found on directory.
    Call :FileOp
MOVE /Y "%TEMP%\FileListNew.tmp" "%TEMP%\FileList.tmp" 1>NUL
) ELSE (
Dir /B /A-D > "%TEMP%\FileList.tmp"
Timeout /T 5 1>NUL & REM Avoid Ping while you are in Windows 7/8.
GOTO :Monitor_Loop
For %%# in ("*") Do (Echo "%%~#")
Title: Re: prefix folder name to the new created file
Post by: radema on February 28, 2018, 12:50:43 AM
can someone help me with this code.
using this ACO-DP-CB-2017_2_001_177-VN-BX_Sec_v5.png as base

2 = file number
001 = group number

The script will only work with one set of group number in one folder.
Note: the part of script which add folder name will only work if one subfolder with one file inside is present.

@echo off
rem filter all files not starting with the prefix 'dat'
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set max=0
set oldfilemax=ACO-*.*
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /s /b /a-d %oldfilemax%') DO (
set oldmax=%%~nF
set /a FI=!oldmax:~15,1!
if "!FI!" gtr "!max!" set max=!FI!
rem echo !FI!

REM ----this will define the old file to match----
set oldfile=ACO-*.*
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /s /b /a-d %oldfile%') DO (
set oldfilename=%%~nF
set /a oldname=!oldfilename:~17,3!

REM ----set for the maximum number of file number

REM ----this will define the new file to rename----
set newfile=_*.*
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /s /b /a-d %newfile%') DO (
set newfilename=%%~nF
set /a newname=!newfilename:~1,3!

REM ----this will compare new file and old file----
REM ----first if will prefix 1 if it can't find a match number in old file----
IF NOT "!newname!" == "!oldname!" (
set /a start=1
rem set /a zero=0
rename "%%F" "_!start!%%~nxF"
call :addfoldername
REM ----second if will add 1 if it can find a match number in old file----
IF "!newname!" == "!oldname!" (
set /a addnewfilenumber=!FI!+1
rem set /a zero=0
rename "%%F" "_!addnewfilenumber!%%~nxF"
call :addfoldername

pushd "C:\Users\Administrator.MMC-EXPLO\Music\New folder"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /s /b /a-d *.* ^|findstr /iv "aco"') do for /d %%P in (*) do for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /s /b /a-d "%%P"') do rename "%%a" "%%P%%~nxa"