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Author Topic: Batch move files that are consecutive to the same folder USING NOTEPAD  (Read 4729 times)

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    • Experience: Experienced
    • OS: Windows 10
    I am trying to batch move consecutive named files with the same extension to a particular folder.
    EXAMPLE: "G:\PHILHARMONIA DOWNLOAD\violin\violin_A3_1_forte_arco-normal.mp3" (this folder has all of the files currently), but I have created a destination folder also.

    In the above, I would like to add:_B3_1_, _C3_1_, and etc. to move into the same directory. I would also like to add that there is also (_A4_1_, _B4_1_) files, but I want to repeat the code and have them go to a different folder once I figure this out. So basically, all 3's are in the same folder and etc. Can someone please help me out here?

    I am looking to do what I asked and not the following, because it moves everything with the same extension.The only way that I have seen is using this for example, which again is not what I asked:
     "@echo off

    REM Documents
    move *.docx C:\Users\username\Documents move *.pdf C:\Users\username\Documents
    move *.xls C:\Users\username\Documents
    move *.txt C:\Users\username\Documents

    REM Music
    move *.mp3 C:\Users\username\Music

    Thamks in advance!


    • Geek After Dark
    • Thanked: 1026
      • Gekk9pm bnlog
    • Certifications: List
    • Computer: Specs
    • Experience: Expert
    • OS: Windows 10
    Hello,  let me say something. (Sorry, I can't do the batch for you.)
    Have you considered using other tools to organize your stuff?
    Look around and you can find free advanced file management software.
    The various special features that I'm looking forward to in a file manager are Dual panes, Tabbed interface, Bookmarks, History, Archive handling, Advanced File Search, MultiRename, Folder Size Enumeration, Folder Compare and Synchronize, FTP support, File viewer, File sorting, File splitter, Filtered view, Keyboard shortcuts, Easy access to system folders and more.
    So here are top 5 products that I've found after months of testing. Their interface, features and customization are among the best and curated accordingly in each of the products.
    He goes on to mention
     FreeCommander XE
     Unreal Commander
     Multi Commander
     Master Commander

    Just saying that it might save you time and bring you a new tool.

    Now somebody else will show you how in batch.  8)

    Salmon Trout

    • Guest
    You can use wildcards other than the simple star, dot, extension, (like *.mp3). For example, assuming that your music file names just have these character groups A3_1, B4_1 in one place only you can build a wildcard like this

    move *A3_1*.mp3 [some folder]
    move *A4_1*.mp3 [some folder]
    move *B5_2*.mp3 [some folder]
    move *C6_41*.mp3 [some folder]

    Or if the only place you have a number followed by an underscore is here:


    then *3_*.mp3 would find all the 3s in that place.


    • Thanked: 42
    • Experience: Expert
    • OS: Windows 10
    Hi  ;)
    Here is a starting batch file to test, just for searching : Search_MP3_Pattern.bat
    Code: [Select]
    @echo off
    Title Searching mp3 files with special pattern . . .
    Color 9E & Mode con cols=75 lines=3
    set "Master_Folder=C:\users"
    set "Pattern=*_??_?_*.mp3"
    set "LogSearch=%~dpn0.txt"
    echo      Please wait ... Searching "%Pattern%" files is in progress ...
    Where /R "%Master_Folder%" "%Pattern%" /F >"%LogSearch%" 2>&1
    start "" "%LogSearch%"