Microsoft > Windows XP

System want let me log on after successful update install,Windows XP


I had to installed a security update on Windows XP sp3 system. IT installed successfully and said compter had to restart and it went off now I can`t log on. It gets to the window to log on but I can't enter password or anything. Pressed F10 on reboot and it's giving me a (fatal system error) says the Windows logon priocess system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x00000402 (0x00000000 0x00000000): The system has shut down. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I would appreciate it.


I would run system restore from the command prompt. This only resets windows back before the update was installed and doesn't loose any data or programs.

There are procedures  outlining the process on the internet here is one i found

After the restore if you can access windows it would be worth while running some hardware tests and to do a backup.
Let us know if you would like some advice on doing both.

I did that and now geetting message on a black screen that the NTLDR is compressed. Press Ctrl+alt+del to restart. I Did, and the message comes right back. I don't know what to do! Cry I guess. Lol Thank you for your input.

I suspect someone compressed the hard drive data to free up space. Is it possible there was a shortage of free space when the update was installing and you answered yes to compressing the drive.    If there is important data on the drive consult with a technician first to transfer off the files.
If you feel comfortable doing the following.

it may fix the problem.

Remember if you have anything on the computer you can't reload or reset then don't do this yourself.

You are correct, I was having free space problems, which I don't understand why because my system was 83% free.  But I ended up trying system recovery again,but this time I used the recovery cd's I made when I first bought the computer. It worked. Everything is fine now. I do appreciate your help.
Thank you so much! :)


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