Microsoft > Windows 10 and 11

Help! My Desktop Disappeared!


Yesterday, my screen went into "screen saver mode", dark, from too much time passing without a "key stroke".

When I "left clicked" my mouse to once again bring my pc back into the active mode, the screen lit, but my desktop with all its icons was gone.

What I had instead was about 15 brown squares, about 1.5 by 1.5 inches each, with various functions on them. I do not have a "touch screen". I've spent over two hours today, trying to get my desktop, and its icons back.

Help! this is driving me crazy.


I have rebooted many times. First thing I tried. Still restarts with those Windows 10 brown squares.

OK. I found it. Windows 10 has a "tablet mode". If it is placed in the tablet mode, all your little desktop icons disappear and the large touch screen icons appear. Take you pc out of the touch screen "tablet mode", and your desktop reappears. (Bring back WIN 7, please).  :-[


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