Microsoft > Windows XP

too many operating systems


I need to know how to remove windows 98 and windows 2000 as I also have xp on my computer and it is running very slowly.....please help

If you installed them all on seperate harddisks/partitions you can format each partition. However, Windows XP can be uninstalled by using the Add/Remove software list. I donot know if that goes for Windows 98 or Windows 2000.

If you installed them all on the same harddisk or partition, formatting is most likely your only option.

What is your system specification like, as a low hardware specification coming from '98 via 2000 to XP would probably explain the slow running.

Bus speed
Hard drive speed
Power supply wattage

Make and model of computer please.

What software are you using and what do you use your computer for. ;D


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