Microsoft > Windows XP

Win3.1 won't recognize my Cd drive. Help!

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BC_Programmer's first answer is coming along.

I now have the file located at C:\Windows\CD\oakcdrom.sys

But I can't seem to find the "config.sys" & "autoexec.bat" files on Win3.1.
Where are they located?


--- Quote from: Carbon Dudeoxide on May 09, 2009, 11:23:31 AM ---Not from me, but I can say one thing.

Stay on topic, guys. Squall has been teased enough for one topic.

--- End quote ---

The answer was given in Post#2.....


--- Quote from: patio on May 09, 2009, 03:13:32 PM ---The answer was given in Post#2.....

--- End quote ---

I can't see any answer in post #2 telling me where to find "config.sys" & "autoexec.bat" files on Win3.1.


if the files don't exist, create them.

BTW you install the drivers in DOS- windows 3.1 detects the drivesand let's you use them.


--- Quote from: BC_Programmer on May 09, 2009, 05:33:31 PM ---if the files don't exist, create them.

--- End quote ---
I don't know
How do I create a .sys & a .bat file in windows 3.1?

--- Quote from: BC_Programmer on May 09, 2009, 05:33:31 PM ---BTW you install the drivers in DOS- windows 3.1 detects the drivesand let's you use them.

--- End quote ---
And I don't know what you mean by the above.


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