Kings Quest 5 walkthrough

Updated: 01/31/2019 by Computer Hope

Brief review and general strategies

King Quest V, unlike its earlier predecessors, has a completely new icon-driven interface that requires no typing on the keyboard. This new interface also makes the game much more user friendly. Much of the fun in this game is derived from exploration.

Whenever you come to a new location in the game, a general strategy would be to do the below 4 sequence of action, in order.

  • Examine your surrounding - Click the eye symbol, and examine everything in sight. Sometimes, examining an item will reveal other hidden items, like examining a barrel to find a fish within.
  • Talk to every living creature - Talk to everything that has a voice in this game, including trees and animals. This helps you to determine actions that need to be done.
  • Apply items to situations - Try to apply the items in your inventory to specific situations. For example, you might want to throw a stick to a dog invading an ant nest.
  • Operate on everything - Click the hand symbol and operate on everything that is on the screen, especially objects that glitter. Most of the time, the operate icon enables you to pick up the item and keep it in your inventory. At other times, operate will let you perform appropriate actions, like drinking from a stream or opening a book.

It is important to revisit places that you have been to before, because events in the game are often triggered by items in your inventory. For example, on the screen at the bee-hive, a bear will appear, only after you have found a fish. Hence, whenever you are stuck at any point in the game, visit earlier screens to see if new situations appear.


Below is a step by step walkthrough of the game. You start the game at Crispin's home, with an empty inventory bag. The '*' line tells you the location where the event takes place. The symbols after the ':' sign tells you how you could get to the current location from the previous location. For example, 3N, 2E would means that you should move 3 screens north, and 2 screens east to get there.

Pts     Total   Items in Inventory
* Go to Town :  2S
Get fish from barrel                    2       2       + fish
Get silver coin                         2       4       + silver coin
* Go to Bakerhouse : W
Buy pie at with silver                  2       6       - silver coin, + pie
* Go to Beehive : 2W
Throw fish at bear                      4       10      - fish
Get honey                               2       12      + honeycomb
Get stick                               2       14      + stick
* Go to Anthill : N
Throw stick at dog                      4       18      - stick
* Go to Inn : S, E
Search Haystack                         2       20      + gold needle
* Go to Oasis : 6W
Drink water, first time                 2       22
* Go to Bone-pile : 2W, S
Get shoe                                2       24      + shoe
* Go to Thieves-temple : N, 2E, Drink, 3N, 2W, Drink
Finding temple                          3       27
Hide in rocks from thieves              2       29
* Go to Beoudin-tent : 2W, 3S, Drink, W, 3S, Drink
Find Beoudin camp                       3       32
Get Staff in small tent                 2       34      + staff
* Return to Thieves-temple : E, 3N, Drink, 2E, 3N, Drink, N
Open door with staff                    2       36      - staff
Get gold coin                           2       38      + gold coin
Get lamp                                2       40      + brass bottle
* Visit Gypsy Caravan : S, Drink, 3S, 2E, Drink, 5E, 2N
Give gold coin to see Gypsy             5       45      - gold coin, + amulet
* Go Dark Forest : 2E, N, W, N
Wear amulet
Enter forest                            2       47
Use brass bottle on witch               4       51      - brass bottle
* Go to Witch's Hut : E
Get spinning wheel                      2       53      + spinning wheel
Get key                                 2       55      + key
Get emerald pouch                       2       57      + emerald pouch
* Go to Misshapen Tree : E
Use key                                 3       60
Get gold heart                          2       62      + gold heart
* Go to Trail : 2W
Drip honey on trial                     4       66      - honey + wax
Use emeralds (3 times)                  6       72      - emerald
Get elven boots                         4       76      + elven boot
* Go to Weeping Willow  : W
Give gold heart                         4       80      - gold heart
Get harp @ weeping tree                 2       82      + harp
* Return to Gypsy Caravan : W
Get tamborine                           2       84      + tamborine
* Go to Gnome's Hut : E, S
Give spinning wheel                     4       88      - wheel + marionette
* Go to Bakerhouse : S, E
Throw old shoe at cat                   4       92      - shoe
* Go to Town : E
Give needle to Tailor                   4       96      - needle + coat
Give marionette to Toymaker             4       100     - marionette + sled
Give elven boot to Cobbler              4       104     - boot + hammer
* Go to Inn : 2W
Enter inn and be captured
Get rope                                2       106     + rope
Use hammer on door                      4       110
Get lamb from kitchen cupboard          2       112     + lamb
* Go to Snake Forest : 2E, N
Scare snake with tambourine             3       115
* Go to Icy Mountain
Put on cloak, first time                4       119
Eat lamb                                4       123     - lamb + half-lamb
Throw rope over ledge, climb rope       5       128
Climb rope
Jump on rocks                           2       130
Use sled                                5       135
Give half-lamb to eagle                 3       138     - half-lamb
* Go to Ice Castle : N
Play harp to ice-queen                  6       144
* Go to Yeti Cave : N
Throw pie at yeti                       4       148     - pie
Break crystal with hammer               4       152     + crystal
* Go to Roc's nest : 2 S
Get locket                              4       156     + locket
* Flown by eagle to beach
Get iron bar                            2       158     + iron bar
* Go to Waterfall : N
Apply wax to leaking ship               5       163     - wax
* Sail to Harpie's Island : S, 2E
Find Harpie's Island                    3       166
Play harp to Harpies                    4       17,
Get fish-hook                           2       172     + fish-hook
* Go towards shore : W
Help Wounded Celdric                    3       175
* Go to seashore : W
Get shell at  3W
Give shell to hermit as hearing aid     7       184     - shell
* Lead to Mordock's Isle by Mermaid
Get dead-fish                           2       186     + dead-fish
* Go to Castle Gate : N
Use crystal to deflect lightning        5       191
* Go to Iron Grate : N, E
Use Iron bar on grate                   4       195     - iron bar
* Enter Labrynth

King Quest map
(Move the map as Graham changes directions.)

Give tamborine to beast                 3       198     - tamborine
Get hairpin                             2       200     + hairpin
Pick lock with hairpin 
(represented by the D on above picture. 4       204
* Enter Pantry
Get pea from kitchen                    2       206     + pea
* Go to Kitchen : N
Give locket to girl                     4       210     - locket
* Go to Dining Room : 2E
Throw peas at blue monster              3       213     - pea
Put to prison by blue monster           2       215
* In prison
Get cheese with fish-hook               4       219     - cheese
* In Castle (random)
Use empty sack on cat                   2       221
* Go to Library
Read tome in library                    3       224
* Go to Bedroom :  N
Get Murdok's wand                       3       227
* Go to Laboratory : 2E
Place Murdok's wand on machine          4       231     - Murdok's wand
Place Crispin's wand on machine         4       235     - Crispin's wand
Throw Cheese                            5       240     - cheese
Take Crispin's wand and defeat Murdok   20      260     + Crispin's wand

Crispin's (start game)

                                       |WITCH'S HUT |
                                       |get: pouch  |
                                       |w emeralds, |
                                       |key, spinnin|
                                       |wheel       |
                                       |            |
_______________________________________|...      ...|_____________
|TUNNEL      :LOG         :DARK WOODS  :BRIDGE      :TINY DOOR   |
:following   :            :use honeycom:            :use key =   |
 the elf will             :open pouch                gold heart  |
 get you                  :use emeralds                          |
 boots & exit             := elf                                 |
:at log      :            :            :            :            |
:____________:____________:...      ...:_._._._._._.:...      ...|_____________
             |Fortune told|            :use amulet  :            |            :
             |get Amulet  |                                      |
             |            |                                      |
             |            |                                      |            :
             |            |            :            :            |            :
_____________|____   _____|____________:_._._._._._.:____________|...      ...:
:            :use gold    :give heart  :RISK        :START GAME  |use rope on :
              coin = 4tun  get harp     Log                      |overhang    :
                                                                 |            :
:            :get tamborin:            :            :            |            :
:            :            :            :            :            |            :
:...      ...:..       ...:...      ...:...      ...:...      ...|...      ...|
:DESERT      :ANT HILL    :GNOMES      :FOREST      :FOREST      :SNOWY MT.   |
:            :throw stick :give spinnin:     Prince :      Snake :            |
              4 dog = ant  wheel =      Blue Bird    use tamborin             |
              help         marrionette                 = east                 |
:            :            :            :            :            :            |
:            :            :            :            :            :            |
:..       ...:...      ...:...      ...:...      ...:...      ...:____________|
:DESERT      :BEES        :INN outside :BAKEHOUSE   :SERENIA     |
:            :throw fish 2:Barn Haystac:buy pie     :see enlarged|
              bear = honey search Hay-  use boot on  map         |
              comb get     stack = ants cat = rat                |
:            :stick       := gold needl:help        :            |
:            :            :INSIDE      :            :      |     |
:...      ...:____________:_|__________:____________:______|_____|
|DESERT      |    ..............V
:OUTSIDE     |KITCHEN     |INN         |
:            :open cupboar:nasty people|
:             get leg of  :will throw  |
:             lamb        :you into    |
:                         :cellar      |
:            :            :            |
_____________:... door ...:____________|
             |CELLAR      |
             |rat will un-|
             |tie you  use|
             |hammer to   |
             |break lock  |
             |on door     |

Map West of start of game

_________________________________________________________________|____   _____|
:CLIFF4      :CLIFF3      :CLIFF2      :CLIFF1      :CLIFF END   :GYPSY CAMP  :
:            :            :            :            :            :use gold    :
:            :            :            :                          coin = 4tun
:            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :get tamborin:
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:............:............:............:...      ...:..       ...:
:Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :ANT HILL    :
:            :            :            :            :            :throw stick :
:            :            :            :                          4 dog = ant
:            :            :            :                          help
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:............:............:............:..       ...:...      ...:
:Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :BEES        :
:            :            :            :            :            :throw fish 2:
:            :            :            :                          bear = honey
:            :            :            :                          comb get
:            :            :            :            :            :stick       :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:............:............:............:...      ...:____________:

Map further West of start

                                       |INSIDE TEMPLE
                                       |get brass   |
                                       |bottle, gold|
                                       |coin, Exit! |
                                       |<fast>      |
                                       |            |
                                       |TEMPLE DOORS|
                                       |use staff   |
                                       |            |
                                       |            |
                                       |            |
                                       |            |
_______________________________________|___      ___|__________________________
:CLIFF10     :CLIFF9      :CLIFF8      :OASIS       :CLIFF6      :CLIFF5      :
:            :            :            :drink       :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:...      ...:............:............:............:...      ...:
:Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:...      ...:............:............:............:...      ...:
:Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:...      ...:............:............:............:...      ...:
:Desert      :OASIS       :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :OASIS       :
:            :drink       :            :            :            :drink       :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:...      ...:............:............:............:...      ...:
:Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :BONES       :Desert      :Desert      :
:            :            :            :get old shoe:            :            :
:            :            :            :                                      :
:            :            :            :                                      :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:...      ...:............:............:............:............:
:Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:            :            :            :            :            :            :
:............:...      ...:............:............:............:............:
:NOMADS      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :Desert      :
:Enter SMALL :            :            :            :            :            :
:Tent, get                :            :            :            :            :
:staff                    :            :            :            :            :
:drink from               :            :            :            :            :
:water jug   :            :            :            :            :            :

Map East of start of game

                                                                 |CRYSTAL CAVE|
                                                                 |use hammer  |
                                                                 |to get      |
                                                                 |crystal     |
                                                                 |            |
                                                                 |            |
                                                                 |..       ...|
                                                                 |YETI CAVE   |
                                                                 |use custard |
                                                                 |pie on Yeti |
                                                                 |            |
                                                                 |            |
                                                                 |            |
                                       __________________________|...      ...|
                                       |ICE QUEEN   :MT. PASS    :MT. CLIFF   |
                                       |use harp    :            :            |
                                       |                                      |
                                       |                                      |
                                       |            :            :            |
                                       |            :            :            |
_______________________________________|...      ...|____________:...      ...|
|UPPER CLIFF :UPPER HILL  :HILL        :EAGLE       |            |TWISTY PASS |
|jump across :Cedric taken:            :give leg of |            |Roc will    |
|on branches  by wolf                   lamb to     |            |catch you   |
|cross log                              eagle       |            |            |
|eat leg of  :  use sled  :            :            |            |            |
|lamb        :            :            :            |            |            |
|...      ...|______________________________________|            |...      ...|
|ICE CLIFF   |                                                   |ROC NEST    :
|use rope on |                                                   |get necklace:
|overhang    |                                                   |saved by
|            |                                                   |eagle
|            |                                                   |            :
|            |                                                   |            :
|...      ...|                                                   |____________|
:SNOWY MT.   |
:            |
:            |
:            |

After roc nest

|...      ...|
:MT. CLIFF   |
:            |
:            |
:            |
:...      ...|____________:............:............:............?............:
|TWISTY PASS |SAIL BOAT   :OCEAN       :OCEAN       :OCEAN       :OCEAN       :
|Roc will    |use wax on  :            :            :            :            :
|catch you   |boat                                               :            :
|            |                                                   :            :
|            |            :            :            :            :            :
|            |            :            :            :            :            :
|...      ...|...      ...:............:............:...      ...:............:
|ROC NEST    |BEACH       :OCEAN       :OCEAN       :HARPY ISLAND:OCEAN       :
|get necklace|get iron bar:            :            :            :            :
|saved by    :            :            :            :            :            :
|eagle ------>            :            :            :            :            :
|            :            :            :            :            :            :
|            |            :            :            :            :            :
|____________|...      ...:............:............:...      ...:............:
|INSIDE HUT  :HERMIT      :OCEAN       :OCEAN       :OCEAN       :OCEAN       :
|            :ring bell   :            :            :            :            :
|             use shell   :            :            :            :            :
|                                                                :            :
|            :mermaid will                                       :            :
|            :lead you to :            :            :            :            :
              Mordack's Castle

Harpy island

|SHORE       :PATH        :HARPIES     |
|get shell   :get Cedric  :use harp    |
|                          get fish    |
|                          hook        |
|            :            :            |
|            :            :            |
|...      ...:____________:____________|

Mordack island

|GRATE       :CASTLE      |
|use iron bar:            |
|= enter                  |
|labyrinth                |
|                         |
|            :            |
             |GATE        |
             |use crystal |
             |on statues  |
             |            |
             |            |
             |            |
             |...      ...|
             |BEACH       |
             |get fish    |
             |            |
             |            |
             |            |
             |            |
       |...      ...|

Mordack's castle, labyrinth, and lower level

|KITCHEN     :ORGAN       :TABLE       |
|give girl   :            :Blue Monster|
|necklace                  get caught  |
|                          once        /
|            :            :2nd time    /- - ->- -
|            :            :use peas    |        .
|...      ...|____________:. on       .|        .
|PANTRY      |STAIRS UP   :   monster  |        .
|open cupboar|            :            |        .
|get peas    |                         |        .
|            |                         |        V
|            |            :            |        .
|            |            :            |        .
|... door ...|____________|____________|        .
:LABYRINTH   :            |DUNGEON     |        .
:find beast  :            |mouse hole  |        .
:use tamborin:            |use fish    |        .

Mordack's castle upper level

                          |Upper Lab   :MACHINE     |
                          |            :use both    |
                          |             wands and   |
                          |             cheese      |
                          |            :get charged |
                          |            :wand        |
__________________________|...      ...|____________|
|BEDROOM     :STAIRS      :LAB         |
|get wand    :            :            |    RANDOM LOCATION:
|                                      |    give fish to
|                                      |    cat  catch
|            :            :            |    cat with sack
|            :            : bottle     |
|...      ...|...      ...:____________|    END GAME:
|LIBRARY     |     \/                       use wand on Mordack
|read tome   |   to lower level             Spell order:
|wait for    |                              Tiger
|Mordack to  |                              Rabbit
|sleep       |                              Mongoose
|            |                              Rain Cloud

Info gathered from GAMEz web page, compiled by ComputerHope for easier use and navigation.