Recover deleted Facebook messages, photos, videos, or account

Updated: 09/03/2019 by Computer Hope
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Deleting messages, photos, or videos on Facebook, or an entire Facebook account is a permanent process. Once one or more of these items is deleted, there is no way they can be recovered. The only exception is that when you permanently delete an account, you'll have a 14-day grace period to reactivate it. Otherwise, Facebook does not store backup copies of content or accounts for later retrieval.


We recommend you archive your Facebook messages instead of deleting them. By archiving the messages, you can retrieve and view them in the future.


Photos and videos on Facebook can be stored in albums to organize them instead of deleting them. By placing them in an album, you can find and view them later.


Instead of deleting a Facebook account, you can deactivate the Facebook account, allowing you to re-activate it in the future.