
Updated: 08/02/2020 by Computer Hope
New! icon

New may refer to any of the following:

1. In general, new describes anything created that did not exist before. For example, you can see our what's new page for a listing of recent updates and pages created on Computer Hope.

Creating something new on a computer

The following list contains links to pages on our site on how to create something new on a computer.


In almost all programs using the Ctrl+N shortcut creates a new document or another file.

New to the computer

New may also describe a product that was never used by another person. Products that are returned to a company, such as a computer, are sold as used or refurbished.

2. New describes discovering or learning something you did not know before. For example, if you're new to computers, we have many resources that help teach you how to use them. Even if you're an experienced user, you can see our tips to learn new ways of doing something on a computer.

Business terms, Modern, Newbie, News, Recent, What's new