
Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope
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Ogg is an open-source file format for multimedia. It can contain music, video, text, and metadata, and is optimized for streaming content. Because it is Copyright-free, Ogg is available for anyone to use in their software or media projects free of charge.

Ogg is developed by the Xiph.org foundation. It is divided into subformats for different media types, including the following.

Media Type Compression Type Format Name Specific Use File Extension
Audio Lossy Speex voice data at low bitrates (8-32 Kb/s) .spx
Vorbis general audio data at medium to high variable bitrates (16-500 Kb/s) .ogg, .oga
Opus voice, music, and generic audio at low to high variable bitrates (16-510 Kb/s) .opus
Lossless FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) archival and high fidelity audio .flac
Uncompressed OggPCM uncompressed PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) audio, similar to the WAV format .ogg, .oga
Video Lossy Theora codec similar to MPEG-4, RealVideo, or Windows Media Video .ogg, .ogv
Tarkin experimental video codec using three-dimensional wavelet transforms (development currently on hold, use Theora instead) .ogg, .ogv
Dirac open format developed by the BBC which uses wavelet transforms .drc
Lossless Dirac lossless version of the Dirac codec .drc
Uncompressed OggUVS uncompressed video codec .ogg, .uvs
Text None Writ text for subtitles or captions .ogg
CMML (Continuous Media Markup Language) text for applications which require timed metadata, captioning, or subtitling .ogg
Annodex used to annotate and index networked media .ogg
OggKate an overlay codec for karaoke systems .ogg

Codec, File format, Multimedia, Software terms, Streaming