Recovery Console
Updated: 11/12/2024 by Computer Hope

An available mode for Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP users that can be accessed by booting from the Windows 2000 or Windows XP CD. The Recovery Console enables users to recover their Windows computer from any serious issues.
Recovery Console commands
Below are the available Recovery Console commands listed on our database. These commands can only be accessed through the Recovery Console and are not available through the standard MS-DOS prompt.
Attrib Batch Bootcfg Cd Chdir Chkdsk Cls Del Delete Dir Disable Diskpart |
Enable Exit Expand Fixboot Fixmbr Format Help Listsvc Logon Map |
Md Mkdir More Rd Ren Rename Rmdir Set Type Systemroot |
Cmdcons, External command, Internal command, Operating system terms, Recovery, Repair, Safe mode, Windows Recovery Environment