
Updated: 12/20/2017 by Computer Hope

A segment may refer to any of the following:

1. In general, segment refers to the parts into which any object is or may be divided. For example, a text, string, or other data could be broken up into different segments that may or may not be related.

2. With computers, a memory segment or segmentation is a portion of memory that is restricted for use with a current running process. Each is stored in one or more of the segment registers: CS (CodeSegment), DS (DataSegment), SS (StackSegment), or ES/FS/GS (ExtraSegment).

7-segment LCD displaying the number 85.

3. An LCD segment is a single bar used to create a character on an LCD (liquid-crystal display). For example, a clock may use a 7-segment LCD to display each of the numbers, as shown in the image. The number "8" is utilizing all seven segments and the number "5" uses five segments.

4. LAN (local area network) or network segments are sections of a network separated from other segments using network devices, such as routers, bridges, or repeaters.

5. A portion of a hard drive or partition is sometimes called a partition segment.

6. Image segmentation is the division of a digital image, called superpixels, into smaller parts to facilitate ease of analyzation or meaningfulness. Several methods exist to segment an image, including thresholding, clustering, compression-based, histogram-based, edge detection, region-growing, split-and-merge, and many others. For example, with medical imaging, segmentation is used to locate tumors, measuring tissue volume, studying anatomical structure, and general diagnosis and planning of treatments. Other common uses are face, iris, and fingerprint recognition.

Hardware terms, LCD, Network terms, Split, Video terms