Tablet mode

Updated: 01/18/2023 by Computer Hope

Tablet mode is an optional mode introduced in Microsoft Windows 10 that gives laptop users with a touch screen an easier way to interact with their computer. When enabled, the Windows interface is made more friendly for those using the computer without a keyboard or mouse.


In Windows 11, there's no option to turn on or off the Tablet mode. The mode is entered automatically if Windows detects a touch screen and the computer has no keyboard connected.

Tablet mode changes

Below are some changes made in Tablet mode to make the interface more friendly to tablet users.

  • The Windows Start menu is replaced with a more Metro interface that replaces smaller icons with tiles.
  • The open windows are maximized or split between the left and right sides of the screen.
  • By default, the Taskbar icons are hidden. This setting can be changed.

What is the opposite of Tablet mode?

If a computer is not running in Tablet mode, it's considered running in Desktop mode. Desktop mode is typical computer user experience with using a keyboard and mouse to navigate Windows.

Operating system terms, Tablet