Florian Brody
Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope

Name: Florian Brody
Born: October 31, 1953
Computer-related contributions
- Digital media specialist with more than twenty years experience in electronic publishing in Europe and the U.S.
- Pioneer in CD-ROM development in Europe since 1984; first German-language periodicals database on CD-ROM 1988.
- Co-invented the first electronic books at the Voyager Company in 1989.
- Strategic and creative marketer working with highly innovative companies in Europe and the US.
- Co-founded several companies in the mobile payment space.
- US Patent #8,479,975 "System and method for using machine-readable indicia to provide additional information and offers to potential customers".
Significant publications
- Digital Memory. In: Die Philosophen kommen, - Philosophical reader, Vienna (2012).
- Was kommt nach Web2.0? (Und was kam vorher?) Digitale Medien-Start-Ups im Silicon Valley. In: Mi-chael A. Herzog (Hrsg.) Prozessgestaltung in der Medienproduktion; Berlin: Gito, (2009).
- The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing: Multimedia Publishing. New York: Columbia University Press (2003).
- The Medium is the Memory In: The Digital Dialectic. New Essays on New Media MIT Press, (1999).
- Interaction Design. State of the Art and Future Developments. An argument for information design. Rockport Publishers (1998).
- Tabula Rasa in Cutting Edge Web Design, Rockport (1998).
- Books the Next Generation—Reading on the Electronic Frontier. Heidelberg: Springer (1996).
- My Home is my Memory is my Home. Mediamatic, Amsterdam, Doors of Perception Conference (1995).