Michael Schroeder

Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope
Michael D. Schroeder

Name: Michael D. Schroeder

Born: 1945 in Richland, Washington, USA

Computer-related contributions

  • American Computer Scientist and co-founder of the Microsoft Research Silicon Valley Lab (2001).
  • Deputy managing director of Microsoft Research Silicon Valley Lab (2001-2014).
  • Co-inventor of the Needham-Schroeder authentication protocol.
  • Creator of the Multics time sharing system, Cedar distributed file system, Grapevine e-mail system, Topaz operating system, Autonet and AN2 switch-based LANs, and Pachyderm e-mail system.

Significant publications

  • Systems Work at Microsoft Research (2007).
  • Using Sharing to Simplify System Management, in Computer Systems: Theory, Technology, and Applications (2004).
  • On the impact of academic distributed systems research on industrial practice, in Future Directions in Distributed Computing (2002).
  • Pachyderm: a Strategy for Working on the Web (1997).
  • AN2: A High-Performance ATM Switch (1995).

Honors and awards

  • Program co-chair for the ACM A.M. Turing Centenary Celebration (2012).
  • ACM SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award (2010, 2008).
  • NIST/NSA National Computer Systems Security Award (2007).
  • ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Innovations Award (2006).
  • Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Chairman and program committee member for various SIGOPS Symposia on Operating Systems Principles.
