Chronically online

Updated: 12/26/2023 by Computer Hope
Computer addiction

Chronically online describes someone who spends so much time on the Internet that it skews their sense of reality and hinders their ability to interact socially. Because these individuals spend many hours online, their personalities tend to revolve around Internet memes and culture and not local, real culture. Most of the time, they have more friends online than they know in person. Someone chronically online also has difficulty relating to real-life experiences and is usually part of an online bubble where everyone shares a single point of view.


Chronically online may also be described as terminally online and extremely online.

What are the dangers of being chronically online?

Someone chronically online may develop social anxieties when interacting with people in the real world, depression, eye strain, insomnia, and unhealthy addictions.

What should I do if I'm chronically online?

The best solution for anyone who feels chronically online is to disconnect from the Internet on your computer and other online-capable devices (e.g., smartphones or tablets). If it's too hard to disconnect completely from the Internet, set time limits for yourself with respect to social media and online interactions.

Computer addiction, Internet terms, Online