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Author Topic: need help with creating a log file from batch  (Read 20289 times)

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    need help with creating a log file from batch
    « on: March 25, 2011, 06:45:21 AM »
    i have this code:

    @echo off
    color f0
    1) cls
    2) :menu
    3) cls
    4) echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> log.txt
    5) echo ^|%date% -- %time%^|  >> log.txt
    6) echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> log.txt
    7) script 2 >>log.txt
    8) echo.
    9) echo.

    i have 2 problems:
    lines 4-6 not apears when i run this bat.
    and when i had line 7 (most important) he gives me this error in a loop:
      The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
    on the log.txt




      Thanked: 139
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    • OS: Windows 10
    Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
    « Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 11:16:07 AM »
    Lines 4-6 are being redirected to the log.txt file. Any output will be found there.

    Line 7 is executing a program/batch file named script. It wants to access to a file in use. Try booting the system and running your batch file when the system comes up ready. If the file is still busy, then script may require a system file or a file being used by your antivirus or some such. What does this program do?

    Good luck.  8)

    Please don't add line numbers to your scripts when posting. It only creates confusion.
    The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

    -- Albert Einstein


      Topic Starter


      Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
      « Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 05:57:39 AM »
      It ment to be a GUI.

      So i need to double anything that i want to add to the log?

      and is script 2 >>log.txt the right way to direct the errors to the log?

      if you can explain a bit more it would be great, because i am quite a noob.




        Thanked: 139
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      • OS: Windows 10
      Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
      « Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 07:08:14 AM »
      So i need to double anything that i want to add to the log?

      Correct. You can send errors to one stream and non-errors to another stream, but you cannot send the same output to two different streams.

      and is script 2 >>log.txt the right way to direct the errors to the log?

      No. The interpreter will see the number two as a command line parameter for the script program/batchfile. Do not leave a space between the number two and the redirection symbols: script 2>>log.txt

      This page may help

      Good luck.  8)

      The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

      -- Albert Einstein


        Topic Starter


        Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
        « Reply #4 on: March 26, 2011, 07:48:48 AM »
        Thank you.
        Sory, but im still cant manage to redirect the errors to a log file.
        i need to send errors after inputs.
        will it help you to see the all script?
        thank you for your help and time.



          Thanked: 139
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        • OS: Windows 10
        Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
        « Reply #5 on: March 26, 2011, 09:18:08 AM »
        It might not be you. Redirection works when data is being sent to the STDOUT or STDERROR data streams. It may not be possible to redirect the data in your case.

        You can post your script if you wish (do not number the lines :P) but perhaps you can tell us more about this script program, what it does, is it part of a larger application, or where did it come from.

        The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

        -- Albert Einstein


          Topic Starter


          Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
          « Reply #6 on: March 26, 2011, 11:02:49 AM »
          the script is not finished, so i will tell you that it a part of greater script.
          it needs to display a "menu" and than the user enter the number of the option from the menu and than:
          if menu=='number' goto :'function'


            Topic Starter


            Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
            « Reply #7 on: March 26, 2011, 12:29:17 PM »
            i'm sorry, but i dont understand.



              Thanked: 139
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            • OS: Windows 10
            Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
            « Reply #8 on: March 26, 2011, 02:11:12 PM »
            Maybe I'm not understanding. The menu technique you describe has been used since DOS days. Based on your original post, line 7 seems to be a problem:

            Code: [Select]
            script 2 >>log.txt

            The interpreter sees the number 2 as a command line parameter to the script program. Based on your posts I understand that you want to send all error output from script to the log.txt file:

            Code: [Select]
            script 2>>log.txt

            That might work depending on the internals of whatever script is. You still haven't told us much, but if it is a program (.exe file), redirection simply may not work.

            Need more information.  8)
            The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

            -- Albert Einstein


              Topic Starter


              Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
              « Reply #9 on: March 26, 2011, 02:47:17 PM »
              @echo off
              color f0
              echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
              echo ^|%date% -- %time%^|                     
              echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              echo ---------------
              echo Usual Procedure
              echo ---------------
              echo 1    Add hebrew Fonts.
              echo 2    Remove unwanted apps.
              echo 3    Edit prop.
              echo 4    Add ringtone.
              echo 5    Delete unwanted media.
              echo 6    Do all.
              echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              set /p choice=
              if %choice%==1 (goto hebrew)
              if %choice%==2 (goto apps)
              if %choice%==3 (goto prop)
              if %choice%==4 (goto ringtone)
              if %choice%==5 (goto media)
              if %choice%==6 (goto all)

              cd rom/system/app
              del com.htc.StockWidget.apk
              del com.htc.TwitterWidget.apk
              del com.htc.WeatherWidget.apk
              del Flickr.apk
              del htcbookmarkwidget.apk
              del HtcTwitter.apk
              del Maps.apk
              del Stk.apk
              del teeter.apk
              goto menu

              cd rom/system
              goto menu

              sorry i didnt post it first, this is the all script (in progress)
              is there a possible way to have a log file for this?




                Thanked: 27
                Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                « Reply #10 on: March 27, 2011, 04:21:18 AM »
                i had a feeling Lwe is bill...


                  Topic Starter


                  Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                  « Reply #11 on: March 27, 2011, 06:06:47 AM »



                    Thanked: 139
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                  • OS: Windows 10
                  Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                  « Reply #12 on: March 27, 2011, 06:58:42 AM »
                  s there a possible way to have a log file for this?

                  Yes. Run the batch file as batchfile.bat 2>>log.txt. This should send all the errors to log.txt. Do not redirect the regular STDOUT stream to the log file (batchfile.bat >>log.txt) otherwise the menu will go unseen to the log file.

                  A few suggestions:

                  1. At the end of the menu selection block, insert an unconditional goto to redisplay the menu, otherwise the code will fall into the apps code if the user selects an invalid option.

                  Code: [Select]
                  if %choice%==5 (goto media)
                  if %choice%==6 (goto all)
                  goto menu

                  2. Indent your code to make it more readable. If you or someone else ever revisits the code, you'll be glad you did.

                  Code: [Select]
                    cd rom/system
                    goto menu

                  Good luck.  8)

                  i had a feeling Lwe is bill...

                  Perhaps, but I'm tired of chasing shadows and concerning myself with who's who. You almost need a telephone directory to keep it all straight. This is a public forum, perhaps we should just try to help with the questions and leave the paranoia to the psychiatrists.
                  The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

                  -- Albert Einstein


                    Topic Starter


                    Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                    « Reply #13 on: March 27, 2011, 07:07:25 AM »
                    And ghostdog74 i will be glad if you wont tell me who i am, i am not this bill you talk about.

                    but what do you mean to run the batch file as batchfile.bat 2>>log.txt?
                    do i need to put it somewhere in the script?



                      Thanked: 139
                    • Experience: Familiar
                    • OS: Windows 10
                    Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                    « Reply #14 on: March 27, 2011, 07:49:51 AM »
                    but what do you mean to run the batch file as batchfile.bat 2>>log.txt?
                    do i need to put it somewhere in the script?

                    No. Type batchfile >>2.log.txt at the command prompt when you run the job. Be sure to replace batchfile with the actual name of your batch file.

                    Did you read the link I gave you about redirection? I also found this by the same author.

                    The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

                    -- Albert Einstein


                      Topic Starter


                      Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                      « Reply #15 on: March 27, 2011, 07:59:49 AM »
                      i saw a script that there is that command on the script and it worked.
                      it was: script 0 2>>log.txt

                      i want it all to be on one script, not to write in the command prompt.
                      there isn't a way?



                        Thanked: 139
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                      • OS: Windows 10
                      Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                      « Reply #16 on: March 27, 2011, 09:02:03 AM »
                      There is a definite failure to communicate.

                      Nobody is suggesting you write the script at the command prompt (although you can). Use an editor (notepad will work) to write your script (batch file); save it with any name you like but with a bat extension. Open up a command window, navigate to the directory where you saved your script/batch file and run using the name you saved the script with and redirecting the error output to the log.txt file:

                      Code: [Select]
                      script 2>>log.txt

                      I'm not sure what this is all about:

                      Code: [Select]
                      script 0 2>>log.txt

                      but the zero is passed as a command line parameter which is not referenced in your script and therefore servers no purpose. This piece of the command 2>>log.txt sends the error stream to the log file.

                      Have you even tried to run your batch file. Even if incomplete, it's a good idea to at least find any syntax errors and maybe even some logic errors. You've written the logic for menu selections 2 and 3, so test with them and see the results yourself. Better to test as you write rather than wait until the script is 'finished' and then have to slog through all the errors at once.


                      The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

                      -- Albert Einstein


                        Topic Starter


                        Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                        « Reply #17 on: March 27, 2011, 09:37:31 AM »
                        Of course i have tested it, with a lot of situation.
                        But will this method 'remmember' all the errors that the script had on run?



                          Thanked: 139
                        • Experience: Familiar
                        • OS: Windows 10
                        Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                        « Reply #18 on: March 27, 2011, 11:17:02 AM »
                        Of course i have tested it, with a lot of situation.
                        But will this method 'remmember' all the errors that the script had on run?

                        I thought that was the whole point of the log file. Have you checked the contents? If the file is empty after running your batch file, then all is well in Wonderland. If not, you need to backtrack and see where the error came from and how to fix it.

                        As I already mentioned, one defensive piece of code is the unconditional goto you could insert after checking for valid menu selections. Another would be to check if each of the files exists before trying to delete them.

                        Why is it even necessary to 'remember' the errors? Why not just let them appear on the console, and then fix the code to prevent them?  Keeping it simple makes it easier to fix things later.

                        If you're still having problems, post the name of your batch file and we can discuss exactly how to run from the command prompt. In the meantime I need an adult beverage.  ;D

                        The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

                        -- Albert Einstein


                          Topic Starter


                          Re: need help with creating a log file from batch
                          « Reply #19 on: March 27, 2011, 11:34:18 AM »
                          thanks alot!