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Author Topic: Linux will be the most popular system  (Read 13517 times)

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  • Geek After Dark
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Linux will be the most popular system
« on: April 25, 2011, 09:08:42 PM »
Soon Linux will be the most popular system software . When?
Preston Gralla
July 9, 2010 - 2:35 P.M.
Could Linux become the world's most popular operating system?
Linux has no chance of catching Windows on the desktop, but that may not stop it from becoming more ubiquitous than Windows. One day, you'll most likely be running Linux, and there's a good chance you won't even know it. In that way, you'll be like millions of other people....
Preston Gralla
Actually he is right. He wrote that last year.
This year nobody can argue because it is already a fact.
So there is no more to say.

But, if you want to talk about non -facts - please do!
Does Linux make you happy?
Will Linux do your homework?
Can Toyota switch ton Linux?
Might Linux make the world safer?
Are Linux games better?
Curious minds need to know!


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Re: Linux will be the most popular system
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 09:57:12 PM »
This year nobody can argue because it is already a fact.
Depends on the context. UNIX based, and more recently, Linux based operating systems have almost always held the Lion's share in the Server market. The fact that the Server-oriented Windows Operating Systems were able to become as popular as they are speaks volumes about perceived deficiencies in current Open Source offerings in the way of servers.

On the average consumer PC, though- Windows is still far more popular then any other operating system. By popular I mean purely by the numbers.

Some would like to say that Linux is more  "popular" because it's more well-regarded. I say such a concept is more deeply rooted in politics then anything else. The fact is that everybody loves to hate a Hegemony, and Microsoft currently has a hegemony on software. This is the same psychological mechanic that makes people "hate" the US for no reason, and before that (pre WW2) Britain. So in that sense, yes, it's more popular. But popularity is absolutely meaningless, it's only perceived value; additionally, it forces an unfair comparison; even if Windows does something a million times better then a "popular" Linux environment, die-hard evangelists will stop at nothing to pretend otherwise.

Pretending something is or is not true does not make make it that way.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.

JJ 3000

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Re: Linux will be the most popular system
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 11:52:04 PM »
But, if you want to talk about non -facts - please do!
Does Linux make you happy?

Yes it does. I personally enjoy using it to a great degree (most of the time :P)

Will Linux do your homework?

I can use it to do homework. In fact, Linux can and does do a lot of work in the real world.

Can Toyota switch ton Linux?

I'm not sure what that means...

Might Linux make the world safer?

I'm not really sure in what context you are using the word "safer" here. I can't imagine how Linux would make the world any more dangerous, if that's what you're getting at.

Are Linux games better?

Linux has games ? ?
But seriously, Linux was designed for getting actual work done, not just dicking around. There are a some games for Linux, but I have to admit that the only game I ever play on my Linux box is chess. I am far from an authority on whether or not games that are designed to run on Linux are better than others.

Posted from a computer running Microsoft Windows®

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Re: Linux will be the most popular system
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2011, 01:23:20 AM »
But seriously, Linux was designed for getting actual work done, not just dicking around.

Incorrect. Linus created Linux because he wanted to be able to "*censored* around" with UNIX-like operating system on his shiny 386. Whether it can or cannot now is another matter, but it certainly wasn't originally designed for "getting work done", except in the broadest sense that the end result would be able to do that.

In fact that definition is sort of broad. Since when is an Operating System not designed for getting work done?
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.



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Re: Linux will be the most popular system
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 09:11:08 PM »
Since when is an Operating System not designed for getting work done?

Windows ME   ;D

"For you, a thousand times over." - "The Kite Runner"



    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #5 on: May 07, 2011, 04:23:43 PM »
    I love linux personally , i have a desktop running 9.04 ubuntu with compiz and ut 2003 , i have a home fileserver running ubuntu samba fileserver  , i have 2 laptops , one dual boots puppy linux and puppy arcade and the other uses live cds since it doesent have a hard drive , we use a flash drive for any storage.

    i guess puppy arcade shows that any linux distro could be made for "dicking around" , puppy arcade is a linux os based on the lucid puppy os. it is modified so that it has console emulators built into the os , the whole os is designed around that fact. Theres emulators for around 20 consoles i believe from ataris and commodores to ps1 (psx in us)  and gameboys. puppy linux is also very lightweight , the system specs are extremely low and the core os files take up something like 300MB. I also had the laptop tri booting puppy linux , puppy arcade and a stripped down version of ubuntu to see if it worked. I basically installed minimal install of ubuntu (just text based) then installed a windows manager (i think it was lxde) and a login manager you can find out more about that sorta thing if you google. it worked absolutely fine but it just wasnt the kind of thing i needed so i moved on to linux and arcade only.

    The ubuntu fileserver is very well known in the server world for its high security and its programability , if you need the server to do something you can add code onto the os to do it or you can download a package to do it for you using aptitude , a well known package manager for linux.

    The compiz fusion addon for linux is very impressive. It allows your ubuntu or debian pc to have an extra degree of awesomeness. you can make windows behave like jelly (when you move them they will wobble) , you can make minimise and maximaise effects (fire can "burn" a window down when you minimise it) you can draw with fire on the screen , its very good for parties :) But it is just a plaything.

    The only game ive played on linux is ut2003 and a handful of linux games (tuxkart , gl117 , a tux platformer game,gbrainy,minesweeper,bombic,doom) all of which play exceptionally well on my system. I believe that linux handles ram much better than ANY windows system thus far (<win7).

    Linux is already kinda taking over the world just like micro$oft and Sapple did. Some mobile phones are now coming with the android os which is a google modified linux os (largely modified but linux nonetheless) and one of the smallest computers in the world uses a linux os.

    I am currently working for clicknetworks IT Support. Please feel free to visit our site at http://www.clicknetworks.co.uk


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    • Geek After Dark
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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #6 on: May 07, 2011, 05:03:23 PM »
    I love linux personally ...
    Linux is already kinda taking over the world just like micro$oft and Sapple did. Some mobile phones are now coming with the android os which is a google modified linux
    You got the idea right. It is already everywhere. Yes, you Laptop has Windows, but your router, your wireless printer, your cell phone and your digital camera rely more on either Linux or other Open Source code. Even your automobile.

    And in many other devices that are not called computers. The starter of Linux, Linus Torvalds, had predicted the future was in embedded systems, not just the desktop.
    Where does Linus live?
    He's now resident in Portland, Oregon, having moved to the U.S. from Helsinki in early 1997. He lived in Santa Clara and San Jose before going to work for OSDL
    What is OSDL?
    One argument against Linux and Open Source is that you can not make money ding it. Wrong!
    History has shown that he more open a technology becomes the faster it propagates. And whoever can stay on top of the wave is the winner. Linux is a significant part of the Open Source concept.


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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 02:43:21 AM »
    The last time I used Windows was on a friend's computer; not really used, but was trying to fix it. Somehow, some sort of malware had managed to infect chkdsk.exe or whatever they call it on Windows 7 and formatted C:/ . There wasn't much to fix so I installed Debian from my flash drive onto his box. He's happy today.

    Salmon Trout

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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #8 on: May 19, 2011, 02:50:19 AM »
    Is there anything more tiresome in this life than a Linux fanboi? Sorry, "advocate"  ::)


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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #9 on: May 19, 2011, 03:49:55 AM »

    Hello, My name is Trojan, and I was a Linux user for 11 years.
    I've used Linux through tick and thin, I've hated, loved and used it since 1997.

    I'm sorry to say that I've lost my taste for anything to do with Linux. Was it the lack of hardware support that made me leave? Was it the lack of video games? Was it the lack of the commercial software? Nope.

    I've been a spectator in the Linux community for most of the time I used Linux. I've also witnessed the downfall of it, I've watched it turn into an evil, lying, uneducated, uninformed bunch of users, who have turned something I once loved into a die hard fanatical religion. One can say that it was always like this, but, I would disagree. The Linux user base I knew used to be mostly made up of elitists and computer gurus who kept quiet about what they used, and didn't push it on to anyone.

    Not everything has changed though, the user base still has some of the old characteristics, like the fact they aren't normal users by any stretch of the imagination. Linux today is nothing more than a group of Zealots who have no understanding of what they're worshiping. I've seen one too many "I converted my grandmother to Ubuntu" stories, I've seen one too many "Year of the Linux desktop", I've seen too many "Linux is just as easy to use as Windows" articles. It makes me very bitter to see how uninformed people are about Linux, and how completely retarded they've become.

    My tipping point was a thread over at Ubuntu Forums, where someone posted our site (linsux.org):

    Within two days, I had about 3 death threats, 10 hacking threats and tons of half thought replies to our articles. I began thinking, is this really what I'm part of? Am I part of a community that preaches love and sharing while threatens murder and to hurt anyone whom disagrees? Yes, and it makes me sick to the very pit of my stomach to know that.

    I can never get back the time I wasted using Linux, but I can put the skill to use in other ways I guess.
    I've learned one thing though, and that's no matter how great an idea is, it doesn't take much for it to be ruined. All it takes is one uninformed, retarded community.

    I say this to the people who are considering trying Linux: Don't bother, don't try it, do NOT have anything to do with it. It's nothing more than a cult full of hatred and denial.

    I backed up my data, and removed Slackware, Fedora 8, OpenSuse and Debian from my computer today. I've kept my copy of FreeBSD and Windows on there, I haven't figured out what I will move to, though.

    Good Bye Linux, and F*** You to the community. You're not worth my time.

    I bolded the curiously relevant bit, since it's just such a "OMG Linux on the desktop is right around the corner!" type article that it was started for.


    Also, it's interesting to note how well diehard linux advocates sucking on RMS's teat ignored this.

    returning to the Original Post:

    This year nobody can argue because it is already a fact.
    Citation needed. *censored* the majority of freaking slashdot visitors are running windows. As I said, if you want to include desktops, tablets, servers, and any other system that requires programmable firmware/software in the form of an operating system, of course Linux will come out ahead; but that's fudging the numbers, and it's not even worth exploring, because Server's have been predominantly NIX-based for years. This isn't a new development. This hasn't been worth reporting on ever, or writing an article about. It's would be like writing an article about "will QWERTY become the most popular layout"?

    The article is just a case of Moving the Goal posts. "It's not on the desktop but it's used in other places!" Yes, and it's been used in other places for years. This isn't news, this isn't article worthy, it never was. It's only article worthy to those "freedom fighters" who are convinced that they are fighting some kind of war. This is exactly the reason why I avoid reading ANY articles like that. Particularly since almost any article about Linux by these "magazines" is basically just a load of FUD. take this for example. it's notable because it doesn't directly compare Linux to Windows, instead it is about 5 things that Linux does better then Mac OSX. That should raise red flags for any critical thinker; any article that fits the pattern "# things that OS A does/doesn't do that OS A can" or something to that effect is practically guaranteed to be filled with nonsense and bias. In fact they do that in the third paragraph: they state outright "as an outspoken fan of Linux", as if that qualifies them in the eyes of the world as anything other than a raving maniac.

    I particularly enjoy posts and opinions of the form of SgrA's, that isn't to say they are wrong, but aside from being purely subjective, state outright "I have no idea how windows works but I feel I am in a position to tell people when the OS is hosed". I mean, seriously, malware  that formats the drive? Really, I'm pretty sure those Ebola-type computer viruses and malware stopped being created in the early nineties because they were absolutely useless to the virus writer. Nowadays malware is about the writers trying to make money of their product by packaging in adware and other crap and offering to "install" applications on the machines they have control over. There is no reason to become intensely destructive in that case (such as via formatting the drive). In fact in my experience I found early on that a lot of what I did to try to stop an infection would often cause problems worse than the infection. When fixing other peoples machines, it's never occured to me to use gparted, delete the system drive, blame windows malware and then conveniently-and totally not on purpose- happen to have a thumb drive with an alternative Operating System on it. Linux is supposed to be about choice and freedom (supposedly, although I'd hardly classify the GPL as "freedom" but that's another topic altogether), I'd estimate- judging from a number of posts from members here seeking to get Windows back, as well as posts seen elsewhere and having to "fix" the machines that some helpful zealot already "fixed", that a lot of the people using Ubuntu or various other Linux distro's weren't really offered the choice, and instead were basically "forced" into it. If somebody asks "hey, can you fix my PC" you don't see malware, give up and install a Linux distro. That's not fixing the computer, that's being a self-serving douche. They asked you to fix it, not use it as a Soapbox. Now that said, if they express interest in actually running it, then you could engage your zealotry overdrive, but other than that, most people just don't want to hear it. I mean, really, I use Linux, but if somebody asks me "What Operating System do you use" I'll say windows, because that is the one I use more often. I know far too many self-proclaimed "Linux users" who spend their time using mIRC in Windows XP complaining about how behind the times Windows is compared to Linux... and it's just sad. This is another "subset" of Linux zealots that ironically don't even use Linux. Many of them use windows and just complain. I find it difficult to understand how somebody can recommend an Operating System they have never used, but apparently a screenshot with two translucent console windows where one is  tailing a syslog and the other is running a python script is enough to convince them.

    If you really want a "free" OS, use FreeBSD; just compare their licenses. The BSD/MIT License is more "free" then the GPL. But that is a horse of a different colour.

    I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.

    JJ 3000

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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #10 on: May 19, 2011, 06:01:44 AM »
    Somehow, some sort of malware had managed to infect chkdsk.exe or whatever they call it on Windows 7 and formatted C:/ .

    That seems highly unlikely...

    By the way, welcome to the forum.  :)
    Save a Life!
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    JJ 3000

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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #11 on: May 19, 2011, 06:02:30 PM »
    The last time I used Windows was on a friend's computer; not really used, but was trying to fix it. Somehow, some sort of malware had managed to infect chkdsk.exe or whatever they call it on Windows 7 and formatted C:/ . There wasn't much to fix so I installed Debian from my flash drive onto his box. He's happy today.

    The last time I used Windows was at work. I work in a bank. I was working on their server, trying to nail down an issue with their server unexpectedly rebooting. There really wasn't much I could do, so I installed opensuse on all of the computers in the building. They're happy today.
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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #12 on: May 19, 2011, 06:37:08 PM »
    The last time I used Windows was at work. I work in a bank. I was working on their server, trying to nail down an issue with their server unexpectedly rebooting. There really wasn't much I could do, so I installed opensuse on all of the computers in the building. They're happy today.

    Wait... they were having a problem on their server (whose operating system you don't even mention) and you decide to install OpenSUSE on every machine in the building?

    Oh... are you being facetious because if so, well-played.
    I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


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    • Geek After Dark
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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #13 on: May 19, 2011, 06:49:11 PM »
    JJ 3000 is very credible... just look at that face!   :D


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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #14 on: May 19, 2011, 07:18:43 PM »
    Linux, Javascript edition (a PC emulator written in Javascript)
    I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


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    • Geek After Dark
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    Re: Linux will be the most popular system
    « Reply #15 on: May 19, 2011, 07:24:39 PM »
    What! Now I have to do Chrome?  8)