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Author Topic: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder  (Read 14560 times)

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    • Experience: Beginner
    • OS: Unknown

    I have thousands of word and excel files that I want to group into folders.  The file names have the following structure:


    Chicago A01Z01 Green Car Dog Train.xls
    Chicago A01Z01 Green Car Dog Train.doc
    Chicago A01Z02 Green Car Dog Train.xls
    Chicago A01Z02 Green Car Dog Train.doc
    Chicago A01Z03 Green Car Dog Train.xls
    Chicago A01Z03 Green Car Dog Train.doc....... etc

    New York A08Z06 Blue Horse Jeep Boat.xls
    New York A08Z06 Blue Horse Jeep Boat.doc
    New York A08Z07 Blue Horse Jeep Boat.xls
    New York A08Z08 Blue Horse Jeep Boat.doc
    New York A08Z09 Blue Horse Jeep Boat.xls
    New York A08Z09 Blue Horse Jeep Boat.doc....... etc

    I want to create a folder called Chicago A01 Train and a folder called New York A08 Blue and move the corresponding files into their folders.  The numbers go from A00Z00 to A99Z99.  Some files would have longer or shorter file names.  If the folder is already created, only the files would move.  I've been playing around with this but I'm stuck, I can only get the files to move into their own folder

    Code: [Select]
    @echo off
    :: removes old files first if pressent
    del /q "List.txt"
    del /q "DirList.txt"

    :: will add files that only exist to the list.txt
    if exist "*.xls" dir /b "*.xls">>list.txt
    if exist "*.doc" dir /b "*.doc">>list.txt

    :: removes the extensions of the files so that when creating folders it works
    SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in (list.txt) Do (
    Set TxtLine=%%A
    Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.xls=!
    Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.doc=!

    echo !TxtLine!>>tmp.txt)
    ren "tmp.txt" "DirList.txt"

    :: does the hard work of creating and naming the files to match the folder
    for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (DirList.txt) do md "%%a"
    for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%b in (DirList.txt) do set Folders=%%b
    for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (List.txt) do set Files=%%c

    :: moves the files into there folders
    move "%Files%" "%Folders%"

    :: removes the files to start again
    del /q "List.txt"
    del /q "DirList.txt"

    :: if a file of this type still exist it will try again
    if exist "*.xls" goto start
    if exist "*.doc" goto start

    :: cleans up after its done
    del /q "List.txt"

    I need the folder to be created based on what's before A00, A00 and a keyword after A00Z00 ( in this example the keywords were train and blue) and ignore everything else.

    Can anybody hep with this?


    Salmon Trout

    • Guest
    Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
    « Reply #1 on: February 09, 2012, 03:48:49 PM »
    For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in (list.txt) Do (

    Where's the closing parenthesis of this loop?


      Topic Starter


      • Experience: Beginner
      • OS: Unknown
      Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
      « Reply #2 on: February 09, 2012, 04:10:02 PM »
      Where's the closing parenthesis of this loop?

      echo !TxtLine!>>tmp.txt)


      • Thanked: 134
      • Experience: Experienced
      • OS: Other
      Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
      « Reply #3 on: February 09, 2012, 04:24:40 PM »
      Yeah but your keywords Train and Blue are both in different spots of the file names.  How are we suppose to know what word to use after A00Z00?


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        • Experience: Beginner
        • OS: Unknown
        Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
        « Reply #4 on: February 09, 2012, 06:01:28 PM »
        The keywords are in different places in every file name.  After A00Z00 there could be 2 words or 20 words and the keyword could be anywhere, it depends on the individual file.  If I add the following lines to the original batch file

        Code: [Select]
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z01 =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z02 =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z03 =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Green =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Car =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Dog=!

        Code: [Select]
        @echo off
        :: removes old files first if pressent
        del /q "List.txt"
        del /q "DirList.txt"

        :: will add files that only exist to the list.txt
        if exist "*.xls" dir /b "*.xls">>list.txt
        if exist "*.doc" dir /b "*.doc">>list.txt

        :: removes the extensions of the files so that when creating folders it works
        SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in (list.txt) Do (
        Set TxtLine=%%A
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.xls=!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.doc=!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z01 =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z02 =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z03 =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Green =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Car =!
        Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Dog=!

        echo !TxtLine!>>tmp.txt)
        ren "tmp.txt" "DirList.txt"

        :: does the hard work of creating and naming the files to match the folder
        for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (DirList.txt) do md "%%a"
        for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%b in (DirList.txt) do set Folders=%%b
        for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (List.txt) do set Files=%%c

        :: moves the files into there folders
        move "%Files%" "%Folders%"

        :: removes the files to start again
        del /q "List.txt"
        del /q "DirList.txt"

        :: if a file of this type still exist it will try again
        if exist "*.xls" goto start
        if exist "*.doc" goto start

        :: cleans up after its done
        del /q "List.txt"

        and run it.  A folder called Chicago A01 Train is created and all the corresponding files moved into that folder.  I excluded Z01, Z02, Z03, Green, Car & Dog from the folder name.  Would it be possible to do the opposite and only include the keywords (Train:Blue) and ignore everything else?


        • Thanked: 30
          • Computer: Specs
          • Experience: Experienced
          • OS: Windows 7
          Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
          « Reply #5 on: February 09, 2012, 06:30:16 PM »
          So a lot of this is testing for conditions it seems. So here's how you test for the before A00 of Chicago and New York:

          Code: [Select]
          for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /b *.xls') do (
            set Txtline=%%A
            if /i "!Txtline:~0,7!"=="Chicago" (
            if /i "!Txtline:~0,8!"=="New York" (

          Then, if you are looking to find only certain keywords, try this:

          Code: [Select]
          echo !Txtline! | find "Train" >nul
          if errorlevel 0 (echo Train was found)

          So you can set up your commands in place of the echo. From there, you could set it so that the output name only has Train in it by either defining the output explicitly or using a set name=!Txtline:~0,13! Train or something similar to capture the first part of the name as well.

          You seem like you know a little about what you are doing, which is why I'm choosing to provide more of some helpful tricks for you to use rather than a built script.
          "All things that are
          Are with more spirit chased than enjoy'd" -Shakespeare


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            • Experience: Beginner
            • OS: Unknown
            Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
            « Reply #6 on: February 10, 2012, 10:16:33 AM »
            Thank you for your help.

            I didn't write this batch.  I modified it to suit my needs as best I could.  The changes I made were based on logic rather than any knowledge of DOS.  I really have no idea what I'm doing.

            Every file name has a variation of A00Z00 up to A99Z99.  e.g.  A14Z52, A27Z16.  The original batch seems to handle what's before A00Z00-A99Z99 OK.  Whether there's 1 word or 10 words, they get added to the folder name.  Which is what I want.  I could even add the following 100 lines, which doesn't look pretty

            Code: [Select]
            Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z00 =!
            Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z01 =!
            Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z02 =!
            Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z98 =!
            Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:Z99 =!

            to get rid of the Z00-Z99 from the folder name.

            The real issue is to identify the keyword after the 6 letter/number combination and then add that keyword to the folder name.  This part of your post seems to be what I'm looking for but I have no idea where to put it or what to do with it

            Then, if you are looking to find only certain keywords, try this:

            Code: [Select]
            echo !Txtline! | find "Train" >nul
            if errorlevel 0 (echo Train was found)

            So you can set up your commands in place of the echo. From there, you could set it so that the output name only has Train in it by either defining the output explicitly or using a set name=!Txtline:~0,13! Train or something similar to capture the first part of the name as well.

            I would really appreciate it if you could help me come up with something that would add whatever the keyword is (Train, Blue) to the folder name.


            Salmon Trout

            • Guest
            Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
            « Reply #7 on: February 10, 2012, 10:26:58 AM »
            Is the six-character block A00Z00-A99Z99 the only part of the filename that contains numbers? And the part before it could be any number of words - one ("Chicago") or two ("New York") or more?

            « Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 10:37:53 AM by Salmon Trout »


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              • Experience: Beginner
              • OS: Unknown
              Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
              « Reply #8 on: February 10, 2012, 11:37:56 AM »
              Is the six-character block A00Z00-A99Z99 the only part of the filename that contains numbers?

              No, there are numbers elsewhere.

              And the part before it could be any number of words - one ("Chicago") or two ("New York") or more?

              Yes, there could be any number of words.  Mostly it's one, two or three words but there could be anything up to ten words.

              Thanks for replying

              Salmon Trout

              • Guest
              Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
              « Reply #9 on: February 10, 2012, 12:08:14 PM »
              In each filename, is there only one space-delimited token that has six characters A99Z99 ... in that format? AmnZmn where A,Z are letters and m,n are numerical digits 0-9? And the letters are always A in the first place and Z in the fourth place, and the following part of the filename will only contain one of the possible keywords?


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                • Experience: Beginner
                • OS: Unknown
                Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
                « Reply #10 on: February 10, 2012, 12:31:41 PM »
                In each filename, is there only one space-delimited token that has six characters A99Z99 ... in that format? AmnZmn where A,Z are letters and m,n are numerical digits 0-9?

                Yes, there is only one per file

                And the letters are always A in the first place and Z in the fourth place

                Mostly, there are some where S is in the first place and E in the fourth place

                and the following part of the filename will only contain one of the possible keywords?


                Salmon Trout

                • Guest
                Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
                « Reply #11 on: February 10, 2012, 12:33:31 PM »
                I see a ray of hope... are you able to run Visual Basic Scripts using the Windows Scripting Host?

                For each name root, is there always an .xls and a .doc file?


                  Topic Starter


                  • Experience: Beginner
                  • OS: Unknown
                  Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
                  « Reply #12 on: February 10, 2012, 01:09:49 PM »
                  I see a ray of hope... are you able to run Visual Basic Scripts using the Windows Scripting Host?

                  I don't know what that is.  I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, if that helps.  I would usually save as .bat and double click to run.

                  For each name root, is there always an .xls and a .doc file?

                  No, there may be one or the other or both.

                  Salmon Trout

                  • Guest
                  Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
                  « Reply #13 on: February 10, 2012, 01:24:47 PM »
                  I don't know what that is.

                  Copy this into Notepad and save it with any name and a .vbs extension and then double click it & tell me what happens

                  Code: [Select]
                  wscript.echo "Today is " & Date & VBcrlf & VBcrlf &  "This is a Visual Basic Script" & VBcrlf & VBcrlf & "Click OK to quit"


                    Topic Starter


                    • Experience: Beginner
                    • OS: Unknown
                    Re: Create folder from partial filename and move files into that folder
                    « Reply #14 on: February 10, 2012, 01:47:31 PM »
                    A box popped up with the following:

                    "Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine.  Contact your administrator for details."