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Author Topic: Recuva found all my files, but " the system cannot find the file specified".  (Read 15067 times)

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    • Experience: Familiar
    • OS: Unknown
    Hello everyone! I really need your help! I tried to recover files from my external  2 tb drive that I accidentally unplugged from my computer while the computer was scanning it. Recuva found every file that was missing. Those files also had the green dot next to them, showing they should be easily restored. The thing is, when I press restore, it restores files for 15 minutes, but only a portion of my files. The rest of files that weren't able to be retrieved, are then listed with " the system cannot find the file specified." next to each file. I'm so close to retrieving my data. Please tell me what I need to do to fix this error and get my files back. Thank you so much in advance!



      Thanked: 253
      Lexx, With the understanding that you are new to the forums i am going to try once more to shine a light on the process that is likely to serve you the best when posting on forums.Once a forum subject has been created stay within that one post and do NOT create additional ones on the same subject.It  will only cause confusion. I bring this up again because this new post relates directly to your April 20th post in the windows xp forum.Those that were attempting to assist you there do know the issue of your file recovery from your external was still unresolved. Also it  is not good forum practice to PM members directly that were trying to help you within a post.Many  people use the process of the public thread on a given subject to advance their own knowledge or to solve similar problems they may have.Also when members are seeking answers to their issues they may do a search on the forum to see if the issue has been dealt with. If the resolution or progress of an issue is taken into the PM route then all these benefits are lost or reduced.
       Now to your issue.Obviously as i indicated you have tried Recuva as an option to try and gain recovery of your files.However your result with it is similar to mine though an indication of recoverable files was stated in fact with that same program all the files it "found" were corrupted and non recoverable. You can still try with other programs that were contained in my link but personally i doubt you will have much success.Have you actually been able to extract ANY files so far from the use of Recuva?truenorth


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      • OS: Windows 11
      You didn't try to restore them directly to the flash drive, did you?


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        • Experience: Familiar
        • OS: Unknown
        Truenorth, if you read my issue, you would know that this is a completely different issue than before. Now I am talking about RECUVA which is software, I am in the software section right? This is really irritating, because all I want is help and I am trying to put my post where I think people will read and respond to try and help me, not complain about where I post things. All I want is help, and I am trying to get that by posting where my issue should be posted.


          Topic Starter


          • Experience: Familiar
          • OS: Unknown
          My previous post, people where not responding to for days even though they were online. I felt that I would try to get somewhere with this on my own and then get help from there. I can't sit on this any longer.


            Topic Starter


            • Experience: Familiar
            • OS: Unknown
            As I stated before, Recuva restored a portion of the files that it found. I am recovering these files from my 2tb external drive and I restored that portion of the files on my c drive.


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              • Experience: Familiar
              • OS: Unknown
              I am more than grateful for the help, but I don't want to be a problem to anyone. I really need the help, but what I don't need is attitude when I'm already frustrated. I have been respectful and grateful and all I am trying to do is get some solution but putting my post in the right place. Don't attack me for that Truenorth, I'm only looking for help where I feel I may be able to get it.



                Thanked: 253
                Lexx Now now don't get testy. My objective is to advise you in what i think is the best way for you to obtain the assistance you seek. By the way that is something most members of the CH forums share. By the interpretation you have given if a different proposal or a new response is given on a given thread then a "new" subject and post should be created.I would suggest having members have access to ALL the exchange that has occurred to the point of the post's questions and answers serves the subject (which as you know evolves) is preferable to a new post every time something new becomes known. The loss of your data was a factor of the initial post and remains so in this post and is all related to the same event. Of course there can be exceptions such as when it may seem to be a factor that a virus or other malware may be part of the problem. Then a member would probably advise the posting be made on that specific forum. But as i have stated once a thread is begun on a given issue it is best (for all--you included) to stick with the thread related to the post be continued.
                 Were i in your place i would continue to try other "recovery software" programs from the links i provided until it became certain that they did/did not recover what i seek. In other words don't do the reformat until i had exhausted all attempts on my own to recover files. Bearing in mind that sometimes costs or other factors may NOT allow the attainment of that which is desired.
                Now please answer my question. Using the Recuva program that identified recoverable files--were you actually able to recover any files via that route? truenorth
                P.S. Simultaneously to my above reply you were creating a number of further posts re this thread . In this "My previous post, people where not responding to for days even though they were online." It would serve you well to consider that ALL who chose to respond to posts on the CH forums are volunteers and within their knowledge and experience generally do their best to assist. This does not guaranty the continuation by any member to see a problem through to a desired conclusion. We have the great disadvantage of not having physical access to the computer and must rely on the input from the poster to TRY and help. Prods via multiple posts or PM's to members that have endeavored to assist are inappropriate. Generally if a member feels they have something to contribute and are motivated they will do so. As stated at the outset i can personally appreciate your concern for the recovery of YOUR personal valuable data and the frustration that you have in your efforts to achieve this objective but patience and decorum can still exists during the effort. What ever you are trying to recover is NOT going anywhere beyond what has affected it until you reformat the drive. 
                « Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 11:08:12 AM by truenorth »


                • Thanked: 127
                  • Yes
                • Computer: Specs
                • Experience: Guru
                • OS: Windows 11
                As I stated before, Recuva restored a portion of the files that it found. I am recovering these files from my 2tb external drive and I restored that portion of the files on my c drive.

                Ok, just checking. Sometimes people don't realize that restoring to the same drive the files are being recovered from will overwrite the unrecovered files. But if you're instead restoring them to the C drive, that isn't the case.

                As Truenorth suggested, I would try a different recovery program. Sometimes where one isn't successful, another one will be.


                  Topic Starter


                  • Experience: Familiar
                  • OS: Unknown
                  Truenorth, I was able to retrieve a portion of my data. Mainly folders with like 2 to 3 items in each folder. Recuva found everything, and the items that it found, most of them had the green dot next to it (showing that it should be easy to restore). But out of all the files, only a small portion was restored. I haven't copied anything to my external drive yet, I want to recover all my files before I do that. And thank you for your response Quaxo, I did my research on that, making sure not to make another mistake on top of the mistake I'm trying to fix right now. Lol. These computers are too sensitive, the computer companies should really fix that. People make mistakes and they shouldn't have to pay for it in such a big way! Thank you both for your responses, it's always very much appreciated when people take time out of their day to help me!



                    Thanked: 253
                    Something else that has just occurred to me that probably has not been tried yet.I have absolutely no basis to believe it will change anything--but it cost nothing but a bit of time to try.Given that your issue occurred on the very computer that presumably you still are connected to for the limited recovery that you have been able to do.Attach the external to another computer and try using the various recovery programs that you are trying there as well. I am including another link for more free data recovery tools as i note that the lead recommendation i don't believe was included in my earlier link.
                    http://lifehacker.com/5237503/five-best-free-data-recovery-tools. Good luck,truenorth


                      Topic Starter


                      • Experience: Familiar
                      • OS: Unknown
                      Thank you so much for the link Truenorth, I really appreciate you looking around for me! I have tried Testdisk, but I don't have an internet connection, and it won't seem to operate without it. I will try this on another computer tonight when I get home from work, thank you!



                        Thanked: 253
                        In my opinion for your best chance for a good interaction on the "other" computer the way i would try it is to attach the external to a rear USB port but do NOT turn it on (it should have it's own switch) until the computer has been turned on and completed all it's boot.Then turn on the external HDD. If the computer fails at that point you can safely conclude that the HDD is causing the problem.If as hoped the computer senses the existence of the  HDD then it will alert you to that fact by a pop up window beside the clock on the task bar. If that doesn't happen you can go into "my computer" and see if the drive is there.By the way this external is it partitioned into more than one drive?truenorth


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                        • Mastermind
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                        • OS: Windows 10
                        You have three threads active on this subject. Are they all for the same system / hard drive?



                          Thanked: 253
                          Allan, Of course the O/P is entitled to answer your question themselves. However as a participant in ALL 3 posts and as is stated in my reply #1 in this thread i have addressed this issue in 2 of the posts. One of which was stopped by another moderator and this one which is ongoing. I have the impression (and that is all it is at this point) that Lexx now is aware of what serves best in terms of forum protocol and will govern themselves accordingly in the future. Without doubt they all apply to a single event on a common system. truenorth


                          • Geek After Dark
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                          truenorth, You are great! You have the patience of Job!   ;D