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Author Topic: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.inf  (Read 6447 times)

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XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.inf
« on: October 18, 2005, 01:13:45 PM »
Hello.  For several months our installation of XP Pro failed to give us access to Help and Support.  We tried a number of things to fix this, copying files from other pc's running XP Pro and such.  When nothing worked we finally decided to do a Repair Installation.

There were two problems that presented during that installation, both generating error messages.  The first referred to the absence of a file called msdart.dll, which I have since located and installed.  The second referred to an inability to locate the 'expected' version of Internet Explorer. Whether either of these things is relevant to the problem I'll define, I do not know.

My Belarc Advisor reveals that virtually all of my Windows XP Service Packs were undone by the Repair Installation. This included SP1, SP2 and what is called an SP3 Preview. Efforts to reinstall them consistently fail, citing the absence of a file called update.inf, a file I have been unable to locate anywhere at all --- not even on another pc running XP Pro.

It gets decidedly worse.  Microsoft no longer recognizes our system as capable of Windows Update, giving an error message of 0x8024D00C. When I search the MSDN for that error code I find nothing.  As it turns out, according to what I've read elswhere, some error code references are 'blocked' by Microsoft if you're not running SP1.  So the whole thing is something of a self-defeating loop.

SP2 and the SP3 Preview I have as setup files on my computer.  They will not install because of the absence of this update.inf file. Moreover, it's probably not so wise to install them without SP1 in place.

In short, everything seems to hinge on the loss of the update.inf file and probably its partner update.pnf in the same folder.  I have run Google searches for several days on the matter trying to locate a source for these files and have learned that it is likely I am missing six other files from this same folder.  Of course they're not on the installation disk at all.  They appear to be files that Microsoft installs post-installation persuant to both activation and registration.  But it may be that once, for any system, this has been accomplished there's no mechanism in place to note their absence and install them a second time.  I do not know this to be the case.  But since these files are not on the installation disk itself, it seems like the only conclusion to draw.

My objectives then are twofold and appear to be overlapping in nature.  One is to be able to recover access to Windows Update. The other is to be able to reinstall all my Service Packs.  I have followed a great deal of technical advice as I've found it, doing such things as making sure my Cryptographic Service is running and using the command console to verify a dozen or more differnet dll's. Again however it is the absence of update.inf that seems to be the issue.  Anyone willing and able to help me acquire this and other related files would likely be instrumental in getting our system back in working order. Please respond and advise if you consider yourself familiar with this kind of a problem.  I'd be perfectly glad to have someone send them to me by mail as file attachments.  To date what I've seen mentioned as needful are the following files.

update.inf and update.pnf
updatebr.inf and updatebr.pnf
updencin.inf and updencin.pnf
updencts.inf and updencts.pnf


Tom and Roxanne
« Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 05:47:21 PM by www23e »


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  • Sage
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    Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
    « Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 03:26:27 PM »
    1   State the problem(s) you're having with your computer.

    2   Convey the circumstances under which the problem(s) developed or occured.

    3   Convey what action(s) you've already taken in an effort to resolve the problem(s).

    4   Await appropriate response(s).

    5   If you receive inappropriate response(s) return to step 4.

    « Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 03:38:29 PM by www23e »


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    Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
    « Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 03:59:04 PM »
    This installation is hosed. By the time you get it repaired IF it is repairable (and that is a big if) you could have reinstalled your legal copy of Windows XP. This will avoid any activation problems as you describe.

    I would NOT install this so called "preview service pack 3". This has not been officially released by Microsoft, and surprises (like this or worse) can result.

    There is no quick fix for this, but this is the fix:



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    Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
    « Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 04:11:08 PM »
    Thank you.

    I followed the remarkable link you provided.  At a glance it looks more technically involved than we are prepared for, but we appreciate being pointed in a useful direction.

    If you don't mind my asking, would we be better off as you say to just reinstall XP Pro using the same disk we used for a Repair Installation?  Will this just erase all our files and folders, or will it automatically back them up for retrieval?

    Tom and Roxanne


    • R.I.P.

    • Prodigy

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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #5 on: October 18, 2005, 04:24:06 PM »

      Dont use that non M/S released updates .........look what has happened .

      dl65  ::)
      If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #6 on: October 18, 2005, 04:24:08 PM »
      a full reinstall formats the hard drive and loss of data will occur. Can you back this up in some way first.? By just reinstalling Windows "over the top" you will still probably have issues. The extreme cure of total reformat and reinstall is the best. And again it is guaranteed-none of these workarounds are.


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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #7 on: October 18, 2005, 04:48:40 PM »

      Definitely the general consensus seems to be that it is unwise to install any but 'genuine' service packs.  So even though the SP3 Preview I installed came from a trusted site I will heed this advice in the future.  The problems I had before I did a Repair Installation however had nothing to do with that service pack.  For that matter I have no way of knowing that it has anything at all to do with the problems I'm having.  What I have since read seems to indicate that any Repair Installation is bound to uninstall whatever service packs were in place.  Our little computer was working great up until we did the Repair Installation, that is, with the exception of our ever having had access to Help and Support.  Still, you're advice regarding SP3 is well received.


      Thank you for your follow-up response.

      What I think I hear you saying is that there are no fixes or workarounds that can be gauranteed to solve our problems.  This makes a world of sense to me.  After all, even though our Repair Installation did in fact give us back Help and Support, all we really seem to have done is trade one problem for another for all our efforts.

      Per your advice then we will do the only thing that you say is gauranteed to work.  We will back up all our files, reformat the hard drive and install XP Pro all over again.

      Though by all means we'd hoped to be able to avoid such drastic measures, we genuinely appreciate your straight talk on the matter.


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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 05:39:08 PM »

      Please allow me to follow up here with respect to the matter of the SP3 Preview just for sake of clarity, that is, to ensure that others don't respond to this issue in something of a knee-jerk fashion.

      Unlike what is normative for a service pack from Microsoft, this SP3 Preview cannot be installed in batch form.  Instead each of nearly 200 individual KB's have to be installed one by one.  The important thing is of course that they 'are' KB's 'from' Microsoft.  Every installation brings up everything we're familiar with when installing a KB from Microsoft.  In this important respect there's nothing at all "unofficial" about those installations.  The only thing unofficial is that Microsoft did not intned their release to the general public this early.

      What Microsoft does have available to the general public, you may know, is a .NET Framework 2.0 Beta.  Interestingly enough, any effort to install that beta release will fail with a warning that it cannot succeed without first installing SP3.  Thus it becomes at once clear that something's simply a mite bit awry at Microsoft.  The Hotfixes entailed of this "unofficial" SP3 Preview are none other than the same Hotfixes developers are being provided with, by Microsoft, in conjunction with access to the .NET Framework Beta.  I wouldn't want anyone to comb over the difficulties we are having and just naturally assume it has something to do with this new set of KB's.

      Now since I do not know what it is that caused the removal of files like update.inf or msdart.dll when I did a Repair Installation, I'm in no position to assert that the presence of this new set of Hotfixes had nothing to do with that.  I'm certainly in agreement however that if to err one should err on the side of caution.  What I can say of a certainty however is that prior to running a Repair Installation the presence of these new Hotfixes did not interfere with my access to Windows Update or my ability to install anything new.  These problems did not surface until after we did the Repair Installation.  Did a bug or bugs in one or more of the new Hotfixes cause this, that is, under those unique circumstances?  Could be.  I sure wouldn't advise anyone to install them and then run a Repair.  But I also wouldn't think to discourage anyone from installing the new KB's if they're interested in using the .NET Framework Beta if they don't foresee a need to run a Repair in their future.  Just to be fair about the thing.


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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #9 on: October 18, 2005, 05:47:26 PM »
      No one likes to do the "drastic" thing but sometimes it is inevitable. it is very time consuming with service packs, etc, and i would suggest installing service pack 2 BEFORE connecting to the internet.

      Keep those adware/spyware/virus protectores up to date and used!


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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #10 on: October 18, 2005, 06:02:54 PM »

      Though I've no idea why SP2 should be installed free of an internet connection, certainly I'll take your advice on the matter.

      What I have is a 266MB file named WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe

      I assume your advice means that I should save that file to disk and install it (without an internet connection) just as soon as our new installation is complete, activated and registered.

      As far as security goes we're using a combination of Norton Antivirus,  Microsoft AntiSpyware and Kerio Personal Firewall.  Good as that all sounds it wasn't sufficient to block some variant of the Forbot worm about a month ago.  That worm was so well written that it actually shut down Norton AutoProtect and wouldn't allow it to be enabled (until a reboot).  I found an appropriate utility online and ran it.  Still, it may be that some of the system files I'm missing are a result of its momentary influence.


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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #11 on: October 18, 2005, 06:46:50 PM »
      You are correct about SP2. Burn it to a CD and run it from there.

      I use Ad Aware, Spybot and AVG Antivirus on my Windows box and have never had a problem. They are all free - just google for them. Beware of AIM, Messenger and P2P stuff.

      On my usual box I use Linux so none of these threats even apply.

      Good luck, and hope this helped.
      « Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 06:54:12 PM by GX1_Man »


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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #12 on: October 18, 2005, 07:11:04 PM »

      As much attention as I've paid to available freeware (I highly recommend Unlocker for example, and Sizer as well), and having used both AdAware and Spybot in the past, still I am surprised to find myself unfamiliar with AVG.  I appreciate the tip.

      Linux I have coveted for some time now, and especially the idea of running a dual boot.  I even have a copy of Ubuntu ready to install. Unfortunately we are limited to a mere 20GB of hard drive on our laptop, far and away too little to get all techie on.  On the other hand, my interest in such things and my willingness to just get in there and fumble around is certain, despite the occasional costs in inconvenience, to lead to a steady curve of greater facility and all the enjoyment that comes from having a handle on these monster machines.  Even the places I've been led today I expect will present of dividends of that sort in due time.

      I marvel, in fact, over how relatively few people with perfectly good machines even think to attempt to plumb them for all they're worth.

      Games, I guess.  Another platform for games.

      « Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 08:41:41 PM by www23e »


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      Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
      « Reply #13 on: October 18, 2005, 07:20:12 PM »
      Yes, I am not a gamer so that is a non-issue, although some game in Linux too!

      20 gig would be cutting it closely with XP and anything else. 10 gig is more than enough for Linux!


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      • Sage
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        Re: XP Pro Repair Installation and loss of update.
        « Reply #14 on: October 18, 2005, 09:00:17 PM »
        Yep, just delete the offending posts, I expected no less.
        GRUNT >:(

        Mac, check your cache, we might get lucky.  ;)