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Author Topic: FOR skipping blank iterations  (Read 3424 times)

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FOR skipping blank iterations
« on: May 27, 2014, 03:41:59 PM »
I am trying to write some code to edit a single cell of a .csv file.  I have it to where it will change the cell, but it will skip writing the empty cells.  Any ideas how I can fix this? I believe it has to do with the way the FOR loop operates.

Code: [Select]
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set file=.
set "target=%~1"
set "file=%~2"
set "change=%~3"

if not defined file call :error "No Target" && exit /b
if not defined target call :error "No Cell Defined" && exit /b
if not defined change call :error "No Change Declared" && exit /b
if exist %file% (
if exist %file%.new.csv del %file%.new.csv
) else (
call :error "No Target"
exit /b

set "alpha=A/1 B/2 C/3 D/4 E/5 F/6 G/7 H/8 I/9 J/10 K/11 L/12 M/13 N/14 O/15 P/16 Q/17 R/18 S/19 T/20 U/21 V/22

W/23 X/24 Y/25 Z/26"

set a=1
set /a a+=1
set /a c=%a%-1
set /a b=!target:~%c%,%a%!+0 2>nul || goto :error
if "%b%"=="0" goto :l

set row=!target:~0,%c%!
set col=!target:~%c%!

set b=0
set row_num=0
set c=!row:~%b%,1!
for %%A in (%alpha%) do (
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=/" %%B in ("%%A") do (
if "%%B"=="!c!" set row_tmp=!row_tmp!%%C\
if "%%B"=="!c!" set /a row_num+=1
set /a b+=1
if not "!row:~%b%,1!"=="" goto :a

set row_score=0
set /a row_num-=1
set row_tmp=%row_tmp:\= %
for %%A in (%row_tmp%) do (
set row_val=1
for /l %%G in (1,1,!row_num!) do set /a row_val*=26
set /a row_val*=%%A
set /a row_num-=1
set /a row_score+=!row_val!

set row=%col%
set col=%row_score%

set row_counter=0
for /f "delims=" %%A in (%file%) do (
set AA=%%A
set "AA=!AA:;=, ,!"
set /a row_counter+=1
if "!row_counter!"=="%row%" (
set a=0
for %%B in (!AA!) do (
set /a a+=1
if "!a!"=="%col%" (
0>nul set /p"=%change%," 1>>%file%.new.csv
) else (
0>nul set /p"=%%B," 1>>%file%.new.csv
echo. 1>>%file%.new.csv
) else (
echo !AA! 1>>%file%.new.csv

REM ====== Start Debug =====
REM show file
echo Old File
for /f "delims=" %%A in (%file%) do echo %%A
echo New File
for /f "delims=" %%A in (%file%.new.csv) do echo %%A

exit /b

echo [ERROR] %~1

Code: (Demo) [Select]

T:\spreadsheets>spreadsheet A1 test2.csv "Testing"

Old File

New File

Quote from: patio
God Bless the DOS Helpers...
If it compiles, send the files.


  • Thanked: 268
  • Experience: Experienced
  • OS: Windows 8
Re: FOR skipping blank iterations
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 11:32:16 PM »
It could be in this line - commas and semicolons and equals etc are treated as whitespace in a for in do command.

You seem to be passing terms like CommaSpaceComma and that will just vanish in the for in do and be treated like a single space, unless it is double quoted.

Code: [Select]
for %%B in (!AA!) do (
VBscript using the Excel object has been mentioned, and GAWK is probably a good choice too.