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Author Topic: Weird cannot interpret problem  (Read 3170 times)

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  • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
    Weird cannot interpret problem
    « on: November 09, 2015, 08:10:48 AM »
    Hi folks - this is rather strange and I have pretty much exhausted my limited knowledge base attempting to resolve the issue.
    The system is Win 7.
    We use a wireless router/modem from Comcast.

    The issue cropped up a few weeks ago and I have managed to resolve it, but never for more than a day at a time - which means it isn't truly resolved.

    When using the wireless, sometimes the system will connect immediately and other times won't connect at all. Yet, the icon showing how strong the connection is never drops below the good to excellent level. At first I thought this was a typical Comcast problem, but it occurs with other wireless AND wired connections elsewhere. So, I reconfigured the connection confirming that the connection was valid. This seemed to help for a few days, but then the issue reemerged. At this time I concluded it was an issue with the router/modem and got a replacement. Unfortunately, the issue continues. I thought it might be something with the network card, but since the system works just fine elsewhere, this ruled that out. Meanwhile, we are having problems sending and receiving e-mail. At times there is no problem and at others it is impossible to use e-mail at all. There are never any error messages.

    To further complicate matters, we've discovered that our iPad finds the network with no problem and that we can send and receive e-mail on that device. Yet, when we take the computer to another location the issue goes away only to return upon coming back home. The "sometimes" nature of this problem is making it really difficult to understand. To be clear: at no time does the connection bar drop below the "good" level - in fact, most of the time it lands in the excellent range. Since the iPad finds the network without trouble, I doubt this is a network issue. But then how can it be a wireless card issue since the card works great elsewhere? I've passed this through Comcast, but those of you who have Comcast, probably well understand why I cannot fully rely on their help and information. But having used another laptop with the network and having never experienced issues with that one, this leaves me completely puzzled. If the network signal is good and the network card appears good, and the network is accessible by other devices, what the heck should I be looking at for the computer?


    • Geek After Dark
    • Thanked: 1026
      • Gekk9pm bnlog
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    Re: Weird cannot interpret problem
    « Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 10:30:29 AM »
    Dictation. Please excuse bad grimmer.
    I sympathize with you very much. I use Comcast over a wireless connection to my neighbor. And yes, I have for permission. The quality of my connection is marginal, yet sometimes I can watch entire movie on my Roku to and not have any significant interruptions. Well, maybe a pause once in a while until it buffers some data.
    What I mean to say is that I have a lot of trouble with my networking scheme and I've been fiddling with it for literally years. That doesn't seem to be any way one can guarantee a perfect connection. I have used AT&T DSL, Comcast cable, and digital path broadband. Of these, the digital path probably was the most reliable.
    As far as I know this may be a common problem with many users. At least the ones that get perfect reception ever complain about it, obviously!
    Here are some things that can interfere with your wireless reception. For one thing, one of your neighbors may be using the same channel as you do for wireless. In that case you will have to change your wireless to another channel to see if you get better results. Unfortunately, the tools that come with Windows don't seem to help for a much for taking channel numbers. So far the only way I have found to check the channels is by using some kind of third party software to tell me what channels are being used in my neighborhood.
    Still, with a strong signal it should not make much difference. A possible problem is that Comcast may be doing something that they have not documented or explained clearly. For example, they put a limit on the number of devices you may have connected at one time. If they do that, and the you have not disconnected your other devices, then they will block your computer from getting into network untill you remove the other devices. So, how many devices do you have? You have a iPad, an iPhone, a Wee, and maybe a laptop?
    Another source of possible trouble is from your microwave oven. But that would only happen while the microwave is actually running. Another possibility is the presence of a wireless mouse.
    The fact that you do not have the problem in somebody else's house would suggest that there's something in your house that gem interferes with your wireless connection. However, you have mentioned that even with a wired network there are problems. So it is hard to generalize what is causing the problem. In some cases, very rare, a wireless device that gets into the network can interfere with the entire network. That usually means a serious defect in some piece of hardware. So you might consider replacing some of your Wi-Fi cards with external adapters. You would disable the built-in wireless card and use a USB dongle to pick up your wireless s signal.
    One more thing, and I know I'm going to get flak on this, aren't you using USB 3.0? Because USB 3.0 can really mess up a wireless network. It has been documented elsewhere.
    That's all I can think of now. As for me, I am used to resetting both my routers at least once a day just to keep the connection going. I am not sure why that makes a difference, but that's the way I have to cure the problem.
    Hope this helps. :)


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    • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
      Re: Weird cannot interpret problem
      « Reply #2 on: November 09, 2015, 01:40:20 PM »
      Thank you for your response. I realized - late - that my original post is a bit confusing. Of-course, this issue is more than a bit confusing!

      We are in the country and our nearest neighbors are too far for us to tap their system, so this shouldn't be an issue. The part that has me puzzled is the intermittent nature or the problem coupled with the location dependent issues. At home, the laptop may or may not recognize the network. On the road, it immediately connects once authorized. At home, the computer always recognizes the network, but still sometimes won't connect or won't stay connected. I've refreshed the router/modem numerous times without any change in status. Meanwhile, the iPad usually connects and stays connected, even when the laptop doesn't. This seems to rule out an issue with the modem/router. (?) I've switched from wireless to wired without any noticeable improvement. Then, with nothing changing, the laptop will connect and run with no issues. The next time, the laptop won't consider connecting. The same thing happens when attempting to send/receive e-mail: it does normal and then the next time it won't send or receive.

      I know a lot of things can interfere with a wireless signal, but the fact that the iPad will connect when the laptop won't puzzles me. I would assume something was wrong with the wireless card on the laptop, except it works just fine anywhere but at home. If the iPad also wouldn't connect or if the laptop showed problems when connecting elsewhere, I'd understand better, but this just doesn't make sense to me. It's incredibly frustrating!


      • Geek After Dark
      • Thanked: 1026
        • Gekk9pm bnlog
      • Certifications: List
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      • OS: Windows 10
      Re: Weird cannot interpret problem
      « Reply #3 on: November 09, 2015, 03:00:54 PM »
      Oh no. I happened again.   ::) Connection broken.

      Let me expand just one thing. Interference from something in your house.
      Example: You might have a printer c connected with USB 3.0 while at home. When you leave, you do not take the printer with you. As I mentioned. USB 3.0 is a known source of interference  to Wi-Fi. (Not an issue with USB 2.0 devices..)  Now your iPad is not connected to the printer. So no problem. The problem is intermittent because it is. There is no rule that says trouble has to be steady and always present.

      I also mentioned use an external USB WI-fi adapter. Somme of these little things prove to be more reliable that the built-in witless in the laptop! Really! And cheap. Under $10 on Amazon or eBay. Even Walmart.

      Some Wi-Fi devices fail when the overheat. This just do.  The cure is to disable them and use a USB dongle thing  instead.  The doge will not overheat.

      Size  is about the size of a thumb.
      That little guy is about  $4 at Walmart. They really do work.
      « Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 03:21:18 PM by Geek-9pm »


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      • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
        Re: Weird cannot interpret problem
        « Reply #4 on: November 09, 2015, 06:08:16 PM »
        Thanks for the followup. I will certainly try your idea of the external wifi adapter. However, what has me puzzled is the fact that when I connect the laptop via cable to the modem/router (hard wire) we still have the on-again/off-again connection issue. If this was a case of wireless interference, wouldn't hard wiring the connection eliminate the problem? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question or if I'm confused. I'm far from being a pro at any of this.  ???


        • Geek After Dark
        • Thanked: 1026
          • Gekk9pm bnlog
        • Certifications: List
        • Computer: Specs
        • Experience: Expert
        • OS: Windows 10
        Re: Weird cannot interpret problem
        « Reply #5 on: November 09, 2015, 07:23:16 PM »
        .... If this was a case of wireless interference, wouldn't hard wiring the connection eliminate the problem? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question or if I'm confused. I'm far from being a pro at any of this.  ???
        Your  line of reasoning is goo. However, the router can be overloaded with any wireless device that gives frequent errors. That is why I recommend disabling the other device for a test.


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        • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
          Re: Weird cannot interpret problem
          « Reply #6 on: November 10, 2015, 02:27:44 PM »
          So I disabled everything but the laptop and router. This didn't change anything. I haven't had the chance to get the external WIFI adapter, but will do so tomorrow when I go into town.