Microsoft > Windows Server

RDP: Auto log off problem!I have access to an rdp but I do not have admin rights

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yes same time all the time.If i logout now after 10 min. my session is logged off.But if i decide to stay logged on i can stay 24 hours the rdp doesn't log off as long as I'm logged in ,best thing to do is to talk with sys admin and if i can't? is there a way or is 0% impossible to find a script or a portable tool?


--- Quote from: karlosss on October 12, 2017, 11:41:50 AM ---best thing to do is to talk with sys admin and if i can't?

--- End quote ---

I dunno, send him an email?

There's really not much that can be done on the server side..... You could probably script something on your computer to log back into rdp at regular intervals.

do u know where can i find a script?

After re-reading your last comment, it is almost definitely a group policy setting that is logging you off. The server is closing stale sessions, and when you disconnect, it marks it as stale after 10 minutes and logs off. The only thing you can do about that is to tell your sys admin that it is causing problems for you and ask him to fix it.

ok if ur saying no way to use a script or a small aplication then i will try this option,i think will be dificult but not impossible :P


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