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Author Topic: Windows XP Freezes  (Read 15486 times)

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Andrew Ray

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Windows XP Freezes
« on: September 07, 2004, 03:09:13 PM »
my windows xp keeps freezing on me at different points.  when i try to open something it will freeze, such as pokerstars, i deleted it and reinstalled it, same problem... but other things will freeze the computer too, and my processor is not running at the right speed, it's running at slightly over 1/4 the right speed it should be... if i reboot the computer a few times eventually the processor will run at the right speed (it's an AMD Athlon 64 3400+ that SHOULD run at 2.2) but the freezing problem is still there... i'm not sure if this is a windows problem or a processor problem, this is a brand new computer and i didn't even notice this problem until i got it on the internet, any help would be very helpful.


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Re: Windows XP Freezes
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2004, 12:20:40 AM »
Scan for viruses, trojans and spyware.

Andrew Ray

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Re: Windows XP Freezes
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2004, 07:19:15 AM »
I did scan for viruses and spyware, how do you scan for a trojan?  Anyway, I did all that and more.  I even updated the driver for the processor, did an HDD test in BIOS, and scanned the hard drive for errors and came up with nothing in all cases.


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Re: Windows XP Freezes
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2004, 10:31:15 AM »
Most virus scanners should be able to remove trojans, firewalls usually intercept them.

Was the problem non-existant before connecting to the Internet or did you simply not notice it?

I donot know what could cause your processor speed to fluctuate, my guess would be either a faulty power supply unit or perhaps inaccurate mainboard sensors.

I suggest you set your BIOS to default or fail-safe settings, you may be using BIOS settings that cause some components to be overclocked without you knowing.

Did you install adequate cooling?

Andrew Ray

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Re: Windows XP Freezes
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2004, 12:09:50 PM »
this isn't even a computer i built, if i built it and it had a problem i would understand (i screwed something up haha), but it was made by govconnection.com (or pcconnection.com it's all the same.  i think i just didn't notice the problem before, i wasn't hooked up to the internet, but i also wasn't using the computer much, i only played a few games, and never multitasked, which is why i don't think it does have to do with the internet.  my BIOS is most unhelpful, it has practically nothing and i don't really know why, i guess it's just a terrible BIOS (on my R3260US compaq presario) i don't really know how to flash the bios, but i was told if i have no experience with it that i shouldn't even try... also, occasionally while i'm typing the computer will freeze very temporarily, i will be in the middle of a word and it will stop showing what i am typing, then in a few seconds it will show like the next three letters i typed and any really recent ones i typed if i didn't notice it has frozen and i had continued typing... this sentence may show up like this: "this senmay" it would freeze after the space, show nothing, then in a few seconds show "sen" that i had typed earlier and "may" that i had typed recently (when the computer woke up from it's frozen state i assume)... i assumed these problems were all linked


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Re: Windows XP Freezes
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2004, 12:17:07 PM »
run this first>http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/   and type dxdiag in the run box if you can...these problem may point to a graphics card issue...how much ram has this pc...and i would not mess about with it to much if a new pc...phone the repair shop or take it in?


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Re: Windows XP Freezes
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2004, 12:24:34 PM »
I suggest you refer to your BIOS manual to see if there is a button you need to press in order to unlock advanced options.

Did you contact govconnection.com, perhaps this is a known issue?

Andrew Ray

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Re: Windows XP Freezes
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2004, 05:58:23 PM »
it has 512 RAM, plenty if you ask... anybody.. there is no BIOS manual, i bought this computer, it comes with pretty much nothing helpful, so that if it needs repairing you have to go back to them and pay them... it is under warantee however and it's been under 30 days since i bought it... i have contacted govconnection, and i've gone to other sites like this one looking for help, many people have apparently had this problem (all with compaq's) i just haven't figured out what all these people did yet.  i'll tell you i'm not buying a compaq anytime soon.


  • R.I.P.

  • Prodigy

    Thanked: 18
    Re: Windows XP Freezes
    « Reply #8 on: September 08, 2004, 06:54:26 PM »
    Andrew Ray....If you pc is under 30days old.....take it back and let them fix it .....however before doing that I would ensure you dont have any viruses or its full of spyware  and the like......Clean it out first and then let them fix it ...if they wont ...demand you money back ....you do have some rights.
    I would probably be a good idea to register your complaints with them so they cant stall past the 30 day thing . ( this has nothing to do with the warantee, but rather your right to return inside of 30 days if your not satisfied and they're not prepared to fix it at no cost to you .)
    Hope this helps

    dl65  ???
    « Last Edit: September 08, 2004, 06:55:26 PM by dl65 »
    If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.

    Andrew Ray

    • Guest
    Re: Windows XP Freezes
    « Reply #9 on: September 08, 2004, 07:18:16 PM »
    yeah, it's getting to that point, it has to be a hardware problem, i'm going to install service pack 2 (that my college recommended i not install because it's not compatible)... i need a computer for college, it's hard to get along without one, you know? ... any last ditch efforts to help me? i'm going to install sp2 then if that doesn't work, backup everything i can and need, then i'll do the restore thing... any advice?


    • R.I.P.

    • Prodigy

      Thanked: 18
      Re: Windows XP Freezes
      « Reply #10 on: September 08, 2004, 07:28:15 PM »
      Andrew Ray......I don't agree that SP2  isn't compatible.....thats rubbish .....I have two pcs running with SP2 .....no problems.....there are some compatibility issues with some 3rd party software and drivers ....however these are all listed ( at least the know ones on Micro Soft website.).....I dont think that SP2 will resolve your issues.....Given that your pc is new .....under 30days old ....why dont you return it ? or is there something your not telling us .

      let us know
      dl65  ???
      « Last Edit: September 08, 2004, 07:29:42 PM by dl65 »
      If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.

      Andrew Ray

      • Guest
      Re: Windows XP Freezes
      « Reply #11 on: September 08, 2004, 09:11:43 PM »
      no it's not (or wasn't) compatible with the college website or something, i don't quite know, but i tried to install it anyway, and guess what? it froze!! with 1 mb to go in the download!! i restarted and tried it again and now it freezes everytime before it even gets that far... i can't send the computer back right now because A) i'm at college and B) i need at least A computer here, and i would like to just fix it, i'm trying the restore thing now, last resort i suppose... if this doesn't work i don't know what will... the freezing happens when i use a program, it freezes once, then every time i try to use the program again it freezes, it's great! ahh, somebody help


      • R.I.P.

      • Prodigy

        Thanked: 18
        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #12 on: September 09, 2004, 12:11:48 AM »
        Andrew Ray.......I can appreciate the fact that your frustrated with your new computer which will not work....but as I see the problem , its not about to go away ......so if you can't or won't return the computer which you just bought because you need a computer at school (and yours doesnt work ) what are you to do ......
        Well here's a thought ......format the drive and reinstall XP , then reinstall your anti virus ( or it will become infected ) get the necessary windows updates to allow you to install SP2 and life will return to normal.

        let us know how you make out .

        dl65  ???
        If you don't know the answer, it isn't a dumb question.


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        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #13 on: September 09, 2004, 03:12:59 AM »
        What are your computer temperatures?

        Andrew Ray

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        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #14 on: September 09, 2004, 08:02:19 AM »
        i don't know the temperatures, my BIOS is virtually useless, it has nothing in it that is useful in any situation, it's the most limited bios i have ever seen... as for reinstalling XP i don't think i can, they put it on the computer and in typical "we want the money for any problems you have" fashion, they did not give me an XP cd or anything... there is a "operating system cd" (for distribution only with compaq laptops or something, would that do it? it doesn't seem like something that would have ALL the files on it, it just seems like another recovery cd type thing, although it does not say that


        • Guest
        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #15 on: September 09, 2004, 10:21:15 AM »
        I think it would be better for you if you return the PC and perhaps talk them into a temporary replacement. You may void warranty and be even further from home.

        As for your BIOS, perhaps most of the options are hidden so that people who donot know what they're doing are protected from theirselves.

        Is there no technical support avaible from where you ordered the PC?

        Andrew Ray

        • Guest
        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #16 on: September 09, 2004, 11:27:27 AM »
        i sent the govconnection site something and i've been e-mailing them back and forth, and nothing has helped there, his final suggestion was full system recovery, which i'm going to try now... i'll keep you updated on how it goes

        Andrew Ray

        • Guest
        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #17 on: September 09, 2004, 12:31:12 PM »
        They're telling me to use a system recovery cd (which i assume is this "operating system cd", as "system recovery cd" appears on nothing)... i have no idea how to do this, i have no idea at all, i booted from it, it asked for a disk, i cancelled that because they didn't give me a disk either, then it did a bunch of crap for 10 minutes, copied some files or something, then it asked me if i wanted to install windows or do a recovery, i picked recovery, it asked me which one i wanted to do i picked 1 (the only one) it asked for my username, password, adminstrator password, i did all that and it just gave me a command prompt, WOW HOW HELPFUL THAT WAS!! i can use dos if i need a command prompt, i just don't know how in the world a commant prompt works in fixing my *censored* computer, wow that was sooo helpful, and great too!! fantastic!! what the heck am i supposed to do? this is getting ridiculous, do i just reinstall windows? if i do will these other recovery cds (driver and application) work? i'm never buying a compaq again, i'll tell you that.

        Andrew Ray

        • Guest
        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #18 on: September 09, 2004, 02:03:28 PM »
        well, i'll describe that as unaffective at best, i did the recovery thing, it asked me if i wanted to reinstall windows or repair, i chose repair, it loaded crap for 30 minutes, it rebooted, it did more stuff, it told me i was done, it froze, i restarted, it's still running slow... .the processor is still running at 797 MHz, and it is noticeably running slow, as it has been for the past day or two, before i had just noticed it was running slow, now it's clear that it is... if i format the hard drive, can i install windows with the "operating system cd"? and get everything else from the application and driver recovery cd?  or should i just reinstall it? i'm on to desperate measures here, my last resort is sending it  back, i think i'll call compaq today or tomorrow and complain for hours until they help... any last suggestions before i send this thing back?


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        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #19 on: September 09, 2004, 02:14:18 PM »
        like i have said take it back.....and stand your ground for a replacement or an option to chose another different make/specs at the same price.... and dont be bullied by any one in the shop........ask for the manager and no else...and dont be fobbed of by he/she is not available...tell them you have purchase this pc and its not fit for the purpose you bought it for...and good luck...stop fiddling  with it start doing...   my overall diagnostics is the mobo...
        « Last Edit: September 09, 2004, 02:15:23 PM by merlin_2 »

        Andrew Ray

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        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #20 on: September 09, 2004, 04:02:33 PM »
        what do you mean "mobo"? anyway, this computer isn't fit for much of anything, this is pretty ridiculous, i'm going to bust some compaq heads tomorrow.


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        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #21 on: September 10, 2004, 12:01:42 AM »
        Mobo is an abbrevication for motherboard or mainboard.

        We cannot help you more than they can, if it is still under warranty, may as well make use of it.
        « Last Edit: September 10, 2004, 12:02:23 AM by Raptor »

        Andrew Ray

        • Guest
        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #22 on: September 13, 2004, 08:44:58 PM »
        here's a little update for ya: on some HP guy's advice (which i counted as permission that they wouldn't void my warranty or something) i reinstalled windows, i just finished a few hours ago and everything is working fine (the processor speed fluctuates, which i know (powernow!) it is SUPPOSED to do that... unlike before when it was stuck at 797, it now is mostly up at 2.19 (and always at 2.19 when i have "always on" on), so it's working fine, for now, i'm just hoping the problems don't come back.  thanks for all of your help, it came down to a last resort.

        Andrew Ray

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        Re: Windows XP Freezes
        « Reply #23 on: September 13, 2004, 10:12:33 PM »
        Also, I noticed a lot more heat coming from my computer now, as if it's actually WORKING now.