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Author Topic: Batch File Help Needed  (Read 3059 times)

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    Batch File Help Needed
    « on: November 06, 2007, 03:49:19 PM »

    I have a script that dynamically creates another bat script that then performs some xcopy commands.  However it does not include the directories in the xcopy bat script unless they have a sub dir.  I need it to include them even if they dont have sub dir as long as they are not on the 'exclude' list.

    Thanks for all help as I'm stumped as to why this is happening.

    *************Current Directories that exist:**********************


    Note: In my current results it does not include a line for 'testplan' as it does not have another dir under it.

    ******** Current Batch athat creates Current Output********************

    set ess_app_dir_source=D:\Hyperion\Essbase\App
    set outFile_CopyAppDir=%~dp0CopyAppDir.bat
    set excludeDirsAppCopy=$DM_APP$,migrationutils,ESSHFM,z_test

    @echo off


    echo REM Begin to copy 'App' dir to backup location > %outFile_CopyAppDir%

    pushd "%ess_app_dir_source%"

    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /ad 2^>NUL') do call :PROCDIR "%%a"


    if not exist "%outFile_CopyAppDir%" echo Could not find anything to process&goto :EOF

    echo Processing writing to %outFile_CopyAppDir%

    goto :EOF


    for %%a in (%excludeDirsAppCopy%) do if /i "%%a"=="%~1" goto :EOF

    pushd "%~1"

    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /ad 2^>NUL') do call :PROCESS "%%a" "%~1"


    goto :EOF


    for %%a in (%excludeDirsAppCopy%) do if /i "%%a"=="%~1" goto :EOF

    echo xcopy "%ess_app_dir_source%\%~2" "%ess_app_dir_bkup%\%~2" /Y /S /E /i >> "%outFile_CopyAppDir%"

    goto :EOF

    **************Current Output*****************************:

    REM Begin to copy 'App' dir to backup location
    xcopy "D:\Hyperion\essbase\app\BU_CRTT" "E:\EssbaseBackup\Daily\App\BU_CRTT" /Y /S /E /i
    xcopy "D:\Hyperion\essbase\app\CapExp" "E:\EssbaseBackup\Daily\App\CapExp" /Y /S /E /i
    xcopy "D:\Hyperion\essbase\app\CORPGA" "E:\EssbaseBackup\Daily\App\CORPGA" /Y /S /E /i

    ***************Desired Output**************************

    REM Begin to copy 'App' dir to backup location
    xcopy "D:\Hyperion\essbase\app\BU_CRTT" "E:\EssbaseBackup\Daily\App\BU_CRTT" /Y /S /E /i
    xcopy "D:\Hyperion\essbase\app\CapExp" "E:\EssbaseBackup\Daily\App\CapExp" /Y /S /E /i
    xcopy "D:\Hyperion\essbase\app\CORPGA" "E:\EssbaseBackup\Daily\App\CORPGA" /Y /S /E /i
    xcopy "D:\Hyperion\essbase\app\testplan" "E:\EssbaseBackup\Daily\App\testplan" /Y /S /E /i