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Author Topic: need help with organizing folders on certain dates  (Read 3386 times)

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jade jaycob

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    • Experience: Familiar
    • OS: Windows 7
    need help with organizing folders on certain dates
    « on: March 15, 2014, 09:24:24 PM »
    Hello everyone,

    I tried looking around the net but cannot find what i am looking for. I need a program that activate folders on certain dates.

    For example

    i run a restaurant that changes its menu cycle every month. the staff need to know what the menu specs are currently active for that month. All menu specs are put in folders for each month. Is there any program i can use that the folders can automatically trigger itself to show on the desktop while archiving the previous month untill that month comes along again? it has to been simple program that the folders activate itself. please help



    • Geek After Dark
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    Re: need help with organizing folders on certain dates
    « Reply #1 on: March 15, 2014, 11:04:00 PM »
    Some detail please.
    Is this an application you wrote? A costume application?
    Or some method s normally used in you business model?

    The windows explorer open folders on your desktop. But how to schedule it is unknown to me. Maybe others here know how.

    But and alternative is  a browser to d read  HTML  files.That is m ore versatile and often there is a way to schedule  HTML files to start on a certain day.



      • Experience: Experienced
      • OS: Windows 7
      Re: need help with organizing folders on certain dates
      « Reply #2 on: March 26, 2014, 05:02:48 PM »
      I'm not sure about a 3rd party programs but it is possible to automatically open a folder with dynamic name, that represents the current month, by using Windows Task Scheduler and a batch file.
      Assuming that you have a folder on Desktop named "Menu", within that Menu folder,create subfolders named 01,02,03,...,11,12 that will represent each month and put the restaurant menues in those folders.
      01 is for January, 11 is to November ... you get the idea.
      In the same "Menu" folder, create a text file and copy/paste this in there
      Code: [Select]
      @echo off & for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%A in ('date/t') do (
      set DateWeekday=%%A
      set DateMonth=%%B
      set DateDay=%%C
      set DateYear=%%D

      set CurrentDate=%DateMonth%
      %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe "C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop\Menu\%CurrentDate%

      In this code, replace the word "YourUsername" with the account owner name so the path will be correct.
      Now save the changes, close the file, rename it to Menu.bat (no txt extension anymore).
      This is how your Menu folder should look like.

      Test it to make sure it opens the folder that you need.If you double click on Menu.bat it must open a folder named "03" which represents March.Next month if you double click on
      it it will open 04 folder , e.t.c. you get the idea.
      Now you have a batch file that you can run with Windows Task Scheduler automatically so you don't have to manually double click on it.For example, if you want the folder to open every time you power on the computer then schedule a task as described here
      Start button> in search bar type Task Scheduler and open it> on the right side of the Task Scheduler window click on Create Basic Task >name it "Menu" or something that you will recognize easier in future > Press Next>
      This is the most important part.When do you want Menu.bat to be executed(when do you want to open "03" folder) ? In this example I'll assume
      you want to open the "03" folder every time you power on the computer and type in your password to log in.Choose the "At log on" option and
      press Next.The default selection is "Start a program", leave it that way and press Next.Now you must specify
      what program/script you want to execute.Press the "Browse" button, locate the Menu.bat file(which is in this case located in C:\Users\Yourusername\Desktop\Menu folder , but you can put it anywhere you want).Then press Next.Then press Finish.You will notice the new task named "Menu" in the central part of the Task Scheduler window.If you double click on it you can customize it to run regardless whether the computer is on battery power or plugged in,start the task if the computer is idle or busy or regardless of state.The "task" here means running the "Menu.bat" file which will open the folder that represents current month.
      If you want to run this every day at a specific time, double click on "Menu" task to open the settings window, click on "Triggers" tab ,press Edit.Next to "Begin the task"
      you can choose the schedule.Or you can even run it when another program is executed.

      I don't take credit for writing the batch file above.It was "ripped" from Google then modified to work better in this case.
      This file will work properly if your computer date is in this format MM/DD/YYYY


      • Geek After Dark
      • Thanked: 1026
        • Gekk9pm bnlog
      • Certifications: List
      • Computer: Specs
      • Experience: Expert
      • OS: Windows 10
      Re: need help with organizing folders on certain dates
      « Reply #3 on: March 26, 2014, 05:38:12 PM »
      Maybe what the OP needs is some kind of thing like a time management program. On certain dates a task will start. Some of this is included in a Calendar app.
      10 Best Calendar Apps (Tom's Hardware)
      The OP may want to review info about the windows task Scheduler.
      That is all I can think of for now.