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Author Topic: [JAVA] Problems running application  (Read 4229 times)

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    [JAVA] Problems running application
    « on: May 16, 2009, 10:21:39 AM »
    Hello, Im trying to make a VERY simple application that will draw a castle on the screen (still adding more stuff to it) for a school assignment, but when im working on it in my IDE (netbeans) or any other IDE for that matter, it seems to only run when IT wants to, for example, i can click the run and get this: (good)

    or this: (bad)

    Note that i can make NO changes to the file, run it again, and get a different result from the previous run, is there any way to fix this? or what is the cause of it.

    I have the latest JAVA JDK installed on my computer btw.



      Re: [JAVA] Problems running application
      « Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 02:56:02 PM »
      I've never heard of anything like this happening..
      I can only suggest basic troubleshooting, trying to work out what is different when it works or doesn't.
      You could also try reinstalling everything and seeing if that helps.


        Topic Starter

        Re: [JAVA] Problems running application
        « Reply #2 on: May 17, 2009, 02:58:21 PM »
        Im thinking its cuz im using the Turtle help file that my teacher gave us, because it does the same thing on school computers (using TextPad), and it happens when I use JBuilder, and even Netbeans on my computer at home, one sec and i can give the code for the turtle file, but it is quite large. (for a post) lol

        Note: It has to be something wrong in the turtle file, because it happens no matter what kind of application i try to write with it, even when i start from scratch it does it.

        Turtle file:
        Code: [Select]
        // Copy this file in its entirety to a file named Turtle.java
        // Compile it before trying to compile any program that uses Turtles

        import java.awt.*;
        import javax.swing.JFrame;
        import java.awt.geom.*;
        import java.awt.event.*;

        public class Turtle extends Object
        { public static final double DEGREE = Math.PI / 180;
        public static final int WIDTH = 760, HEIGHT = 600;
        public static final Color RED = Color.red, BLUE = Color.blue,
                       BLACK = Color.black,      GRAY = Color.gray,
                       YELLOW = Color.yellow,    PINK = Color.pink,
                       ORANGE = Color.orange,    GREEN = Color.green,
                       MAGENTA = Color.magenta,  WHITE = Color.white;
        private static Graphics2D page = null;     // for drawing
        private double heading = 0;         // heading initially east
        private double xcor = WIDTH / 2;    // centered horizontally
        private double ycor = HEIGHT / 2;   // centered vertically too

        /** Set the drawing Color to the given value.  */

        public void switchTo (Color given)
        { page.setColor (given);
        } //======================

        /** Write words without changing the Turtle's state.  */

        public void say (String message)
        { page.drawString (message, (int) xcor, (int) ycor);
        } //======================

        /** Pause the animation for wait milliseconds.  */

        public void sleep (int wait)
        { long timeToQuit = System.currentTimeMillis() + wait;
        while (System.currentTimeMillis() < timeToQuit)
        ;   // take no action
        } //======================

        /** Make a circle of the given radius, Turtle at center. */

        public void swingAround (double radius)
        { if (radius > 0.0)
        page.draw (new Ellipse2D.Double (xcor - radius,
                    ycor - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius));
        } //======================

        // the Turtle class, completed

        /** Rotate left by left degrees; MOVE for forward steps.*/

        public Turtle move (double left, double forward)
        { heading += left * DEGREE;
        xcor += forward * Math.cos (heading);
        ycor -= forward * Math.sin (heading);
        return this;
        } //======================

        /** Rotate left by left degrees; PAINT for forward steps. */

        public Turtle paint (double left, double forward)
        { heading += left * DEGREE;
        double x = xcor + forward * Math.cos (heading);
        double y = ycor - forward * Math.sin (heading);
        page.draw (new Line2D.Double (xcor, ycor, x, y));
        xcor = x;
        ycor = y;
        return this;
        } //======================

        /** Fill a circle of the given radius, Turtle at center. */

        public void fillCircle (double radius)
        { page.fill (new Ellipse2D.Double (xcor - radius,
                    ycor - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius));
        } //======================

        /** Fill a rectangle of the given width and height, Turtle at center. */

        public void fillBox (double width, double height)
        { page.fill (new Rectangle2D.Double (xcor - width / 2,
                   ycor - height / 2, width, height));
        } //======================

        public Turtle (Graphics g)
        { page = (Graphics2D) g;
        } //======================

        public Turtle()
        { if (page == null)
        { JFrame area = new JFrame ("Turtle drawings");
        area.addWindowListener (new Closer());  // in Chapter 10
        area.setSize (WIDTH, HEIGHT);
        area.setVisible (true);
        page = (Graphics2D) area.getGraphics();
        area.paint (page);
        page.setColor (WHITE);
        page.fillRect (0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
        page.setColor (BLACK);
        } //======================

        private static class Closer implements WindowListener
           /** Enable the closer icon to close the window. */

        public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e)
        { System.exit (0);
        } //======================

        public void windowActivated (WindowEvent e)     { }
        public void windowDeactivated (WindowEvent e)   { }
        public void windowIconified (WindowEvent e)     { }
        public void windowDeiconified (WindowEvent e)   { }
        public void windowOpened (WindowEvent e)        { }
        public void windowClosed (WindowEvent e)        { }



          Topic Starter

          Re: [JAVA] Problems running application
          « Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009, 12:47:00 PM »
          Just a note, I am using the most current version of Java. Since the Turtle file is old, I'm thinking that perhaps that is causing some issues?


            Topic Starter

            Re: [JAVA] Problems running application
            « Reply #4 on: May 19, 2009, 12:46:50 PM »
            This thread can be closed, I fixed problem by adding a sleep command to the start of my code, for some reason that makes it work 100% every time lol.



              Re: [JAVA] Problems running application
              « Reply #5 on: May 21, 2009, 03:50:15 PM »
              Excellent one of the many mysteries of the universe solved. lol