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Author Topic: Some sugestions :D  (Read 14996 times)

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    Thanked: 18
    Re: Some sugestions :D
    « Reply #15 on: August 20, 2009, 06:35:09 PM »
    and 10x more complicated
    When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace - Jimi Hendrix.


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      Re: Some sugestions :D
      « Reply #16 on: August 21, 2009, 03:12:07 AM »
      I don't agree with you VB is infact very good and understandefull for a begginer like me .
      For pros :o i agree that c++ and c is better!


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        • Cameron Gray - The Random Rambings of a Computer Geek
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      Re: Some sugestions :D
      « Reply #17 on: August 21, 2009, 07:01:22 AM »
      If you are a student you gan get Visual Studio for FREE from Microsoft Dreamspark along with a lot more software and even Windows Server 2003 and 2008.


      Cameron Gray


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      Re: Some sugestions :D
      « Reply #18 on: August 21, 2009, 09:20:43 AM »
      vb super sucks
      C/C++ is 10x more useful


      duplicate these with C/C++:



      you cannot simply say "VB sucks" you need to back up your argument with real facts.

      Also be prepared because I'm ready to respond to any of the common VB criticisms with brash and unnecessarily verbose responses.
      I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


      • Guest
      Re: Some sugestions :D
      « Reply #19 on: August 21, 2009, 12:03:15 PM »
      you keep teaseing me for using something old
      BASIC is very old and started in the late 1970's (older then CGA)
      and it was finally going away and microsoft says
      hey i got an idea lets bring BASIC back :)
      C++ was much more modern


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      Re: Some sugestions :D
      « Reply #20 on: August 21, 2009, 12:54:20 PM »

      VB.NET is a new language.... actually that's why I don't use it.

      Visual Basic 6's about box clearly states "copyright 1987-2000", not 1970. the BASIC language as used in Visual Basic 6 is far removed from the one developed at Dartmouth college.

      I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.



        Thanked: 1
        Re: Some sugestions :D
        « Reply #21 on: August 23, 2009, 01:33:49 PM »
        c++ was the first language i learned (well i knew how to use ms-dos) and i had little trouble learning it, well i am still a beginner but it still hasnt been to complicated so far...


        • Typing is no substitute for thinking.
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        Re: Some sugestions :D
        « Reply #22 on: August 23, 2009, 01:50:29 PM »
        c++ was the first language i learned (well i knew how to use ms-dos) and i had little trouble learning it, well i am still a beginner but it still hasnt been to complicated so far...

        Are you using ACTUAL C++ or just C? C++ is a superset of C code for the most part.

        if your not implementing classes you may as well call it C.

        If I may quote some code of the late Paul Dilascia: (this one I duplicated in VB6 :D)
        Code: [Select]
        // Copyright 1998 Paul DiLascia
        // If this code works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
        // If not, I don't know who wrote it.
        // CMenuBar implements menu bar for MFC. See MenuBar.h for how
        // to use, and also the MBTest sample application.
        #include "StdAfx.h"
        #include "MenuBar.h"

        const UINT MB_SET_MENU_NULL = WM_USER + 1100;

        #ifdef _DEBUG
        #define new DEBUG_NEW
        #undef THIS_FILE
        static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

        // if you want to see extra TRACE diagnostics, set CMenuBar::bTRACE = TRUE
        BOOL CMenuBar::bTRACE = FALSE;

        #ifdef _DEBUG
        #define MBTRACEFN \
        CTraceFn __fooble; \
        if (CMenuBar::bTRACE)\
        #define MBTRACE \
        if (CMenuBar::bTRACE)\
        #define MBTRACEFN TRACE
        #define MBTRACE   TRACE

        IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CMenuBar, CFlatToolBar)

        BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMenuBar, CFlatToolBar)
        ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(0, 256, OnUpdateMenuButton)

        if (iVerComCtl32 <= 470)
        AfxMessageBox(_T("Warning: This program requires comctl32.dll version 4.71 or greater."));

        m_iTrackingState = TRACK_NONE; // initial state: not tracking
        m_iPopupTracking = m_iNewPopup = -1; // invalid
        m_hmenu = NULL;
        m_bAutoRemoveFrameMenu = TRUE; // set frame's menu to NULL


        // Menu bar was created: install hook into owner window
        int CMenuBar::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
        if (CFlatToolBar::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct)==-1)
        return -1;
        CWnd* pFrame = GetOwner();
        m_frameHook.Install(this, *pFrame);
        return 0; // OK

        // Set menu bar font from current system menu font
        void CMenuBar::UpdateFont()
        static CFont font;
        info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
        SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(info), &info, 0);
        if ((HFONT)font)

        // The reason for having this is so MFC won't automatically disable
        // the menu buttons. Assumes < 256 top-level menu items. The ID of
        // the ith menu button is i. IOW, the index and ID are the same.
        void CMenuBar::OnUpdateMenuButton(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
        if (IsValidButton(pCmdUI->m_nID))

        // Recompute layout of menu bar
        void CMenuBar::RecomputeMenuLayout()
        SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOACTIVATE |

        // Make frame recalculate control bar sizes after menu change
        void CMenuBar::RecomputeToolbarSize()
        // Force toolbar to recompute size
        CFrameWnd* pFrame = (CFrameWnd*)GetOwner();

        // floating frame
        pFrame = GetParentFrame();
        if (pFrame->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMiniFrameWnd)))

        // Set tracking state: none, button, or popup
        void CMenuBar::SetTrackingState(TRACKINGSTATE iState, int iButton)
        if (iState != m_iTrackingState) {
        if (iState == TRACK_NONE)
        iButton = -1;

        #ifdef _DEBUG
        static LPCTSTR StateName[] = { _T("NONE"), _T("BUTTON"), _T("POPUP") };
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::SetTrackingState to %s, button=%d\n"),
        StateName[iState], iButton);

        SetHotItem(iButton); // could be none (-1)

        if (iState==TRACK_POPUP) {
        // set related state stuff
        m_bEscapeWasPressed = FALSE; // assume Esc key not pressed
        m_bProcessRightArrow = // assume left/right arrow..
        m_bProcessLeftArrow = TRUE; // ..will move to prev/next popup
        m_iPopupTracking = iButton; // which popup I'm tracking
        m_iTrackingState = iState;

        // Toggle state from home state to button-tracking and back
        void CMenuBar::ToggleTrackButtonMode()
        if (m_iTrackingState == TRACK_NONE || m_iTrackingState == TRACK_BUTTON) {
        SetTrackingState(m_iTrackingState == TRACK_NONE ?

        // Get button index before/after a given button
        int CMenuBar::GetNextOrPrevButton(int iButton, BOOL bPrev)
        if (bPrev) {
        if (iButton <0)
        iButton = GetButtonCount() - 1;
        } else {
        if (iButton >= GetButtonCount())
        iButton = 0;
        return iButton;

        // This is to correct a bug in the system toolbar control: TB_HITTEST only
        // looks at the buttons, not the size of the window. So it returns a button
        // hit even if that button is totally outside the size of the window!
        int CMenuBar::HitTest(CPoint p) const
        int iHit = CFlatToolBar::HitTest(p);
        if (iHit>0) {
        CRect rc;
        if (!rc.PtInRect(p)) // if point is outside window
        iHit = -1; // can't be a hit!
        return iHit;

        // Load a different menu. The HMENU must not belong to any CMenu,
        // and you must free it when you're done. Returns old menu.
        HMENU CMenuBar::LoadMenu(HMENU hmenu)
        UINT iPrevID=(UINT)-1;

        if (m_bAutoRemoveFrameMenu) {
        CFrameWnd* pFrame = GetParentFrame();
        if (::GetMenu(*pFrame)!=NULL) {
        // I would like to set the frame's menu to NULL now, but if I do, MFC
        // gets all upset: it calls GetMenu and expects to have a real menu.
        // So Instead, I post a message to myself. Because the message is
        // posted, not sent, I won't process it until MFC is done with all its
        // initialization stuff. (MFC needs to set CFrameWnd::m_hMenuDefault
        // to the menu, which it gets by calling GetMenu.)
        PostMessage(MB_SET_MENU_NULL, (WPARAM)pFrame->GetSafeHwnd());
        HMENU hOldMenu = m_hmenu;
        m_hmenu = hmenu;

        // delete existing buttons
        int nCount = GetButtonCount();
        while (nCount--) {

        // SetButtonSize(CSize(0,0)); // This barfs in VC 6.0

        DWORD dwStyle = GetStyle();
        BOOL bModifyStyle = ModifyStyle(0, TBSTYLE_FLAT|TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT);

        // add text buttons
        UINT nMenuItems = hmenu ? ::GetMenuItemCount(hmenu) : 0;

        for (UINT i=0; i < nMenuItems; i++) {
        TCHAR name[64];
        memset(name, 0, sizeof(name)); // guarantees double-0 at end
        if (::GetMenuString(hmenu, i, name, countof(name)-1, MF_BYPOSITION)) {
        TBBUTTON tbb;
        memset(&tbb, 0, sizeof(tbb));
        tbb.idCommand = ::GetMenuItemID(hmenu, i);

        // Because the toolbar is too brain-damaged to know if it already has
        // a string, and is also too brain-dead to even let you delete strings,
        // I have to determine if each string has been added already. Otherwise
        // in a MDI app, as the menus are repeatedly switched between doc and
        // no-doc menus, I will keep adding strings until somebody runs out of
        // memory. Sheesh!
        int iString = -1;
        for (int j=0; j<m_arStrings.GetSize(); j++) {
        if (m_arStrings[j] == name) {
        iString = j; // found it
        if (iString <0) {
        // string not found: add it
        iString = AddStrings(name);
        m_arStrings.SetAtGrow(iString, name);

        tbb.iString = iString;
        tbb.fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
        tbb.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE;
        tbb.iBitmap = -1;
        tbb.idCommand = i;
        VERIFY(AddButtons(1, &tbb));

        if (bModifyStyle)
        SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);

        if (hmenu) {
        AutoSize(); // size buttons
        RecomputeToolbarSize(); // and menubar itself
        return hOldMenu;

        // Load menu from resource
        HMENU CMenuBar::LoadMenu(LPCSTR lpszMenuName)
        return LoadMenu(::LoadMenu(AfxGetResourceHandle(), lpszMenuName));

        // Set the frame's menu to NULL. WPARAM is HWND of frame.
        LRESULT CMenuBar::OnSetMenuNull(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
        HWND hwnd = (HWND)wp;
        ::SetMenu(hwnd, NULL);
        return 0;

        // Handle mouse click: if clicked on button, press it
        // and go into main menu loop.
        void CMenuBar::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint pt)
        int iButton = HitTest(pt);
        if (iButton >= 0 && iButton<GetButtonCount()) // if mouse is over a button:
        TrackPopup(iButton); //   track it
        else // otherwise:
        CFlatToolBar::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, pt); //   pass it on...

        // Handle mouse movement
        void CMenuBar::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint pt)

        if (m_iTrackingState==TRACK_BUTTON) {

        // In button-tracking state, ignore mouse-over to non-button area.
        // Normally, the toolbar would de-select the hot item in this case.
        // Only change the hot item if the mouse has actually moved.
        // This is necessary to avoid a bug where the user moves to a different
        // button from the one the mouse is over, and presses arrow-down to get
        // the menu, then Esc to cancel it. Without this code, the button will
        // jump to wherever the mouse is--not right.

        int iHot = HitTest(pt);
        if (IsValidButton(iHot) && pt != m_ptMouse)
        return; // don't let toolbar get it
        m_ptMouse = pt; // remember point
        CFlatToolBar::OnMouseMove(nFlags, pt);

        // Window was resized: need to recompute layout
        void CMenuBar::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
        CFlatToolBar::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);

        // Bar style changed: eg, moved from left to right dock or floating
        void CMenuBar::OnBarStyleChange(DWORD dwOldStyle, DWORD dwNewStyle)
        CFlatToolBar::OnBarStyleChange(dwOldStyle, dwNewStyle);

        // When user selects a new menu item, note whether it has a submenu
        // and/or parent menu, so I know whether right/left arrow should
        // move to the next popup.
        void CMenuBar::OnMenuSelect(HMENU hmenu, UINT iItem)
        if (m_iTrackingState > 0) {
        // process right-arrow iff item is NOT a submenu
        m_bProcessRightArrow = (::GetSubMenu(hmenu, iItem) == NULL);
        // process left-arrow iff curent menu is one I'm tracking
        m_bProcessLeftArrow = hmenu==m_hMenuTracking;

        // globals--yuk! But no other way using windows hooks.
        static CMenuBar* g_pMenuBar = NULL;
        static HHOOK g_hMsgHook = NULL;

        // Menu filter hook just passes to virtual CMenuBar function
        CMenuBar::MenuInputFilter(int code, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
        return (code==MSGF_MENU && g_pMenuBar &&
        g_pMenuBar->OnMenuInput(*((MSG*)lp))) ? TRUE
        : CallNextHookEx(g_hMsgHook, code, wp, lp);

        // Handle menu input event: Look for left/right to change popup menu,
        // mouse movement over over a different menu button for "hot" popup effect.
        // Returns TRUE if message handled (to eat it).
        BOOL CMenuBar::OnMenuInput(MSG& m)
        ASSERT(m_iTrackingState == TRACK_POPUP); // sanity check
        int msg = m.message;

        if (msg==WM_KEYDOWN) {
        // handle left/right-arow.
        TCHAR vkey = m.wParam;
        if ((vkey == VK_LEFT  && m_bProcessLeftArrow) ||
        (vkey == VK_RIGHT && m_bProcessRightArrow)) {

        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::OnMenuInput: handle VK_LEFT/RIGHT\n"));
        GetNextOrPrevButton(m_iPopupTracking, vkey==VK_LEFT));
        return TRUE; // eat it

        } else if (vkey == VK_ESCAPE) {
        m_bEscapeWasPressed = TRUE; // (menu will abort itself)

        } else if (msg==WM_MOUSEMOVE || msg==WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
        // handle mouse move or click
        CPoint pt = m.lParam;

        if (msg == WM_MOUSEMOVE) {
        if (pt != m_ptMouse) {
        int iButton = HitTest(pt);
        if (IsValidButton(iButton) && iButton != m_iPopupTracking) {
        // user moved mouse over a different button: track its popup
        m_ptMouse = pt;

        } else if (msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
        if (HitTest(pt) == m_iPopupTracking) {
        // user clicked on same button I am tracking: cancel menu
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar:OnMenuInput: handle mouse click to exit popup\n"));
        return TRUE; // eat it
        return FALSE; // not handled

        // Cancel the current popup menu by posting WM_CANCELMODE, and track a new
        // menu. iNewPopup is which new popup to track (-1 to quit).
        void CMenuBar::CancelMenuAndTrackNewOne(int iNewPopup)
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::CancelMenuAndTrackNewOne: %d\n"), iNewPopup);
        if (iNewPopup != m_iPopupTracking) {
        GetOwner()->PostMessage(WM_CANCELMODE); // quit menu loop
        m_iNewPopup = iNewPopup; // go to this popup (-1 = quit)

        // Track the popup submenu associated with the i'th button in the menu bar.
        // This fn actually goes into a loop, tracking different menus until the user
        // selects a command or exits the menu.
        void CMenuBar::TrackPopup(int iButton)
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::TrackPopup %d\n"), iButton);

        CMenu menu;
        int nMenuItems = menu.GetMenuItemCount();

        while (iButton >= 0) { // while user selects another menu

        m_iNewPopup = -1; // assume quit after this
        PressButton(iButton, TRUE); // press the button
        UpdateWindow(); // and force repaint now

        // post a simulated arrow-down into the message stream
        // so TrackPopupMenu will read it and move to the first item
        GetOwner()->PostMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DOWN, 1);
        GetOwner()->PostMessage(WM_KEYUP, VK_DOWN, 1);

        SetTrackingState(TRACK_POPUP, iButton); // enter tracking state

        // Need to install a hook to trap menu input in order to make
        // left/right-arrow keys and "hot" mouse tracking work.
        ASSERT(g_pMenuBar == NULL);
        g_pMenuBar = this;
        ASSERT(g_hMsgHook == NULL);
        g_hMsgHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MSGFILTER,
        MenuInputFilter, NULL, ::GetCurrentThreadId());

        // get submenu and display it beneath button
        TPMPARAMS tpm;
        CRect rcButton;
        GetRect(iButton, rcButton);
        CPoint pt = ComputeMenuTrackPoint(rcButton, tpm);
        HMENU hMenuPopup = ::GetSubMenu(m_hmenu, iButton);
        BOOL bRet = TrackPopupMenuEx(hMenuPopup,
        pt.x, pt.y, GetOwner()->GetSafeHwnd(), &tpm);

        // uninstall hook.
        g_hMsgHook = NULL;
        g_pMenuBar = NULL;

        PressButton(iButton, FALSE); // un-press button
        UpdateWindow(); // and force repaint now

        // If the user exited the menu loop by pressing Escape,
        // return to track-button state; otherwise normal non-tracking state.
        SetTrackingState(m_bEscapeWasPressed ?
        TRACK_BUTTON : TRACK_NONE, iButton);

        // If the user moved mouse to a new top-level popup (eg from File to
        // Edit button), I will have posted a WM_CANCELMODE to quit
        // the first popup, and set m_iNewPopup to the new menu to show.
        // Otherwise, m_iNewPopup will be -1 as set above.
        // So just set iButton to the next popup menu and keep looping...
        iButton = m_iNewPopup;

        // Given button rectangle, compute point and "exclude rect" for
        // TrackPopupMenu, based on current docking style, so that the menu will
        // appear always inside the window.
        CPoint CMenuBar::ComputeMenuTrackPoint(const CRect& rcButn, TPMPARAMS& tpm)
        tpm.cbSize = sizeof(tpm);
        DWORD dwStyle = m_dwStyle;
        CPoint pt;
        CRect& rcExclude = (CRect&)tpm.rcExclude;
        rcExclude = rcButn;
        ::GetWindowRect(::GetDesktopWindow(), &rcExclude);

        switch (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_ANY) {
        case CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM:
        pt = CPoint(rcButn.left, rcButn.top);
        rcExclude.top = rcButn.top;

        case CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT:
        pt = CPoint(rcButn.right, rcButn.top);
        rcExclude.right = rcButn.right;

        case CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT:
        pt = CPoint(rcButn.left, rcButn.top);
        rcExclude.left = rcButn.left;

        default: // case CBRS_ALIGN_TOP:
        pt = CPoint(rcButn.left, rcButn.bottom);
        return pt;

        // This function translates special menu keys and mouse actions.
        // You must call it from your frame's PreTranslateMessage.
        BOOL CMenuBar::TranslateFrameMessage(MSG* pMsg)
        UINT msg = pMsg->message;
        if (WM_LBUTTONDOWN <= msg && msg <= WM_MOUSELAST) {
        if (pMsg->hwnd != m_hWnd && m_iTrackingState > 0) {
        // user clicked outside menu bar: exit tracking mode
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::TranslateFrameMessage: user clicked outside menu bar: end tracking\n"));

        } else if (msg==WM_SYSKEYDOWN || msg==WM_SYSKEYUP || msg==WM_KEYDOWN) {

        BOOL bAlt = HIWORD(pMsg->lParam) & KF_ALTDOWN; // Alt key down
        TCHAR vkey = pMsg->wParam;   // get virt key
        if (vkey==VK_MENU ||
        (vkey==VK_F10 && !((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x80000000) ||
                           (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x80000000) || bAlt))) {

        // key is VK_MENU or F10 with no alt/ctrl/shift: toggle menu mode
        if (msg==WM_SYSKEYUP) {
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::TranslateFrameMessage: handle menu key\n"));
        return TRUE;

        } else if ((msg==WM_SYSKEYDOWN || msg==WM_KEYDOWN)) {
        if (m_iTrackingState == TRACK_BUTTON) {
        // I am tracking: handle left/right/up/down/space/Esc
        switch (vkey) {
        case VK_LEFT:
        case VK_RIGHT:
        // left or right-arrow: change hot button if tracking buttons
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::TranslateFrameMessage: VK_LEFT/RIGHT\n"));
        SetHotItem(GetNextOrPrevButton(GetHotItem(), vkey==VK_LEFT));
        return TRUE;

        case VK_SPACE:  // (personally, I like SPACE to enter menu too)
        case VK_UP:
        case VK_DOWN:
        // up or down-arrow: move into current menu, if any
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::TranslateFrameMessage: VK_UP/DOWN/SPACE\n"));
        return TRUE;

        case VK_ESCAPE:
        // escape key: exit tracking mode
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::TranslateFrameMessage: VK_ESCAPE\n"));
        return TRUE;

        // Handle alphanumeric key: invoke menu. Note that Alt-X
        // chars come through as WM_SYSKEYDOWN, plain X as WM_KEYDOWN.
        if ((bAlt || m_iTrackingState == TRACK_BUTTON) && isalnum(vkey)) {
        // Alt-X, or else X while in tracking mode
        UINT nID;
        if (MapAccelerator(vkey, nID)) {
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::TranslateFrameMessage: map acclerator\n"));
        TrackPopup(nID); // found menu mnemonic: track it
        return TRUE; // handled
        } else if (m_iTrackingState==TRACK_BUTTON && !bAlt) {
        return TRUE;

        // Default for any key not handled so far: return to no-menu state
        if (m_iTrackingState > 0) {
        MBTRACE(_T("CMenuBar::TranslateFrameMessage: unknown key, stop tracking\n"));
        return FALSE; // not handled, pass along

        #ifdef _DEBUG
        void CMenuBar::AssertValid() const
        ASSERT(m_hmenu==NULL || ::IsMenu(m_hmenu));
        ASSERT(TRACK_NONE<=m_iTrackingState && m_iTrackingState<=TRACK_POPUP);

        void CMenuBar::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const

        // CMenuBarFrameHook is used to trap menu-related messages sent to the owning
        // frame. The same class is also used to trap messages sent to the MDI client
        // window in an MDI app. I should really use two classes for this,
        // but it uses less code to chare the same class. Note however: there
        // are two different INSTANCES of CMenuBarFrameHook in CMenuBar: one for
        // the frame and one for the MDI client window.

        HookWindow((HWND)NULL); // (unhook)

        // Install hook to trap window messages sent to frame or MDI client.
        BOOL CMenuBarFrameHook::Install(CMenuBar* pMenuBar, HWND hWndToHook)
        m_pMenuBar = pMenuBar;
        return HookWindow(hWndToHook);

        // Trap frame/MDI client messages specific to menubar.
        LRESULT CMenuBarFrameHook::WindowProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
        CMenuBar& mb = *m_pMenuBar;

        switch (msg) {
        // The following messages are trapped for the frame window

        case WM_MENUSELECT:
        mb.OnMenuSelect((HMENU)lp, (UINT)LOWORD(wp));
        return CSubclassWnd::WindowProc(msg, wp, lp);
        I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


        • Guest
        Re: Some sugestions :D
        « Reply #23 on: August 23, 2009, 02:32:36 PM »
        your better off learning C to start and move to c++



          Thanked: 1
          Re: Some sugestions :D
          « Reply #24 on: August 23, 2009, 04:52:32 PM »
          okay, maybe it is a little complex... but why not learn c as a first language then instead of vb6 as smeezekitty said i wouldnt it be more worthwhile then learning vb6 as a first language then learning c++?


          • Typing is no substitute for thinking.
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            • BC-Programming.com
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          • OS: Windows 11
          Re: Some sugestions :D
          « Reply #25 on: August 23, 2009, 04:56:03 PM »
          Well, learning C precludes creating a windows application for quite some time...

          for example, a very basic windows program:


          a couple pages. OK, except in VB6... that would require probably 2 or 3 lines. Not sure about .NET, probably just as terse.
          I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


          • Veni, Vidi, Vici
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          Re: Some sugestions :D
          « Reply #26 on: August 23, 2009, 05:00:14 PM »
          I learned C# a while back, self taught with manuals and how-to's.  It didn't take long, but I seem to remember that VS .Net was huge.

          On the upside I made an image reader/converter in my first week.  Then I played around with a few other things.

          I don't know if other programming knowledge would have helped or not.
          Evil is an exact science.


          • Guest
          Re: Some sugestions :D
          « Reply #27 on: August 24, 2009, 02:47:14 PM »
          i learned javascript when i was 8yr old
          by looking at website sources
          that helped learning C