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Author Topic: my rant with verizon support  (Read 3226 times)

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my rant with verizon support
« on: September 09, 2010, 11:45:20 AM »
Ok, so today getting some free time I decided to call Toshiba support to register my new laptop, also call webroot to get my license fixed.

How it started: One day my license from MSN premium expired for Webroot spy sweeper( ~year ago), contacted webroot and they told me trouble with MSN servers so they gave me a new license. A few months later into my license, it just expired because of to many activation... Come to find out the license was good for 1 PC, while the MSN license was good for 2 PC..

After talking to there support and getting things cleared up, they gave me a new license, good for 1 PC and I should go talk to MSN about generating and assigning me a new key, if I want it automated and if I wanted on 2 PC. Otherwise I would have to contact Webroot every year to have the key renewed -_-...

So I call MSN and no surprise a menu full of options,  and the machine It checked my phone number and forwarded me to Verizon tech support... After going through there menus I finally get someone from tech support.

I explained to them that I have software through MSN premium and asked if they can generate or fix my current key/license  problem with Webroot.. The next thing he asked me to do was completely baffling!

He wanted to remote access my computer to see what the problem was.. WHY?!!! I have no computer problems and I just wanted the license issue fixed I told him what I told the webroot people. A year ago my Webroot subscription just expired and Webroot told me they had trouble communicating between MSN servers and Webroot servers. So they issue me a new key and I was hoping just to get a new key through MSN  members page that will renew itself every year rather then asking webroot every year to renew. The key as of now still does not work!

He made me install some sort of remote access software as I said fine whatever, I just needed a license fixed and I guess he wanted to see the expire notice. He contacted supposetly "MSN specialist and networking specialist"????????

After spending 2 hours not being able to remote access he told me that in order for them to continue they have to be able to see my screen first for some reason.. Again.. WHY!?

So after wasting 2.5 hours on the phone with them they gave me my manufactures phone number to call to see if I can get the remote access thing resolved! They gave me HP number...

How can something so simple as asking them to help with a key problem with MSN software give me such problems and waste so much time!! and why on earth do you need to REMOTE ACCESS SOMEONES COMPUTER! When it was clear it was a problem on there end and not mine.

So I wasted 2.5 hours today for someone who could not even do something simple as help me either to obtain a new key or at least fix my current key problem. If they couldn't solve it at least forward me to someone from MSN so at least I can talk to them rather then trying to get this remote access software up and running.

He made me go to safe mode with networking support, msn web browser test, reset settings etc.. trying to get the remote access thing to work -_- I did not need remote access I just needed someone to help with my license and key problem.

Also anyone know MSN support direct line or how I can contact an operator directly?! When I dial that 1-800 number it forwards me to verizon and apparently verizon staff have no clue when it comes to software through MSN..


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Re: my rant with verizon support
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2010, 12:02:35 PM »
MSN is not an independent ISP like Verizon, AT&T or Comcast.  I found this explanation:

Back when the World Wide Web was starting to get the public's attention, Microsoft had a "better" idea: The Microsoft Network (MSN), a centralised system they'd run, one that required Microsoft software - and subscription fees - to access. The public wanted access to the internet itself instead, so MSN has since been converted to a combination of Web sites and dial-up internet access, to make it more attractive. Microsoft uses their control of Windows to steer buyers into signing up with MSN when they first start their new computer, making it look like just another step in the setup process. They've even cut deals with stores to sign buyers up for MSN, whether you want it or not. You may save some money on the purchase price of a computer that way, but it'll cost you dearly over the coming years as you're contracted to pay Microsoft for it every month. Meanwhile, Microsoft gets a step closer to transforming the Web itself into their original vision of MSN: a pay system run by them. But you don't have to settle for a bad idea warmed over; you can get on the internet through an independent ISP and remain free to make your own choices.

This explains why they refer you to Verizon which is your telephone and/or DSL provider.  Time to dump MSN & Webroot, there is no added value to either one.


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Re: my rant with verizon support
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 11:23:27 AM »
Just dump webroot and install Microsoft Security Essentials. My IT department dumped webroot a few months ago after a bunch of people complained of malware on their computers.

harry 48


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Re: my rant with verizon support
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 11:29:36 AM »
Just dump webroot and install Microsoft Security Essentials. My IT department dumped webroot a few months ago after a bunch of people complained of malware on their computers.

 i agree , i use it and i like it



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Re: my rant with verizon support
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2010, 07:32:44 PM »



I don't really trust Microsoft for antivirus/firewall.  Win9x kinda ruined it for me.
I love .NET!


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Re: my rant with verizon support
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2010, 08:58:06 PM »
I don't really trust Microsoft for antivirus/firewall.  Win9x kinda ruined it for me.

What? in the 9x era they didn't have either.
I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


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Re: my rant with verizon support
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2010, 09:22:55 PM »
I actually have 3 security software on my computer, Comodo Internet Security, Microsoft Security essentials and Webroot Spysweeper. ( I have emsisoft free in the background as a second opinion but do not use it much only because when I run a scan it is super slow)

The reason for MSE is I trust there virus scan. It is much better and reliable then CIS antivirus. It(CIS) gave me plenty of false positive before and still giving me alot of false positive now. Plus it does not detect some viruses while MSE does. I gotta rely on there sandbox feature more then there actual virus scanner. I use to use there firewall before it was bundled with all the other stuff and I really like there old version of the firewall.

For Webroot, I only use there common adsense shield block that is basically it, it works but as for the efficeny of webroot preventing spyware.. Well I never know.. I never had a major spyware attack before. I use Opera web browser and if some sort of script pops up on my page I just click the stop executing script button then close out.

I also get free McAfee firewall and anti virus.. My experience with them has been ok.. I trust there virus scanner more then I truse CIS virus scanner, but not there firewall, and for the sake of having so many security software that will just contradict with each other I decided to skip McAfee..

I did call them up again today.. and they said that I need to go directly to MSN as they have access to my MSN account and settings.. However if I wanted to call them there will be a charge of $2.99 a min for a direct line... I said no thanks and I am going to forget about it then.(between putting on hold and changing settings thats like 30 min right there. Rather spend money on some other software then..

I did subscribe during the Internet boom to DSL or cable.. I chose DSL because.. well internet was new and we did not need crazy high speed. Just a internet connection so more then 1 person can be on at the same time without interrupting phone calls. Plus the other thing to consider was AOL dial up for $29.99 or DSL for $29.99..

 I am now debating on if I should get Fios its still pretty expensive in my opinion I was waiting for it to come down a bit before buying the 25/25 plan is currently $65 I was hoping more in the lines of $55-60 maybe in a few years when people in America realized that we need to expand our Internet infrastructure and to install faster lines then prices might come down...