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Author Topic: Best Gaming Laptop!  (Read 2020 times)

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Best Gaming Laptop!
« on: January 26, 2017, 08:17:55 AM »
Having $3,000 to spend i'm trying to see the best laptop I can get for up to that price or under. SSD would be required along with a high end graphics card of course, thank you. :)


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Re: Best Gaming Laptop!
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 10:08:26 AM »
Do you care about battery life or are you going to be plugged into an outlet when gaming?

My experience with gaming laptops are that their batteries dont last that long gaming and they require an outlet. Friend of mine has a gaming laptop and its like a space heater when playing games and the battery runs dead in about an hour of gaming if not plugged in. If your going to be plugged into an outlet and laptop is just preference as a space saver there are many power hungry laptops out there.

What screen size?
Do you want a number pad?
Any other features you want it to have?



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    Re: Best Gaming Laptop!
    « Reply #2 on: February 05, 2017, 03:14:48 AM »
    If you wanna a good laptop to use for years, I suggest Toshiba.


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    Re: Best Gaming Laptop!
    « Reply #3 on: February 05, 2017, 11:40:36 AM »
    If you wanna a good laptop to use for years, I suggest Toshiba.

    While I like Toshiba, but what you shared is like saying go with Dodge .... but not specific model which can lead a person to buy a wimpy Dart vs a powerful and fun Hellcat, and  the information shared so far suggests high performance with a large budget.

    Toshiba does have some that are spec'd for gaming such as this one, but with a budget of $3000 more info is needed from Kidryanpz to know that what is suggested is the perfect match to their needs. Here is an example of a gaming spec laptop that Toshiba has. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA6R44334981

    Years ago I was given a Qosmio and that was one solid and well built quality Toshiba. It was heavy and bulky and intended for being moved around at gaming parties etc. It was a very expensive laptop when it first came out around 2006 with TV Tuner and everything + dual hard drives and option for RAID 0 or RAID 1 for adding speed to load times of games - or- safety of data, and I was given it in 2011 when the display got lines through it from it getting sat on and it was 5 years old and the prior owner wanted newer and the Geforce Go 7300 GPU was no longer what it once was for performance with ever more demanding games. The Satellite that is linked above has good gaming specs, BUT, I have yet to see a Satellite that is a quality build. Its usually good guts but in a low cost lower quality laptop body. I have bought Toshiba's for myself such as the satellite and Tecra for business use/quality. I have only cooked and killed one Tecra years ago a Pentium M 1.6Ghz with GeForce Go 6600 when playing World of Warcraft on my company laptop and it was running VERY HOT, to where the fan was blowing out hot air and bottom of laptop was roasting hot as well. It blue screened on me and then it never turned on after that. 2 days old, i shipped it back as a DOA and was issued another of the same model, I didnt install World of Warcraft on the other one and only used it for work and it ran well when just used for work. I have had satellites such as one with a Athlon II M300 2.0Ghz and 3GB RAM Windows 7 320GB HDD which I used for 4 years for gaming and it played World of Warcraft and while it pumped heat out the side the bottom wasnt roasting hot and while I still have it the Radeon GPU in it just doesnt perform well anymore for what I play and so I have replaced it as my main gaming laptop. * Its a shame that the GPU falls behind in performance faster than the CPU as for the CPU had plenty of performance and if there was an ability to upgrade to a better mobile GPU i could have gotten another2 or 3 years out of it. **This is one reason why I prefer Desktop Computers for gaming,  its easy to upgrade CPU and GPU if needed or pair up an older CPU with a newer GPU and be able to get by with what you have if needed. As well as Desktop Computer Hardware performs better than Laptops because desktop computers can be power hungry, while laptops they have to be power conservative and this detracts from performance. Better performance is had in investing in a Desktop gaming computer vs a Laptop gaming computer.

    More info is needed before we can point out an exact model to suggest and maybe they want more than what Toshiba has for performance.