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Author Topic: Rename/replace  (Read 39381 times)

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    Re: Rename/replace
    « Reply #90 on: January 10, 2010, 08:56:16 PM »
    Doing  DIR /? gives the list of options.
    It states you give the file name first and follow with the switches.
    So why not try it the recommended way?
    Using a feature that is not given in the documentation is not wise, unless you have a reason for it.
     (So you just want to see what happens?)

    The result is still the same. I get the same error message.


    • Geek After Dark
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    Re: Rename/replace
    « Reply #91 on: January 10, 2010, 09:13:08 PM »
    Sorry that did not help.
    I am just shooting in the dark. That is why I am the Geek after dark.
    You need the /s to get all sub directories. -Right?
    Well, just move the DIR thing out of the for loop.
    I have been following this third, but get lost in the stuff. Do you really need recursion? Can you just use iteration?  Maybe I missed something.

    Could you just do DIR *.JPG /B/S >big-list.txt
    Then have the for loop precess each line in big-list.txt
    That way the for loop does not have to do recursion. I guess.



      Re: Rename/replace
      « Reply #92 on: January 10, 2010, 09:29:05 PM »
      I am not keen on using the recursion at all. I am just looking for a way to rename my files in many directories over many backup disks. In the process of renaming I need to remove/replace some strung from the file name.

      I don't need a full blown rbust solution. Just a way to reduce the manula work. The script works for a single directory and it renames the files correctly. Here is an idea a threw earlier today. I am reposting for easy reference.


      Since the basic code works for a directory I think the following idea might work. but I don't have the knowledge base to do the programming in shell.

      1. Parameterize the basic code, ie. pass the directory path to this script.
      2. Make another script to scan through the subdirectories recursively and when a it finds a directory call the first batch file (from point #1) with the directory as parameter.

      This code seems to rename files recursively. May be the gurus can tweak it to make it work with the above routine.

      For /r %%x in (*.jpg) do  ren "%%x" *.jpeg

      Notice the /r switch in the FOR clause for scanning the directories recursively.


      Sorry that did not help.
      I am just shooting in the dark. That is why I am the Geek after dark.
      You need the /s to get all sub directories. -Right?
      Well, just move the DIR thing out of the for loop.
      I have been following this third, but get lost in the stuff. Do you really need recursion? Can you just use iteration?  Maybe I missed something.

      Could you just do DIR *.JPG /B/S >big-list.txt
      Then have the for loop precess each line in big-list.txt
      That way the for loop does not have to do recursion. I guess.

      Salmon Trout

      • Guest
      Re: Rename/replace
      « Reply #93 on: January 11, 2010, 01:26:10 AM »
      Nobody gets any points for astuteness, perspicacity or just plain gumption here! None of you noticed that the OP posted the same number of error messages as there were files. Therefore, the problem was occurring in the loop, not in the FOR line which set it up.

      Also, nobody bothered (come on guys!) to type rename /? at the prompt and read the help, whereupon it would have become clear where the problem lies.

      Namely in the incorrect syntax being used with the ren / rename command.

      The syntax is

      Code: [Select]
      RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
      The code was doing this

      Code: [Select]
      RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 [drive:][path]filename2
      To give a concrete example

      This is wrong

      Code: [Select]
      Rename "C:\My Documents\My Pictures\My Meals\Cheeseburger105.jpg" "C:\My Documents\My Pictures\My Meals\Hamburger105.jpg"
      This is right

      Code: [Select]
      Rename "C:\My Documents\My Pictures\My Meals\Cheeseburger105.jpg" "Hamburger105.jpg"
      When you have to specify the full path of a file to rename, e.g. because it is not in the current directory, supply it once, before the present (old) filename and then supply just the new name (no path).

      It actually says this in the rename /? help

      Code: [Select]
      Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination file.
      Dir /s /b always produces a full path for each file, so you need to get at the drive, path, name and extension information using the FOR variable modifiers which you can read about in the FOR /? documentation

      Here is some commented code which (I hope) will make all this clear...

      Code: [Select]

      @echo off

      REM You need this because you are setting variables (and reading them)
      REM inside a parenthetical structure (a loop in this case)
      setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

      REM The /f switch tells FOR to treat the output of the command
      REM as a series of text lines to be processed
      REM I have changed the variable to upper case to make
      REM the variable modification clearer
      for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /s /b *_MG_*.JPG') do (

           REM If %%A is a file path and name (or just a filename)
           REM %%~dpA is its drive and path...
      set filepath=%%~dpA

      REM ... and %%~nxA is its name and extension
      REM Thus we have removed the drive and path...
      set filenameold=%%~nxA

      REM Modify just the name without path
      REM to get the new name
      set filenamenew=!filenameold:_MG_=!

      REM Give the Rename command the full path & old name
      REM for the file to be renamed, and just the new name
           rename "!filepath!!filenameold!" "!filenamenew!"

      Since we have now got up to 7 pages, I feel justified in having a moan about how standards are slipping here on CH. Somebody posts a question, somebody else (who shall be nameless) posts a partial solution, the OP tries it out, it doesn't work, and then a whole bunch of people just post guesses. Nobody read the command documentation; nobody tried specimen code.

      « Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 07:32:03 AM by Salmon Trout »



        Re: Rename/replace
        « Reply #94 on: January 11, 2010, 02:22:53 AM »

        Since we have now got up to 7 pages, I feel justified in having a moan about how standards are slipping here on CH. Somebody posts a question, somebody else (who shall be nameless) posts a partial solution, the OP tries it out, it doesn't work, and then a whole bunch of people just post guesses. Nobody read the command documentation; nobody tried specimen code.

        Hi Salmon,

        I just tried your code and it works like a charm. I cannot thank you enough for this.  It's definitely going to save a lot of time for me.

        Your attention to the details and understanding of the problem are great and I am sure you enjoy a healthy dose of success and satisfaction in your daily life. I wish you great success as well.

        I am a photographer and I know a bit about it. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you need any tips about photography.

        Great forums. Keep up the good work.

        Lifespan of one's residue is mostly determined by what one does for common good throughout one's lifetime.

        Best regards,