How to access PORTABLE MEDIA PLAYER with DOS command lines

Started by samz, September 03, 2012, 01:31:56 PM

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After plug-in a SAMSUNG Galaxy S or Galaxy S2 (by USB cable), I get a simple removable drive. This volume was accessible by MS-DOS command line or .CMD script. So I was able to use my MS-DOS script to backup/restore some files/settings in my smart-phone.

When I plug-in a SAMSUNG Galaxy S3, I get a PORTABLE MEDIA PLAYER. Inside this one there is a volume named "Phone" that I can access with Windows Explorer. But it doesn't look to be accessible by DOS command lines.

So, how to access "Phone" by DOS command lines?

Thanks and regards.

CONFIG: MS Windows7 SP1 Aero disabled

DOS script to check available volumes:
Call:GetVO "Drve"
REM ECHO.Drives  [%Drve%]

FOR %%f in (%Drve%) DO (
ECHO.---------------------------- %%~f
DIR /b/on "%%~f:\*.*"

ENDLOCAL&ECHO.&ECHO.Press To END ......&Pause>Nul&EXIT::________________________

::********************************************************** Get List Of VOLUMES
SET rv=%~1&::ReturnVAR
FOR /f "SKIP=1 Delims=" %%e in ('WMIC LOGICALDISK GET NAME') DO (
SET DVN=%%~e
IF /i NOT "%%~e"=="" (
IF /i "!LiS!"=="" (SET LiS=!DVN:~,1!) ELSE (SET LiS=!LiS! !DVN:~,1!)
SET %rv%=!LiS:~,-2!

[year+ old attachment deleted by admin]

Salmon Trout

If you can browse a file system with Windows Explorer, then it has a drive letter. Right click any file in "Phone" and see if you can see the path in the Properties dialog.


When ICS was developed, android was switched from using UMS to MTP.  This means it does not mount as a drive letter anymore.  Been a lot of discussion on the web about this already.


I think there is (or used to be) and option in windows media player to allow drive letter access. I know for sure iTunes has it with iPods; I might just be confusing it with that though  :-\.