
What is avipbb.sys?

Avira security suite system driver file.

Is avipbb.sys safe?

This avipbb.sys file is safe and should not be considered threat to your computer.

Overall threat: No
Spyware: No
Trojan: No
Virus: No

How do I prevent avipbb.sys from loading?

The avipbb.sys process is a security related process and should not be deleted or prevented from loading as it could comprimise the security of your computer. However, if you believe this security related utility is not needed, wish to free up system resources, or want it removed so another security related program can be installed uninstall the program associated with avipbb.sys.

Why is avipbb.sys using 100% of my CPU?

Many security related processes will use 100% of your CPU or a lot of memory while scanning your computer for threats. Often these scans can be canceled by right-clicking the icon in the Notification area and canceling the scan or rescheduling the scan.

Questions related to avipbb.sys

If you've recently been getting errors with avipbb.sys it's recommend you unisntall or re-install any programs recently that may have generated this error. If this does not resolve your issue or you have not installed any program recently try recovering Windows back to a earlier copy.

If this does not help try one of the other Computer Hope online help suggestions.

Where can I download avipbb.sys?

If you're getting missing avipbb.sys file errors or other errors with the avipbb.sys file we suggest that you re-install the program, uninstall and re-install a more up-to-date version, or check to see if any updates are available for the program associated with the file instead of attempting to copy a new version of the file to the computer. File errors are often caused by more than just a single missing or corrupt file and copying just one file could cause more issues.

avipbb.sys company


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Still want more information? Click here to open a custom Google search that queries only the top websites containing file and process information. If you're wanting to individually scan this file for a virus, use VirusTotal and upload avipbb.sys to have it scanned with dozens of different anti-virus scanners at once.

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A big thanks to CBMatt and Evilfantasy for their malware specialist assistance and everyone else in the Computer Hope community who has contributed to the development and testing of this tool. An ongoing discussion about this tool is found here.

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