How to open a PDF file on a smartphone

Updated: 03/06/2020 by Computer Hope
Open PDF on smartphone

To open a PDF (Portable Document Format) on an Android smartphone or iPhone, you must download a PDF reader from the appropriate app store. We recommend installing and using Adobe Acrobat Reader, PDF Viewer Pro, or Google Play Books. We use Adobe Acrobat Reader in the steps below.

Android smartphone

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone.
  2. Search for the PDF reader you want to use. For example, you can search for Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  3. Tap the Install option.
  4. Once installed, tap the Open option.
  5. Follow the instructions on your smartphone to sign up using your Google or Facebook account. You can also sign up for an Adobe account and sign in with your Adobe ID.
  6. Follow the screen tutorial to learn more about Adobe, or click Next, until the tutorial finishes.
  7. Navigate to the location of the PDF you want to view and tap that PDF.
  8. A screen pops up and asks which program you want to use to view the PDF. Tap Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe Acrobat Reader opens the PDF.

Now, anytime you open a PDF to view on your Android smartphone, by default, it opens with the PDF viewer program installed above.


  1. Open the App Store on your iPhone.
  2. Search for the PDF reader you want to use. For example, you can search for Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  3. Tap the Get option and go through the steps for verification.
  4. Once installed, tap the Open option.
  5. Follow the instructions on your iPhone to sign up using your Google or Facebook account. You can also sign up for an Adobe account and sign in with your Adobe ID.
  6. Follow the screen tutorial to learn more about Adobe, or click Next, until the tutorial finishes.
  7. If the PDF is not saved to the iPhone, open the app containing the PDF. Once open, tap the share icon (iPhone Share). Tap the Acrobat icon, then Import to Acrobat.
  8. If the PDF is saved to the phone, click Files and then On This iPhone.

Now, anytime you open a PDF to view on your iPhone, by default, it opens with the PDF viewer program installed above.