How to sign up for a PayPal account

Updated: 09/12/2023 by Computer Hope
PayPal logo

The PayPal service is well known for being a secure way to make payments online. It also has other features, such as peer-to-peer transactions, bill pay, digital wallet, currency exchange, and access to a credit account. To create a free PayPal account, follow the steps below.

How to sign up for a PayPal account

  1. Navigate to the PayPal website.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click the Sign Up button.

PayPal Sign Up button.

  1. Select an account type, and click the Next button.

Choosing an account type in the sign-up process for PayPal.

  1. Select your region from the drop-down menu and click the Get Started button.

Selecting a region during PayPal sign-up process.

  1. Type the e-mail address you want to associate with the account and click the Next button.

Entering an e-mail address durning PayPal account sign up.

  1. Type a phone number for the account and click the Next button.

Entering a phone number to associate with a PayPal account.

  1. Type the six-digit confirmation code sent to your phone number.
  2. Create a password and click the Next button.

Creating a password for a new PayPal account.

  1. Fill out your information (A), check the consent box (B), and click the Agree and Create Account button (C).

Creating a PayPal account.

  1. Eventually you must link a payment method and verify your e-mail address for security purposes.