Top 100 HTML color codes
Below is a list of the top 100 HTML color codes. If you're looking for a specific color code or color name, use the search found at the top and bottom of all of our pages to search for a color or code. If you'd like to see all colors sorted by colors and not rank, visit our HTML color codes page.
Top 100 HTML color codes
Below is a list of the overall top 100 HTML color codes based on visits.
Rank | Code | Color |
1 | #FF0000 | Red (W3C) |
2 | #FFFFFF | White (W3C) |
3 | #FFC0CB | Pink (W3C) |
4 | #00FFFF | Cyan or Aqua (W3C) |
5 | #0000FF | Blue (W3C) |
6 | #ADD8E6 | LightBlue (W3C) |
7 | #008000 | Green (W3C) |
8 | #000000 | Black (W3C) |
9 | #800080 | Purple (W3C) |
10 | #A52A2A | Brown (W3C) |
11 | #FFA500 | Orange (W3C) |
12 | #C0C0C0 | Silver (W3C) |
13 | #660000 | Red Blood |
14 | #800000 | Maroon (W3C) |
15 | #686A6C | Nardo Gray |
16 | #728FCE | Light Purple Blue |
17 | #FFFF00 | Yellow (W3C) |
18 | #34282C | Charcoal |
19 | #00008B | DarkBlue (W3C) |
20 | #00FF00 | Lime (W3C) |
21 | #454545 | Light Black |
22 | #E3E4FA | Lavender Blue |
23 | #808080 | Gray or Grey (W3C) |
24 | #7FFFD4 | Aquamarine (W3C) |
25 | #FF00FF | Magenta or Fuchsia (W3C) |
26 | #4EE2EC | Blue Diamond |
27 | #3B3131 | Oil |
28 | #FFCCCB | Light Red |
29 | #000080 | Navy (W3C) |
30 | #D3D3D3 | LightGray or LightGrey (W3C) |
31 | #2F539B | Estoril Blue |
32 | #C2DFFF | Sea Blue |
33 | #151B54 | Night Blue |
34 | #F8F0E3 | Off White |
35 | #29465B | Dark Blue Gray |
36 | #7BCCB5 | Blue Green |
37 | #95B9C7 | Baby Blue |
38 | #4B5320 | Army Green |
39 | #93917C | Millennium Jade |
40 | #FDBD01 | Neon Gold |
41 | #808000 | Olive (W3C) |
42 | #C9AE5D | Bronze Gold |
43 | #966F33 | Wood |
44 | #FFD700 | Gold (W3C) |
45 | #FFFF33 | Neon Yellow |
46 | #BCC6CC | Metallic Silver |
47 | #967BB6 | Lavender Purple |
48 | #9D00FF | Neon Purple |
49 | #835C3B | Brown Bear |
50 | #413839 | Black Cat |
51 | #1589FF | Neon Blue |
52 | #F5F5F5 | WhiteSmoke (W3C) |
53 | #F5F5DC | Beige (W3C) |
54 | #9F000F | Cranberry |
55 | #D16587 | Purple Pink |
56 | #52595D | Iron Gray |
57 | #FFFFE0 | LightYellow (W3C) |
58 | #1FBFFF | |
59 | #2C3539 | Gunmetal |
60 | #040720 | Black Blue |
61 | #CFECEC | Pale Blue Lily |
62 | #FFB8BF | Soft Pink |
63 | #4D4D4F | Dark Steampunk |
64 | #E8ADAA | Rose |
65 | #1E90FF | DodgerBlue (W3C) |
66 | #F5DEB3 | Wheat (W3C) |
67 | #C19A6B | Camel Brown |
68 | #E41B17 | Love Red |
69 | #C9C1C1 | Steampunk |
70 | #FAAFBA | Baby Pink |
71 | #C9C0BB | Pale Silver |
72 | #FD1C03 | Neon Red |
73 | #FFCE44 | Chrome Gold |
74 | #36013F | Deep Purple |
75 | #7D0552 | Plum Velvet |
76 | #20B2AA | LightSeaGreen (W3C) |
77 | #0C090A | Night |
78 | #0041C2 | Blueberry Blue |
79 | #357EC7 | Windows Blue |
80 | #FF7F50 | Coral (W3C) |
81 | #C9DFEC | Gulf Blue |
82 | #98AFC7 | Blue Gray |
83 | #6A5ACD | SlateBlue (W3C) |
84 | #9F8C76 | Dark Beige |
85 | #8C001A | Burgundy |
86 | #B4CFEC | Pastel Blue |
87 | #FED8B1 | Light Orange |
88 | #6D7B8D | Rat Gray |
89 | #34A56F | Earth Green |
90 | #FBBBB9 | Deep Rose |
91 | #82CAFF | Day Sky Blue |
92 | #15317E | Lapis Blue |
93 | #0000A5 | Earth Blue |
94 | #3A3B3C | Stormy Gray |
95 | #616161 | |
96 | #2E1A47 | Midnight Purple |
97 | #254117 | Dark Forest Green |
98 | #810541 | Purple Maroon |
99 | #FFFFF7 | Light White |
100 | #22CE83 | Isle Of Man Green |